Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1908: The fortune-teller who disappeared

ろろ⺗Fat 蛞蛧 is the most paid→→ωωω.㈢㈢χs.てoм』﹃Value Collection of Novels

No matter how reluctant in his heart, Guan Buzhao was eventually hypnotized by Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong learned many things when he was idle, not to mention nothing impossible under the blessing of Tianyan. Even if he forcibly hypnotized a fugitive who was extremely nervous with his own accomplishments, he could do it.

The speed of the police approving the reward is quite fast, because the situation here is reported to the superior and the police senior who has no experience in this area does not want to take any responsibility, so that a major case that should be worthy of celebration becomes the source of accountability.

After issuing a password to all policemen, the police decided to do everything in accordance with the procedures. Originally, they were also obliged to ensure the safety of the whistleblower, so even if they did not disclose any information about him, it was justified.

As soon as nothing happened, the people with a sense of justice reported the wanted criminals, and the police bravely arrested the real murderer of the serial murder case according to the clues provided by him and gave the reporter a bonus. All cases are so good.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the stock in Yue Zhong's stomach was almost digested. When the stomach was hungry, the police on the other side of the iron gate said: "The reward has arrived, you can open the door, comrade. Sign it up?"

"It's not a courier, what's the sign? You put the money in the door slit below. I confirm that there is no problem and let you come in to receive the criminal you want." Yue Zhong said angrily, "Move me faster Also hurried to eat."

The police were also irritated by Yue Zhong's play, half-pile and half-pile stuffed the money into the cracks of the door, Yue Zhong immediately took it and counted it and put it in his backpack, waiting for all the rewards to be received, Yue Zhong made a simple delay device with fish line, stone and iron bar stuck in the door, and then said to the police: "Well, you can come in five minutes later, and look forward to the next cooperation with the police."

"We can't expect anything at all." Almost all policemen thought at the same time that this whistleblower's ability is indeed unprecedentedly powerful, but his temper is also unprecedentedly weird, and long-term cooperation with such a guy It must be a few years of life.

When I was idle before, Yue Zhong transformed the suspended sleeping bag, grabbed the transformed sleeping bag and jumped from the roof fence. After floating a few floors, he hung it on the window of a family and drilled into it. .

When the stick that stuck the door handle fell to the ground, the policemen who waited for a long time rushed in, but they found no one other than the wanted criminal who was copied on the water pipe, and the wanted criminal also had a wide heart. Sleeping.

"Wake up!" A bottle of ice water poured on Guan Buzhao's face. The police were not at all rude to the suspect in this serial murder case.

Guan Bu woke up with a shocking spirit, and before he understood what was going on, he was held wide and grabbed his neck and asked, "What about that guy?"

"I don't know." Guan Buzhao said with a lip, but of course he really didn't know.

"What does he look like!"


Opening the door and walking out calmly, Yue Zhong thought that Guan Dekuan might be unwilling to send a policeman to guard the exit to check his ID card, but he didn’t see a policeman until he left the building. Think about it. It came to understand that since the superior did not want to grow a branch outside the festival, he would not allow Guan Dekuan to continue to pester himself.

Of course Guan Dekuan, who failed to catch Yue Zhong's hair, was unwilling to give up in this way. After failing to ask Guan Buzhao for any useful information, he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction and worry to the superior.

"I think the whistleblower must be searched. Although he did not commit any serious crimes, it can be seen from this operation that he has a serious criminal tendency and has a strong execution ability. Let such a person wander It is an extremely dangerous thing in society!"

"Team leader, I can understand your feelings, but once such a matter of investigating a whistleblower for no reason, what will the whole society think of our police? We can't even grasp the identity of a whistleblower, Who can rest assured that the safety of society is in our hands, and who would dare to provide clues to the police after doing so, do you know how much social impact it will cause? Do you know? If we take the whistleblower even if we look for it, What if he comes out and accuses him of threatening the police and accusing him of obstructing his official duties? Article 277 of the Criminal Law who uses violence or threats to prevent the staff of state organs from performing their duties according to law shall be punished with imprisonment, detention, control or fines of up to three years. Even if you After sending him in for three years, will he be rehabilitated..."

After being reprimanded by his own leader, Guan Dekuan changed his clothes, unhappy, and prepared to take a bus to Chunxi Road to relax.

After finding a restaurant and eating bowl of noodles, the time was already in the evening. Many citizens were walking on the prosperous streets. Guan Dekuan vaguely heard someone discussing a fortune teller.

"It’s a god. Do you know? The blind fortune-teller I met last night said that my husband would excuse me for a meeting this evening but he went to health care. He also told me the exact time and place. Just now I used to grab a straight one, and now I'm letting my husband kneel and wash the board at home.

"I've seen the blind man you said, but I don't think he was blind at all, and he walked around when he encountered obstacles without a walking stick or pestle."

"Maybe someone really counts? No, I still have to ask him to help me calculate the trend of the stock today, for this I can bring 20,000 yuan."

" You are not afraid of being targeted by thieves."


Guan Dekuan had never heard of any fortune teller on Chunxi Road before. This guy seemed to pop out of a stone suddenly. After a night, many people knew him and said his predictions. Very accurate.

Dad gave him the name he seems to know that he naturally likes to do business, not to mention Guan Dekuan feels that this fortune teller is similar to the mysterious reporter in many places. If it is really like what the public said Xuanhu, he seemed to take everything for granted.

To this end, Guan Dekuan ran to Chunxi Road for three days in a row, just to find the whereabouts of the fortune teller. Even if he had nothing to do with the whistleblower, he might as well let him count for himself, but three days of squatting Doomed to return without merit, the fortune teller never appeared again.

The reason is naturally very simple. Of course, Yue Zhong after receiving the reward does not need to continue his own money-making plan. When Guan Dekuan was still on his side, Yue Zhong had already bought something and embarked on a journey to the Tibetan area.

(м.③③χs.cóм=Old iron, please remember for a second ㈢③尛裞网)

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