Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1967: Follow me back to the Flame Alliance

The kind of silent years when looking at each other with a smile is more memorable than the world the Admiral gave him.

It seemed to Veneto that the temperature on the Admiral had been so close to the last time for centuries. The long-lost hug was so bitter and tearful.

But Veneto knew he couldn't cry. The Admiral took his hand and sent him all the way to the position of the President of the Union of Flames. He never wanted to see him cry.

So she left Yue Zhong's arms a moment later and stood in an impeccable posture as a military salute: "The battleship ship mother, Vittorio Veneto, reports to the Admiral."

The first time I saw this little adult-looking Veneto, Yue Zhong was as interesting and funny as everyone else, but the more deeply she understood her personality and personality, she could slowly discover that her maturity Her pride is not pretending to be her aesthetic. The small body dressed up as an adult is not for curiosity and attention. She only grows little in appearance, and has already possessed the spirit of matching it in her heart. .

Yue Zhong did not ignore the solemnity of Veneto at this time, and he quickly stood up and returned to a meticulous military salute.

After both hands let go, Yue Zhong said helplessly: "I know you will come to VV, but I really don't want you to come."

What the Admiral said was not that he didn’t want to see himself, and Veneto, who had started his military career since childhood, would not be cranky. She knew that the Admiral just didn’t want to intervene this time.

"I don't want to see the Admiral when I have a chance. I don't give up anyway." Veneto's eyes looked at Yue Zhong's eyes without hesitation.

"They are all presidents, how can they be so self-willed." Yue Zhong stepped out of the back of the desk and came to sit in the chair in front of him: "Please sit down. I'm actually very happy to see you coming. "

Veneto hesitated for a moment before stepping out, the melancholy between her eyebrows was lingering except for a moment of relief when she was leaning on Yue Zhong's ecstasy.

Sitting in the position closest to Yue Zhong, because the chair here is relatively tall, Veneto’s feet can’t reach the ground, so it is swaying in the air. Even so, she still sits upright deliberately, unlike before. In the wooden house by the sea, I like leaning on Yue Zhong as much.

Neither of them talked about this time because they both knew that the result could not be changed, so they didn’t have to waste time on it.

"Admiral, why didn't you see Xiaoyan's sister, did you choose this world as your place of detention just because of her?"

She still hadn't figured out whether to ask if she had something in her heart, so she picked some unimportant words and paved the way.

Yue Zhong turned his head to see that Veneto was also leaning his head and looking up at himself. The life of the president for more than a decade did not change the silvery white soft face, because of the origin of the skin. It is also fairer and whiter than the Orientals. Since the day when she became a shipgirl, her body will not continue to grow like a magical girl. The only thing she will change is the emotions and thoughts contained in the red pupil.

"She went to school in the field, and I'm not going to let her come back at this time." Yue Zhong and Veneto lost a lot of intimate behaviors, and they were both unsuited to each other while carrying each other.

"Fortunately, she is a happy girl, let her be happy if she can." Veneto nodded in understanding, just because of the very different bumpy years of an ordinary girl, she also found this calm precious. She wouldn't ask if she was an unrelated person, but since she was Homura's sister, Veneto would only be happy for her.

Yue Zhong looked at Veneto for a long while with a smile, until Veneto was uncomfortable and asked again: "Admiral, what do you look at me like this, is there any problem with my makeup today?"

"It's good, but my eyebrows are a little lighter, but I don't have eyebrow pencils here, otherwise I'll help you make up." Yue Zhong is usually doing nothing, and the things he touches are all kinds of things. Ever since Xiaomei Qing learned to make up Hou Yuezhong was interested in this aspect, and now he is not just a stage where he can comb his hair.

A hint of expectation flashed in Veneto's eyes: "There must be a chance in the future."

After seeing Veneto, Yue Zhong seemed to have no tension at all. It was easy to talk about how easy it was to laugh, and even Veneto felt a lot easier. She did not lose her confidence in her admiral. No matter how difficult the admiral was, she could calmly and calmly deal with it. Now, she has not reached the point of betting her life.

"Knowing that you will definitely come, I have prepared some gifts for you." Yue Zhong's current situation is that other people can't bring prohibited things from other worlds to him, but he wants to send others things but there is no problem. Who will Do the inmates in the jail pinch a clay figurine and give it to the visitor?

Veneto looked at Yue Zhong with three points of curiosity and seven points of expectation. He walked to a cabinet and turned it over. Finally, he found a box of beautifully packed coffee beans and a thick stack of manuscripts to get in front of himself~www Doing so many things must make the budget of the Great Presidential Palace popular? Even if you are a big president, VV may not be able to buy imported coffee beans from other planes. Although this is not a good thing for me, it is at least the best in the world. It is also based on the taste of VV. Nurtured. "Yue Zhong put the box with coffee beans in Veneto's hands and looked at her expression."

Unsurprisingly, Veneto was more interested in the manuscript in Yue Zhong’s hand, and she would not be willing to drink the coffee beans that Yue Zhong gave her, so the intention contained in it was the same as any gift that Yue Zhong gave. There is no difference in the value of but the things on the manuscript can be seen.

Yue Zhong did not continue to hang Veneto’s appetite to introduce: "Xiao Qing especially likes to read comic books when she was a child. It was just during that time that I was doing nothing in the village and I thought about drawing a comic. The young story finally decided to draw this. Its name is called "Space Battleship Veneto."

After listening to the last sentence, Veneto stood up and was very excited but deliberately and patiently took the trembling hand to take the manga in Yue Zhong's hand until he saw the words written on the cover. Down.

She has always had that unrelenting obsession with the Admiral, but Veneto is really a little afraid that the Admiral will be away from herself after too long, and the appearance of this manuscript represents There has always been a place in Admiral's heart.

What is there to worry about...

"Admiral, follow me back to the Federation of Flames, I have applied for the qualification of the Jurisdiction Court, as long as you can get it, you can go to me." This is what Veneto was afraid to say at the beginning. .

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