Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1903: The suspect's past

ろろ⺗Fat 蛞蛧 is the most paid→→ωωω.㈢㈢χs.てoм』﹃Value Collection of Novels

When walking to the end of a street, Yue Zhong was surprised to find that the trace left by the wanted criminal suddenly broke off here, and then looked up to the sky and found that there was a small black spot flying constantly under the gloomy sky.

"I discovered the drone and used a vehicle to leave? It's easy to be caught by surveillance on the street. I don't know if you have a better way to avoid it." Yue Zhong suddenly had this wanted criminal. With some interests, he believes that he has never been discovered by the other party, but the other party's cautious and subconscious way of handling tracking is completely different from the quality of an ordinary criminal.

If it was not to avoid trouble, Yue Zhong now returned to the park to see how the bag of broken corpses was handled. The traces caused by a person’s use of weapons can allow him to speculate a lot of useful information about the other party.

Although it’s not too late to go now, it’s just that the police have already received a report and will definitely not ignore that bag of broken bodies, so Yue important is that it is inevitable that he will deal with it when he returns.

"Have you turned over the bag of corpses?" A message was immediately sent to the case team from Yue Zhong, and the correspondent who received the message hurriedly reported to the team leader.

"It has nothing to do with him." The team leader said in a cold voice, he didn't like laymen at all to criticize his work, not to mention the other party's identity is still a mystery, if it is really because of his influence led to arrest The failure of an operation is much more serious than the consequences of failure after you have personally directed the operation.

"Why don't you talk!" The correspondent didn't respond to his words at all. The leader of the management felt that his authority seemed to be violated, so he asked severely.

"Team leader, the other party said that there might be a simple remote alarm in the sack of corpse, which will be known once the fugitive is found, so we..."

"The team leader has found broken bodies in Shahe Park and has been sent to the forensic office for autopsy!"

The team leader frowned and asked subconsciously: "Is there anything else strange in it?"

"There is a Coke bottle cap with several wires and transistors inside."

boom! The team leader punched **** the table in the police center and scolded: "Damn, the detailed information about the fugitive in the ministry has not been sent yet, he must not be an ordinary criminal!"

"Could it be... the dark apostle?" A group member suddenly thought of a possibility.

"No, if it is a dark apostle, the magical girl sitting in the southwest area will definitely be aware of it. Maybe he was already caught when he committed the first corpse-breaking case." The team leader shook his head to deny this statement. .

Fu Wushuang's misfortune is not alone, and the crew manipulating the drone not long ago also reported bad news: "Team leader, after the drone searched the area and did not find a target that meets the standard, he may have hidden it. Now."

"Team leader, the whistleblower said the fugitive had already left the area by bicycle, but he would still go to the passenger terminal." The correspondent said immediately.

The team leader’s eyebrows are all twisted together. He has already caught a lot of fierce and cunning suspects, but like this alert and superb guy with the previous criminals, it can be regarded as one of the best. Experience tells him that trying to catch this criminal is by no means overnight.

If he continues to stay in this city, it is possible to catch his exposed feet, but according to the usual style of the suspect, he will soon escape to the next city after committing something in one place, which has caused the police to carry out The deployment failed, and the police at the new incident had to reorganize the clues and start the trouble of investigation.

The team leader did not know whether to believe the whistleblower who did not disclose his name and identity, and intuitively told him that the other party and the fugitive should not be the same person.

"Ask him why he can be sure that the suspect will still go to the passenger terminal when he has been alarmed." The leader of the tube who said this has actually retreated in his heart. He only hopes that this mysterious whistleblower will not interfere with it. Police action.

Soon Yue Zhong’s reply arrived. This time the team leader stood directly behind the correspondent and looked at the screen in front of her: “He was suspicious. I followed the traces left by him and found that he didn’t know that I was tracking him. He will still make a variety of methods to avoid tracking. When it is found that the police dispatched the drone and the body bag is opened, what he needs to do most is not to rush out but to confirm whether the police have known his Whereabouts, his route is not a secret. You can also catch and deploy at the passenger terminal. He can also think of it, so he will definitely take a look outside the passenger terminal. It is really certain that he will be natural after your police force is mobilized. Will change the abscond."

"Are you sure?" The team leader personally sent this question to Yue Zhong.

"The information sent by your superior has arrived, you may wish to look at his identity information, so that it is easier to understand my judgment."

While seeing the news, a team member walked in with an encrypted data machine and said, "Team leader, the confidential documents in the ministry have been delivered."

"Guan Buzhao, from City H, province 41, is a 41-year-old investigator of the auxiliary warfare unit of the Magic Girl in the former Hua District. He retired after a large-scale dress-up and disarmament of the auxiliary warfare unit six years ago. Investigative operation, 14 times participated in the operation of killing Warcraft. The criminal tendency was initially determined to be the operation of the meat grinder Warcraft 11 years ago. In this operation, Guan Buzhao and his partner strayed into the trap of Warcraft, as reported by the action report he wrote. He said that his partner was dismembered by the Warcraft's angels in front of him in that operation, and then he had psychological problems."

"Team leader!" The correspondent yelled The leader in charge of the document was staring at her after an excitement. The correspondent said timidly: "Reporter news."

"Is the team leader reading his information? We are trying to catch a top scout in the world. The difficulty is not as simple as you think, and I can tell you responsibly that his partner is not dead. It’s because he was dismembered by his own hands."

The team leader immediately looked around. He had enough reason to believe that the confidential information sent by the ministry was never known by an outsider. It seemed that only the people here could reveal the news to him.

"Don't look for it, it's all my guess. There is a dog behind **** Street who was killed by him after barking twice. You will send someone to deal with it. This dog died very valuable. When I went to the hospital, I could even put together a complete body without any missing parts. The muscles and internal organs were not damaged. The cutting technique of fat muscles and bones was also very professional. I heard a magical girl say that the dark apostle used this method specifically. Cut the victim, and then divide it into several strongholds to bring them back to life with modern medicine for live sacrifice, so you can even think of a way to resurrect this dog, and he is definitely a contaminated person. "

(м.③③χs.cóм=Old iron, please remember for a second ㈢③尛裞网)

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