Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1866: Night Sky Feast

   would like to say that Veneto's look really can't match the title of lady, although her psychology is definitely quite mature. According to her appearance age, she should jump up at once, and then preach to herself with pride.

Reaching for Veneto to stand up, Lu Muda always felt very pinched. Fortunately, the other party did not intend to deliberately make things difficult for him. Lisuo stood up and took back his small hand, rubbing his neck while saying, "Please me Let's eat."

The restaurant that can operate in the pan-plane headquarters has a very high level of consumption. Veneto, who has been accustomed to reducing food consumption, has not consumed it here for a long time, and it is natural to catch Lumuda to exploit more value from him. come out.

"Okay." Lu Muda also smiled bitterly. He rarely spends on the pan-plane during the week. So he has accumulated some wealth in these years, but he is more like using this money to buy through legal channels. Something that works for your hometown.

Veneto did not mention letting him help Yue Zhong. Since there was no need to make a commitment to change the original policy aimed at Yue Zhong, there was a possibility of communication between them. Of course, Veneto would not speak to him without reason. This meal is the price.

   Lu Muda, who is in charge of diplomatic affairs at the Magic Girl Headquarters, has also not been overwhelmed. He must be mentally prepared for this, but more precautions are to remove Veneto's private goods that are mixed in the words.

The most luxurious restaurant on the Panplane is open in the sky, as if you can grab the stars with your tentacles, and you can look down at the sky feast on the sky. A variety of ingredients in the thousands of planes are cherished by the top masters. After cooking, it was presented on a table made of clouds.

  To avoid being told by Veneto that he did not understand the etiquette, Lu Muda also walked here with her in a glance and opened the cloud chair to let him sit down.

   The awakened wine is not the most precious wine here, but it is delivered in accordance with the requirements of Veneto. Carrying a wine glass that looks mysterious and deep under the starlight of the plane, Veneto is also as gorgeous as a dignified beauty.

   "The consumption here is not low, is your deposit enough?" Lumu Tatsuya's generous is somewhat beyond Veneto's expectations, so she said this way, "Don't take out the money at the checkout."

   "You can eat with confidence." Lu Muda also looked at Veneto's thin body, how much can she eat even if she let go of it? So Lumuda is not distressed at all, "but hope that what you said to me is worthy of this meal."

  Veneto nodded slightly, she understood the meaning of equivalence and exchange. People like her disdain to take advantage of others, and the loss of word of mouth cannot be compensated by any major benefits.

"The record in the Raiders has given you a lot of gains, so I don’t need to tell you how to do it. You won’t necessarily listen to these words." Veneto tasted a sip of red wine. Said leisurely, "Then continue the previous topic, you can continue to ask."

   Lumuda also has already prepared the question naturally: "You said that I messed up my world, how can I count it as stability?"

"I borrow the words of a ship's mother. Everyone should fulfill their duties. When everyone fulfills their duties, no matter how bad the policy can be implemented and perfected in the implementation, the information and appeals returned by the society will naturally be changed. It is combed into feasible rules, and stability can be achieved logically." After finishing a paragraph, Veneto’s thoughts moved a dish according to her needs and cut it into the dish in front of her. She just needed to take Just lift the fork into your mouth.

Which of the dishes that can appear here is not a rare treasure. There is no chance to enjoy Veneto in the Presidential Palace of the Federal Republic of Flames. Her face shows a cheerful look, and she likes to enjoy the fun of life. In terms of being able to eat the world's treasures is also a kind of happiness.

"The human qualities of earth civilization cannot meet this requirement. It may appear in a certain country in a certain period, but it cannot be maintained for a long time." Lu Muda also frowned, "I don't know what to do Do it."

Veneto maintained a stretched expression and said: "It is natural to break through from the front with only your own strength, and no one has been able to forcibly change the style of life of all people with their own strength. Force others to be like themselves. It is undesirable, and high-pressure oppression of others is not a long-term plan. From the perspective of the development of the entire civilization, it is usually slowly accumulated due to subtle changes and ideological progress, but there may not be shortcuts.

Speaking one sentence and eating one dish, Veneto wants to make every sentence worth the value of the dish: "Look at what is urgently needed by the entire society. It is common to bring the overall sense of urgency with the strong competitiveness and threat of local changes. An effective way, but you don’t know the real needs of those in your world right now. You think of the magical girl organization as a peer with other countries. This is equivalent to giving up your foresight and background. Now."

"No matter how much the wisdom of the people improves, there must always be a group of elites who stand higher and look farther to lead the way. You are the one who is attacking the major leagues. No one can compare with you except admirals. You are not selfish. You already have it, but you can’t let go of your hands and feet and always compromise for all kinds of things, so it’s strange not to be messed up.”

   Lumuda also nodded had already begun to realize this after the death of Kasin, and Veneto's words made him instantly transparent.

   is not undesirable to be kind to people, but before that he should not believe that everyone has good intentions, but to change everyone to let them have good intentions, and he has reversed the order.

   "Standing on a higher level, then you will find that the difficulties facing you at this stage are nothing, and as long as it is deployed with a concept that transcends its realm, it cannot escape the fate of being manipulated."

  How to create his own path is a big goal set by Lu Muda, so he will not ask Veneto how to do it.

   Lumuda's conversation with Veneto continued until Veneto was full and stood up: "I'm here today, I hope you will feel that this meal is not in vain."

   "Naturally doesn't..." Lu Muda also said with some entanglement in her heart, "Have you and I said what Yue Zhong once told you?"

Veneto raised an eyebrow and said, "First of all, you have to be clear, I respect the Admiral and like the Admiral, but this does not mean that I am his derivative. Furthermore, I will give you a free advice when you can put down the market to buy vegetables. You are only qualified to challenge the Admiral when you are generally careful about learning the atmosphere. Of course, you are only qualified."

   "I'm very satisfied with this meal and I'm leaving." Veneto turned eloquently and walked away.


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