Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1897: Returned Apricot

"How do you feel?" Sayaka asked curiously at Lumu Tatsuya who pushed himself to this position.

"...Sister Sayaka has worked really hard these years. I have also caused a lot of trouble for me and Kasin to fight secretly, right?" Lu Muda said heartily. "So I still don't understand some of your decisions. , But looking back at the past today, I can understand that those decisions are the best choice."

Sayaka said with relief: "I can realize that sometimes it is not just you, even Kasin will feel incomprehensible to my decision, so every time I will reflect on what I have done, right, and even my own ability. With deep doubt..."

Lu Muda suddenly took Shayaga's hand and smiled and said, "Sister Sayaka, there is no need to go on. From an ordinary junior high school student, you can reach the point where you are now. No one in the magical girl I know can do better than you. In fact, you can still sit in this position and carry on the business you want to do. There is no need to give it to me so early."

"Thank you." Sayaka waved her hand. "I've already figured it out clearly. What I like and excel at is still the frontline battlefield. Staying here can't bring out my greatest value. You can rest assured that when I am I will absolutely obey your orders after leaving office, and I think I can understand the difficulties."

Seeing that he couldn’t persuade Sayaka, Lumuda had to give up this idea. He didn’t want to stay here because the Raiders wouldn’t want him to do this. Once the two sides had conflict of ideas, they also It is very likely to bring unnecessary disasters to this world like Yue Zhong.

However, his sense of responsibility does not allow him to refuse Sayaka's proposal to give way. This is the pride of a person who is extremely confident, even if Yue Zhong is here, he will definitely fight for it.

"Go talk to your sister. I don't think she actually wants to keep a cold war with you like this." Sayaka pulled Lu Muda up and pushed out of the door.

Lumuda also looked back at the scenery when there was only a white cloak when the door was closed. After a helpless smile, he went to the canteen. Lumu Yuanxiang would eat in that place every day when he arrived at the meal. There will be no exceptions today.

While he was walking on the transparent promenade, a fiery figure suddenly came from behind, leaving Lu Muda with too little time to react and hung on his back.

The sweet smell of strawberry-flavored candy came from the tip of the nose, only to hear the attacker say: "Catch Xiao Da too, it has been so tall for a long time!"

"Sister Kyoko, you can come down first and talk well, so I am very heavy." Through these details, Lu Muda immediately confirmed the identity of the other party. In addition to Yue Zhong, who has completely turned his face, he is The older generations of older sisters are still quite modest and polite.

"What's the matter, do you still grow up to be a big man? Can't you still move me? I haven't gained weight even though I have eaten a lot lately!" Sakura Kyoko jumped off nagging, even knowing that the body as a magical girl is There won't be any changes, but he squeezed his stomach subconsciously to see if there was any extra fat that should not be there.

"It's not fat at all, why is it heavy!" Sakura Kyoko confirmed this and immediately wanted to jump to Lumuda's back, but this time it was also flashed by the defensive Lumuda.

After looking around and seeing that there were no other people, Lu Muda also asked, "Sister Kyoko, are you coming back alone?"

"Yeah, Sayaka suddenly gave me the news that there was something to discuss with me. I had to stop my original mission and come back to the headquarters." Kyoko smiled with a tiger's teeth, and she couldn't reach Lumu Tatsuya's shoulder. Looking at the outside world on the handrail of the corridor, "I haven't been back in a few years. The changes here are really big. I couldn't find many shops I used to know."

Lumuda also nodded secretly, thinking that this time Sakura Kyoko's return was because Sayaka was preparing for herself to make way for her. She was no longer a brash girl who had drawn a sword at the secret base, and did everything. Things have been able to take into account positive and negative effects.

Seeking as many Magic Girl consents as possible can make Sayaka’s concession smoother. Even if a small number of Magic Girls disagree but the number is too small, they can only accept this fact.

"Since the last time the Dark Apostles directly threatened the safety of the headquarters, security upgrades have been carried out. As the safest headquarters building in the world, if there are large-scale casualties, people around the world will doubt our ability. "Lumuda also stood next to Sakura Kyoko and pointed to the city in front of her. "Sister Kyoko, look, the buildings within a thousand meters near the headquarters have all been torn down and new buildings have been built with new composite materials. Each The buildings have 20% to 30% of the built parts constituting a three-dimensional defense, even if there is no magical girl sitting here, it can withstand the invasion of a modern army of 100,000 even if it is nuclear weapons at the headquarters The explosion above can also be safe and sound."

Sakura Kyoko's eyes expressed a startled look: "This is such a generous construction? But why do you tell me these things, is this what you plan to build?"

"Well." Lumuda also admitted this frankly.

"It seems that what Sayaka asked me to say wouldn't be too simple." Sakura Kyoko looked at Lumuda and said that she could prove that this has proved that the work of seven seas and eight thousand generations has been very effective. In the past, Kyoko didn't think that much.

To take over the banner of the magical girl, even the people in their group need to have sufficient abilities and influence to complete a smooth transition, not to mention a non-magic girl.

Even the construction of the headquarters' defense is not fully understood by Sayaka. Only Lumuda really knows all the details of it. If there is a chance to prove that its defense can withstand the attack strength of the designed scale, then naturally it is also Lumuda. The achievements made.

There is no longer any ordinary infantry combat unit in the modern army. Today, the scale of 100,000 people is a powerful force that can sweep the world 20 years ago. It is completely enough to build a defense system to this extent. If the headquarters of the Magic Girl were attacked by an army of more than 100,000 people, it also meant that it was going to the end of the road, and no matter how powerful the defense was, it could not restore the fate of its destruction.

"I've heard about Mrs. Xiaomei. Looking at you, I'm going to the cafeteria to find Madoka. Do you want me to accompany you?" Sakura Kyoko said with a smile, "Xiaoyuan if I'm here." It’s not good to say anything about you."

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The Return of Kyoko (Chapter 1/1)

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