Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1949: Lawyer and police

The Xiaomei family of lawyers that the police officers from outside the field never missed were of course not idle at this time. When they first knew about the Meiyuan case, they all rushed to Tokyo and began to look for favorable evidence. Only one liaison was left. In Xiaomei Manor.

Just like the group of teachers who taught Xiao Meiqing and Lumu Tatsuya, at this stage, it is to teach knowledge and skills to Xiao Meiyuan's homework team as the main task. Xiao Mei's family spends a lot of money to support them on weekdays. When it’s okay, they don’t limit their freedom to do their own things and improve their abilities, but they must stand up at the critical moment.

Xiaomei’s lawyers and tutors are among the most outstanding people in the same profession in the world. Perhaps they do not represent the highest level in the industry, but any one of them is either a well-known professor in a university, or It is a gold lawyer who is undefeated in a certain field.

Such a group of guys with professional vocational skills do not need anyone to give any instructions at all, they will start to deal with things as soon as they know they need them, unless Yue Zhong or other Xiaomei family principals let them stop Down.

Now Yue Zhong has not returned home, only Xiao Meiyuan’s mother keeps asking and urging them to find ways to help Xiao Meiyuan get rid of the crime. This is obvious to the lawyers who are extremely clever. Expose.

The owner was not at home, but he did not say that letting them ignore Xiaomei was far from being ignored. Naturally, it was their responsibility to acquiesce in their current behavior, to defend the members of Xiaomei's family or to sue according to their requirements.

Today, Mrs. Xiaomei is a person with different legal affairs, so they don’t have to work around Yue Zhong when they see the Takihara trial. The person in charge of the lawyer’s team can simply assign tasks as the core of the organization.

Thirty-six hours after Xiao Meiyuan was arrested, the chief lawyer, who had obtained most of the information, returned from Tokyo to meet Takihara and applied to the Metropolitan Police Department to meet with Xiao Meiyuan.

He knows the temper of this young master very well. If caught, Xiao Meiqing might not be able to withstand the pressure from the police. He told the truth, but Xiao Meiyuan was able to do it in 36. Nothing to say in an hour, so that lawyers can get some time to make them less passive.

Of course, if the time is long, it is not good. Even if there is no police torture to force confessions in the detention room, as long as some uncomfortable means are used to exert psychological pressure on Xiao Meiyuan, Xiao Meiyuan is not good at forbearance. It won’t take long for the psychology to collapse and the police to interrogate.

The lawyer saw that the client was in accordance with legal procedures, but he encountered some troubles here.

"Mr. Lawyer, the police has decided to **** Xiao Meiyuan to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department where the incident occurred, so it is not convenient for you to meet now." The chief lawyer who blocked the interrogation work was Xiao Meiyuan. Senior police, although most of the opponents of lawyers are peers or prosecutors, they also deal with the police many times.

The chief lawyer combed his neat and shiny hair. Even if the servant rushed back to see Takihara, he could not see a trace of tiredness from him. He still said vigorously and eloquently: "I have no right to make any decision by the police. Interference, but it is too unreasonable not to allow me to meet with the client and transfer my client without authorization in the case where the case is still unclear. I have the right to inform the media and the procuratorate of these matters."

"I know that you have investigated a lot of things in Tokyo during this time, so I will wait for you to appear, and then ask you." Compared with the chief lawyer of Fengcaizhao, it took a long time to accompany Xiaomei Yuan The senior police officer was wearing a pair of dark circles, but the two were facing each other, but the invisible gas field did not let it go halfway. The police first extended a hand to the lawyer: "Higashi Higashikawa, Chief Inspector of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Now, I hope to transfer the suspect to the Tokyo metropolitan area where the crime was committed to continue to interrogate and investigate. Does Mr. Lawyer agree?"

"Jiang Haihe, fortunately." The chief of the lawyers group is a Chinese person. He reached out and shook hands with the Chief Inspector of Dongchuan before he forgot to fill in a bronzing business card.

"It turned out to be Lawyer Jiang, who has been admired for a long time." Dongchuan police inspector's remarks are not against his heart. The famous barrister of the country is famous even in country J, but he has not been in country J. As a member of the Xiaomei Family Lawyers Group, no one in the Metropolitan Police Office has dealt with him. "When did Mr. Jiang, who specializes in free defense of major cases, also belong to the Xiaomei Family?"

"In the second year after seeing Takihara trial, when Mr. Yue Zhong and Miss Qing traveled to country C, we happened to meet. I really like Mr. Yue Zhong’s person and his deeds, so I agreed when he sent me an invitation. "Jiang Haihe knew that his opponent in the first half of this time was probably the chief police officer of Dongchuan, so he calmly communicated with each other.

In the eyes of Dongchuan police inspector, a playful meaning flashed in his eyes: "Is it true that a character like Lawyer Jiang would also be willing to pay for money?"

"What's the meaning of Dongchuan Police I can't fight for free for others all my life, then my family and my family will starve to death." I won’t be angry because of this, “I can’t refuse Mr. Yue’s salary, and he doesn’t need me to do anything on weekdays. I can freely do what I want to do. Exactly what I need."

Dongchuan Dawu snorted: "Even if he is defending a little **** who doesn't do evil? If he goes out a year earlier, he will have another year to harm others, does Mr. Jiang have no sense of justice in his heart?"

"The Chief Inspector of Dongchuan seems to have misunderstood something. Maybe as a police officer, I really hope to see a big and ridiculous eradication of all evil, but from the perspective of a lawyer, there is nothing good or evil in my eyes In general, ordinary people need people like us to do justice for them, and having money does not mean that they made a mistake and deserves unfair responsibility. If you think this is wrong, you should apply to cancel the suspect. I can ask a defense lawyer for this procedure. I have paid for my work, and that's all." Jiang Haihe's remarks were upright and stable, without giving Dongchuan Dawu a chance to continue provocation.

"Very good." Dongchuan Dawu took a deep look at Jiang Haihe and said one by one: "So can I transfer the suspect to Tokyo?"

Jiang Haihe said happily, "This is the power of the police, but I hope to meet my client before that. Dongchuan Police will grow up with peace of mind, no matter what my client and I have this time. Communication will not prevent you from taking him to Tokyo."

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