Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1920: Outside the situation

㈢ろ⺗裞蛧 is more salary-paying→→ωωω.ろ㈢χs.てoмValue Collection of Novels

Shaojun finally arrived in the Imperial City. He led Wan Qi along the way, allowing them to maintain their leading edge like speed and pace, and then he went to the palace gate that became famous in one battle.

That night he was here to kill the **** corpse mountains, and the world masters from the power minister Tu Fu snare became the soul of Shaojun's sword. The reputation of the world's first swordsman was never blown out.

Shaking this sword to test the world's courage, Shaojun has never regarded the imperial power as an object of awe. The emperor often has to go to him in person to find him.

But today he came, because he is a swordsman and a knight, as well as a knight who is not a surname but a world, at least for the innocent souls of Bai Yujing. Must come.

The increasingly majestic emperor finally did not continue to put on the shelf. On the contrary, he acted very shameless to the king, leading the civil and military officials to greet him behind the palace gate. The grand scene under the dragon flag was as if a celebration was being held. .

"Mr. Shaojun, are you finally willing to come?" The emperor greeted him with all his arms, but Shaojun did not move after entering the palace gate.

"Aren't you supposed to know that I will definitely come?" Shaojun asked indifferently. He knew that a king who wanted to unify the human world lacked the art of magic, but he felt uncomfortable when this kind of thing was put on himself. People like him think that they are no longer humans in the world. They used to aspire to be outside of heaven, but now that they know that there is nothing outside of heaven, then they yearn for the outer world. No one ever thinks that they are just Belongs to this world.

There is not only one human civilization that is dominated by personal force, but many similar earth civilizations are like this, except that those who have stepped beyond the heavens and even crossed the 10,000 star rivers have not been able to turn up any waves. There are small groups of small schools and small factions, which are only insignificant sandstones in the sea of ​​planes, and can never be compared with the pan-planes in the middle of the pillar.

Shaojun, he could not see this, but the emperor thought: "Mr. Shaojun can tell me who that woman is?"

"I don't think you called it this way." Shaojun corrected the emperor's words with careless words, "because she is Li Xiaobei's teacher."

"Oh, that's what it is." Although the emperor was a little surprised, he didn't change color because he guessed more or less that when the death of the emperor was presented to him, he had already judged it and was able to tell There is no one in the world who can decompose to this point, and neither can Li Xiaobei. "If there is a teacher, there should be a master. I want to see him."

In today's era of male power, even with figures such as Chuan Luobai and Lianhua, most women are still not valued. The emperor is willing to admit that Li Xiaobei is a magnificent and strange woman, but he still does not think that all women will be as brilliant as her, and can teach Li Xiaobei’s genius and unruly master. He really wants to see him. .

Shaojun looked at the emperor strangely, and he had no such idea, because he used to sit with him and talked about Chuanluobai or Lianhua. He did not think that women were worse than men.

"Master is not here."

The emperor frowned, and immediately smiled and said: "Well, since it is Xiaobei's sister, I should also go to visit in person."

The **** beside him said that he would retreat to prepare for the celestial ceremonies, but his response was also expected by the emperor: "No need, see the elders to be courteous and courteous, and I will walk on foot."

The emperor thought that he had behaved modestly enough, even if it was a little rude before, it should be able to be recovered here.

The chopsticks held by Xiao Meiyan slowly went down. She had no interest in seeing the emperor. Before seeing him, he didn’t dare to force Li Xiaobei to be afraid that he might be scratched. It wasn't that he was so thick-skinned after the girl in his heart.

Do you want to come to see me, did I agree?

"It's a pity that this table has exquisite meals." Xiao Meiyan could not finish this table before the emperor should arrive, so she would inevitably feel sorry.

What makes Xiaoyan unhappy is that the emperor is so thick-skinned, he will stay in Bai Yujing again and he will try his best to meet himself, so his plan is disrupted, so he should be gone.

Those who are willing to find them or those who are destined to meet each other will have no opinions. But with those who should not have thoughtful calculations and deliberate temptations to plan their own people, Xiao Meiyan does not want to get a bit of causation.

The white jade-like chopsticks are placed on the transparent porcelain bowl of celadon like water.

It took the emperor enough time to walk downstairs under the guard, only to hear that the other party disappeared without a trace, and his face became somber.

Because the emperor never thought he was not worth mentioning in the other party's eyes. This is like calling a salesman who sells you things. If you want to take care of him, you can say a few more words. If you don't want to take care of him, just hang up the phone, but you don't plan to buy any of his stuff anyway.

"Mr. Shaojun can tell me why, can I be rude?" The emperor frowned at the Shaojun beside him. "I didn't know her identity before, so I was abrupt. Is it possible that someone who doesn't know is also guilty?" "

The Shaojun said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid this is your wishful thinking. The accepted truth in the world may not be her truth. This person...If you don't pay attention, you won't get it."

"By the way, she told me Master Li Xiaobei last night, that should not be a character who is famous for martial arts, but she only has wisdom in her mind, otherwise Li Xiaobei will not be willing to be his apprentice. I don’t even dismiss Luo But I prefer to believe that most of Li Xiaobei’s skills are taught by her teacher.”

If it is not a famous teacher, it is difficult to be a high disciple.

The emperor took a deep look at Shaojun. He didn't know if the other party deliberately hid this sentence. He said it after Xiao Meiyan had left.

Some unscrupulous people ordered to go to Xiao Meiyan's place to check the situation. When he came back, he immediately asked, "Is there anything left?"

"Your Majesty, the other party did not leave any information." The guard who went to investigate said cautiously.

"Is there nothing?" The emperor couldn't help but took a step forward. If not so many eyes now, he would like to put down the shelf and go up and see for himself.

"...The other party has enough money."

After hearing this sentence, Shaojun laughed first, Xiao Meiyan did a great job, this is a trace of cause and effect do not want to stay.

м.③③χs.cóмOld iron, please remember for a second ㈢③尛裞网)

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