Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1901: 1 night in the park

"The iron mouth is straight, the comer doesn't ask, and he doesn't need money!" After discovering that there were no natural enemies of fortune-tellers around, Yue Zhong raised the streamer high and shouted.

In this day and age, everything needs to be formalized. The well-mixed magic sticks have started small companies and rented stores to operate. A wild fortune teller suddenly ran out on the street, and few people would take it seriously. .

Because Yue Zhong suddenly shouted, frightened the grandmother who was carrying a child on the side and scolded on the spot: "Why do you have to come to Leha and poke me!"

The gray-faced Yue Zhong, who was sprayed with a spit of Sichuan dialect, thickly circumvented the grandmother and said to the curious little boy: "Children, did you take 98 points in the final language exam and 100 points in the mathematics?"

"Well! Uncle, how do you know?" The little boy replied immediately in standard Mandarin, "Then do you know when Mom and Dad can take me to the amusement park."

"I don't know how to speak to him. You old man, they will come back in two days." The old grandma glared at Yue Zhong and said to the little guy.

"Oh." The little boy listened to Grandma's words, probably because of the stricter tutoring from childhood. Although he looked at Yue Zhong reluctantly, he was dragged away by Grandma.

Yue Zhong lifted his hands and shouted: "Hey, his parents will arrive at the aircraft at 2 o'clock the day after tomorrow to 8 o'clock in the evening. If you let me say something, don't forget to patronize my business two days later."

"God poked." The grandmother scolded again and hurriedly took the child away, but she had never seen a fortune teller who dared to say so badly. Seeing that he did not want to cheat, so he paid attention to what he said. It will be fulfilled.

Afterwards, Yue Zhong arrested two passers-by to issue similar predictions, both of which were some minor troubles that would happen to them recently. Don’t worry about making money from them immediately. Yue Zhong is still very professional and ethical. I'm mentally prepared to come and find myself, instead of trying to catch their mental loopholes like other colleagues.

Because he is fearless, others always say that the opportunity should not be revealed, but Yue Zhong is afraid that it will not be leaked enough. In his ideas, God wants to make way for himself, and naturally there will be no awe.

Of course, taking long lines to catch big fish is also a risk. The penniless Yue Zhong can only open the sleeping bag on the dense branches of the park at night.

The police who came out to clean up the blind flow naturally did not think of a homeless man sleeping on the big tree, but Yue Zhong quietly witnessed a group of social idlers fighting in the park. He kindly called 110 to call the police, Unfortunately, no bonus will be given to him.

However, this picture gave him a new plan: "Fortune-telling to make a lot of money can be a good business for a while, if you can meet one or two wanted criminals..."

After the fighting person was caught in the police car, the park became quiet, but Yue Zhong was woken up by the little couple under the tree when he was sleepy.

"Is there any humanity, go to sleep!" Yue Zhong pulled out his sleeping bag angrily and hung his feet upside down on the branch like a bat and appeared in front of the little couple.

In the dark park, there was already a murky wind blowing, and a hanged man suddenly appeared in a tense and exciting meeting. That was a horror. A little couple screamed and ran away without accident, completing the prank. Yue Zhongxin returned to his sleeping bag with satisfaction.

In fact, it was very uncomfortable to let him sleep in the air in the beginning. Yue Zhong was floating without the focus, making Yue Zhong feel insecure. After losing sleep for several days, he re-adapted to this way of sleeping.

"No one will bother you anymore, right?" After turning to the last thought, Yue Zhong fell asleep like a silkworm...

After entering the summer in Chengdu, Chengdu ushered in a sultry sensation in the early morning. People who got up early to exercise in the park were awakened by the heat before Yue Zhong. The smelly sweat from the stuffiness made Yue Zhong uncomfortably drilled out of his sleeping bag. When he turned his head, he saw a strong man with a black plastic bag ready to throw it in the park.

The keen sense of the **** smell made Yue Zhongli immediately discover the abnormality of the black plastic bag. Is it really okay for the shattered corpse to be thrown away in such a bright age?

Yue Zhong, who was hiding in the canopy, quickly turned over his phone to check the wanted order issued by the police, and then compared the figure of the corpse thrower. Yue Zhong immediately determined the goal: "I just suddenly wanted a wanted criminal to let me report , I didn’t intentionally let him appear in front of me!"

However, Tian Yan was not completely controlled by Yue Zhong to a certain extent. He thought of whether he could meet a wanted criminal, so he immediately came to a wanted criminal, whoever wanted Yue Zhong really wanted it.

"110? Yes, it's me again, or the park. I found a wanted criminal throwing away corpses. Please send someone to come over immediately." This time the police wire was the male police officer who reported the fight, so Yue Zhongcai Would say so.

"What, you let me follow him and don't let him run away? The police uncle has a bounty of only 500,000. You actually let me die for 500,000?" Yue Zhong said after a moment of silence~www.wuxiaspot. com~ You have to add money! "

Maybe the guy who hasn’t heard about bargaining with the police after joining the job, the policeman on duty slowed down and explained to Yue Zhong: "Comrade, your request, I will apply to the superior, but please help our work to arrest this man as soon as possible. A serial murder suspect."

"Come on, I'll keep up first." Yue Zhong seemed to believe the other person's words. Lisuo tucked his sleeping bag into the backpack hanging on the tree crown, and then sneakily followed the strong man.

According to the only words and sentences recorded on the wanted order, the suspect is a serial murderer wandering around, and more information is not disclosed, but according to Yue Zhong’s own analysis, the other party must have a certain anti-tracking ability and in After committing crimes in one place, they will abscond immediately. It seems that the Skynet automatic passenger transport system has no deeper application, otherwise it will not take a lot of trouble to catch such a suspect.

Of course, even the strongest anti-tracking ability is a joke here, and let’s not say that once Yue Zhong’s own qualities have to track a person, unless it is blocked by advanced technological means, it is definitely a chase, even if he is only a Ordinary people, no one can escape his tracking when the system of Tianyan begins to operate.

"The target is moving towards the passenger station in the southwest...what, the specific location? Can't you locate my mobile phone signal?" Yue Zhong said it before he responded. "Oh, sorry to forget, my mobile phone can block tracking Don’t ask so many police comrades, I have a Xinxin restaurant on the left and a Dixie on the right. Note that the target has entered a Douhua restaurant. He didn’t come out and he seems to plan to leave from behind. I’m going to keep up. I'll contact you later."

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