Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1864: Recent status of Heavy Flame Federation

What Veneto said sounds very reasonable. If it is replaced by the former Lumuda, which is easy to be controlled by others, the unrealistically convinced Lumuda may also have a little win-win situation. Tempted.

   But now he has had a huge psychological transformation, the reason is that Kasin's generosity went to death.

If Mrs. Xiaomei's death made Xiaomeiqing's heart really strong, then Kasin chose not to resist the death in Lumu Tatsuya, and made the best arrangement for him to take over his work before he died. , That was a baptism of Lumuda.

He was the first person Lumuda also killed himself. This sounds incredible to the members of the Raiders, but Lumuda really did not personally end anyone in his previous mission. Life, otherwise he will not be called alien in the Raiders.

A progress is a transformation, and Lu Muda, who has taken this step, will naturally say goodbye to the stubborn self-ideal self in the past. Even if he is doing so under the pressure of Yue Zhong, he does not want to turn his sister back and have no choice. Move, but since it is done, it must be acknowledged and assumed its responsibility.

He always feels that he has done his best, and the world he is guarding is also developing in a good direction. He thinks that it is the result of his efforts... Until Lu Muda also saw the file that Kasin could only access, Lu Muda finally knows that someone behind her so-called ideal has been secretly correcting deviations.

   This made Lu Muda, who was willing to give anyone unconditional trust, also feel bursts of coolness. He understood that his personality charm is far from convincing everyone.

  Veneto, who always had a bad attitude and sneered at him, suddenly showed mercy and talked with him about cooperation, and Lu Muda would not accept it subconsciously.

   Although Veneto said it very well, she didn’t even need Lumuda to pay anything, as long as he became a barrier-free communication between himself and the admiral. This condition is much looser than others, but Lu Muda dare not accept it.

Veneto is indeed a mature ruler, and he can certainly give him a lot of valuable suggestions in the position of a mentor, but don’t forget that this is a ubiquitous plane, the most not lacking in this place is to control one or plural digits There is a difference between them, but there may be differences between them, but many places are in common. If Lumuda really needs such a ruler to teach himself something, he doesn’t need to be attached to Qi Xiaomeng. ?

Lu Muda also endured the confusion of Veneto behind him, and he finally entered the headquarters space of the Raiders, which finally got rid of Veneto's entanglement. The identity of the other party is not good at this place. .

   So Veneto could only stand at the entrance of the headquarters of the Raiders and watch Lumu Tatsuya's back disappear, and her immature but calm face showed a disdainful smile.

   "I want to know what Lumuda also did in the Raiders Major League."

After seeming a self-talking sentence, Veneto sat on the bench beside the road and waited for the news. She also spent more time in the pan-plane headquarters than Lumuda, not only established here He has also had a weak network, and he has also had a lot of dealings with forces that sell intelligence.

  It is far more efficient to give this task to those professionals than to do it yourself, although the price of hiring these people makes Veneto feel pain every time.

The president of the Chongyan Federation has not been too comfortable in recent years. The budget of the presidential palace has always been overdrawn by her. Until now, Veneto had to find out the old clothes he wore when he was with Yue Zhong. Because she couldn't afford to make new clothes, Veneto also gave up enjoying importing coffee she loved from other planes, but the high price of coffee, only to drink the production of Chongyan Federation.

The vast majority of the money was invested in the construction of the ship’s mercenary. The first group of warships who went to battle on the heteroplanes played their style and won the victory. The generous return not only allowed the heavy flame union to Coming out of the financial crisis caused by spending money everywhere has brought great benefits to related interest groups.

As the core of the heavy flame federal power, even if each shipowner has greater freedom than before, but they can’t live alone after all, there will be a profitable group behind each shipowner, the more selfless Then the more people who depend on their survival and development.

  In the case of development within the flames of the Federation is approaching saturation, more people need work and living space. So going out is inevitable, and winning prestige and immigration by helping to fight the abyss invasion may be the most effective method.

  In the past, the warships who fought to protect their homeland no matter whether they longed for war or not, in order to govern the survival of the people, they had to put on their uniforms and start a new journey in the strange galaxy.

It is undoubtedly that Veneto, who played a key guiding role in this, let her successfully transfer out the internal contradictions and use the wars to raise the cohesion of the Flame Alliance to a new height. The ship mother who had opinions on her finally understood what Veneto did.

   It is true that she always has Yue Zhong's position in her heart, and she has never concealed her selfishness, but how many rulers in the hundreds of millions of planes throughout the ages are completely selfless? As long as Veneto can meet the most urgent demands of the Even if it is guided by her, Veneto is an impeccable perfect ruler.

Her insights and pattern were cultivated by Yue Zhong, and no one in the Chongyan Federation could match it. Therefore, although the grand strategy she proposed received a lot of objections, she saw results after the tough implementation. Afterwards, some of the ship's mothers who were eager to replace them in their hearts also had to stand down.

The Soviet Union finally decided to leave the Double Flame Federation to become the supreme commander of the ship’s mercenary fighting abroad. The relationship between her and Veneto fell into the freezing point when she repelled the new round of the abyssal fleet’s attack. There is no repair, maybe this ending is already the best result for their cousins. The Soviet Union did not like Veneto's heart and mind was her admiral, even for the sake of damaging the interests of the Chongyan Federation, then not Together, we can avoid a lot of disputes.

With her efforts, the ship’s mercenary has become famous, and the finances of the Chongyan Federation have improved year by year. However, Veneto has not squandered himself, but only needs to spend money for the Admiral. unambiguous.

   It is natural to have a set of intelligence dealers who can stand on the pan-plane, and it is not the official agency of the pan-plane in Raiders. If you have a lot of eyes to find out about the news, it is not difficult.

   So soon Lumuda did what Veneto knew.


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