Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1972: Cherish each other

Xiao Meiqing didn't think so far, so she could not sleep tossing and turning in bed all night.

Even though it makes no sense to know that you are worrying like this, the more you force yourself to fall asleep, the more you will wake up, and finally you will feel like you are about to fall asleep.

When her eyes were closed and her mind slowly calmed down, she only vaguely saw a picture: the group of uninvited guests finally decided to take him away after staying in the old house with their brother-in-law for a day and night. It didn't work to block it. Seeing that her brother-in-law was going to disappear from her own life, Xiao Meiqing suddenly felt something in her heart was affected...

Then she woke up from this nightmare, watching the world in her eyes become a scene interwoven with black and white colors, and all the movement stopped in her eyes.

This strangeness did not make Xiao Meiqing panic. Instead, she felt that this scene seemed familiar, and before she could remember it seriously, the world of black and white was refilled with colors. The sunlight had spilled into the room from the window sill and the breeze was rolling. The white curtains fluttered lightly.

"It's dawn..." Xiao Meiqing suddenly realized that this was not the usual morning and she could have some time to let her sit in a daze.

After hurriedly putting on her clothes, she didn't have time to comb her hair and left the door towards the old house, where she unexpectedly saw Veneto who had been waiting for some time.

The other party didn't run out like he did without trimming. Her clothes were mature and neat, her hair and accessories were all taken care of meticulously, and she had a light makeup on her face.

"Veneto, good morning." Xiao Meiqing greeted with a low self-esteem. She found herself in a vague manner like a wild girl in front of Veneto, without her grace and calmness, without her calmness, more Not as calm and strong as she is.

"You are too early." Veneto smiled slightly. "Did't you sleep last night?"

Xiao Meiqing quickly nodded and said, "I'm going to fall asleep when it's dawn, and then awakened by a nightmare. Veneto, you seem to have a good rest."

"I drank some wine last night and fell asleep when I went back to the room," Veneto explained. "Admiral, he doesn't like you to drink a bar now, so I didn't tell you."

"Well...Is there still no movement from my brother-in-law?" Xiao Meiqing didn't care about these things. Veneto asked him about the situation in the old house early.

Veneto shook his head, slightly shook his right hand and hit the left palm with a fist. "It's the same as yesterday, but I think it should be almost the same. They can't continue to spend it with the Admiral."

"I must wait with you." Xiao Meiqing said firmly.

"Okay." Veneto smiled and put his hand back. "Xiao Qing, they should go and I should go."

Xiao Meiqing was silent for a moment before saying, "Did Veneto ever want to stay?"

"The Admiral won't want me to stay, and I can't leave because I'm reluctant." Veneto pointed out, "There are always things that are more important than staying together. Admiral and Homura are actually OK. I have lived in my world all the time, but they didn’t make the choice to be so persistent, so they separated."

"Oh." Xiao Meiqing vaguely felt that Veneto was laying the ground for her brother-in-law's departure in the future. She naturally knew that she couldn't keep Yue Zhong by her side forever, so she just hoped that the day would come The better the later.

Veneto said so, shouldn't his nightmare come true?

This time, their waiting will not be fruitless again. The door of the old house finally opens again at 10:21 in the morning. Xiao Meiqing raised her eyes and watched one person after another come out from inside. Then one after another walked into the air and disappeared.

She was finally relieved that Yue Zhong's figure was not found there, and naturally Yue Zhong's temper would not come out to send these people, so he should still stay in the room?

Veneto suddenly raised her head. She saw Yue Zhong in the window of the study on the second floor of the old house. Although the other person's face was full of fatigue, she smiled and waved to herself.

"Admiral, goodbye." Veneto also showed a sunny smile, also waved to Yue Zhong and cherished each other's precious, and then turned to Xiao Meiqing and said, "Then I should go, Xiaoqing You have to remember what I said. Don’t let the Admiral have more hard work for you in the future. He has experienced too many things and he is very tired."

Xiao Meiqing nodded heavily, watching Veneto quickly catch up with the figure of the court house and left, and then can't wait to run to the door of the old house. She was desperate to get close to her brother-in-law's side.

The Judiciary’s final determination was made. The Tehran killing night event Yue Zhong failed to completely dispel the relationship, so they believed that dangerous exile prisoners like Yue Zhong could not continue to have such a large space of The scope of his future activities was limited to Xiaomei Manor, and once he tried to step out of this place, the Judiciary would immediately take measures against him.

Maybe it was a shot on the spot, or maybe it was brought back to the panplane and locked into the dark prison of the deep space.

The result of this one was drawn to prison as Yue Zhong said when he met with Veneto.

"Brother-in-law!" Xiao Meiqing rushed into his arms as soon as she saw Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong was supposed to catch Xiao Meiqing in the air smoothly, but this time he was staggered by Xiao Meiqing's slender posture, and after two steps back, he sat directly on the sofa.

"How are you, brother-in-law?" Xiao Meiqing was so terrified in her heart that she didn't know that her behavior would cause such a result. She hurriedly got up from Yue Zhong and then asked Yue Zhong to ask, "They did to you What's wrong!"

Sitting on the sofa, Yue Zhong raised the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and shook his head: "It's okay, just a little tired."

Xiao Meiqing can clearly see that Yue Zhong is much older than when he saw it yesterday. Those people are probably putting more pressure on him than they have added up in the past ten years.

"Brother-in-law, please take a rest... shall I accompany you?" Xiao Meiqing said eagerly, sitting beside Yue Zhong.

"Huh." Yue Zhong barely smiled, and then his body fell on Xiao Meiqing's shoulder as if he had lost all his strength and support, and a steady snoring sound came slowly.

Xiao Meiqing adjusted her sitting posture to make Yue Zhong sleep as comfortable as possible.

She no longer thinks about what happened, as long as her brother-in-law can continue to accompany herself like this, it is better than anything. If she continues to pursue the root cause, the brother-in-law may leave earlier.

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