Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 200: : Destruction and Rebirth

The wind of death was constantly blowing, watching Gong Yongsaki's departure Yue Zhong did not make any expression. At this step, he was not qualified to complain to anyone, if he could be like Qi Xiaomeng at the beginning. Yong Mi kept the distance deliberately, maybe everything would be solved perfectly...Of course, it may be worse, the energy of the special energy network is not suspended, and the layout of him and Croite may not be able to destroy the heterogeneous drive tower.

   "I am no longer qualified to accept anyone, Xiaomeng, your mind is too heavy, but I have to bear it." Saying farewell to Gong Yongsaki, let Yue Zhong exhaust his last energy.

  The road to this world is the only place in this dead world that radiates light, not far from Yue Zhong, he was easily discovered by him.

  Looking at everything here in general, Yue Zhong sighed for a long time and then planned to reach out to pick up the frame of the soul gem, but found that as a soul, he couldn't take it.

  Xiaomeng should not leave Yue Zhong still in the form of ghost. Yue Zhong quickly realized this, so he touched another historical scroll left. At the moment of contact, he saw a peaceful world.

  All the legends and illusions of non-existence and reality, everything that is classified as false can continue to exist here. Is this a result of human imagination or a world that has actually appeared and has been deliberately forgotten? To this day, there is no evidence to prove all this. Perhaps the party living here knows everything, but when this peaceful sky is destroyed by all the cannons that destroyed all the enemies and destroyed the souls, it can’t be found temporarily. Who will tell Yue Zhong the truth?

   This is a world familiar to Yue Zhong, even though he has never been here.

"The fantasy gathering place that Xiaomeng found was really Fantasy Township. I know you are well-intentioned, but this development is really exaggerated." Yue Zhong, who had no desire at all, suddenly found Qi Xiaomeng himself. What is left is a horrible future. If it is not handled well, his willingness to simply live will also become an unreachable luxury. "Some existences cannot die, so it is their revenge that I have to face. "Xiaomeng said that retrieving everything here means that even some dead important people will go to my own world in other ways?"

   This is really a desperate future. I didn't expect my life to be so valuable.

  After returning from the devastation that shocked the soul, Yue Zhong found himself regaining his body. The long axis of history brought his life from the past to the present, but the long axis of history, which had little energy itself, also became gray.

"It seems that I can't use it for the time being." Yue Zhong pulled a thin line from his clothes and put Qi Xiaomeng's soul gem frame on it around the neck in the form of a necklace, holding the long axis of history and flickering. The portal of the light, "There is no need to find the power, just come and sit down if you have time, as long as you hide your identity over there, simply live, in order to remember that there is such a person..."

  But will everything be so simple? Yue Zhong couldn't give himself a comfortable statement.

   After the light, everything became ordinary, lying on a familiar bed, looking at the familiar paintings and various handicrafts in the display cabinet, Yue Zhong knew that he had returned to his home in the world.

The alarm clock sounded on time at eight in the morning. If it was before, Yue Zhong might have to roll on the bed two more times to get it up, but now he has no worries at all, and after getting up he changes his clothes and walks to the toilet to prepare for washing. It's time to go to work.

The parents at home are still in their dreams. The second elder has retired and can enjoy life in peace. Naturally, there will be no pain of having to get up to work early in the morning. Yue Zhong is also arrogant. He has a stable job after graduation. The biggest pursuit is to hope that Yue Zhong will bring a girlfriend back.

Yue Zhong carefully cleaned his personal hygiene and was ready to go out. In the past, he used to get up in the morning to wipe his face, but he basically finished with a toothbrush in his mouth twice. Now he wants to live a serious life. Things seem meticulous.

The neighborhood was still bought by my father when the unit raised funds to build a house. It has been nearly ten years now. Because the location is very good, the current value has increased more than ten times compared to the purchase price of the year. It is not so good now. That's right, with Yue Zhong's wages that can only guarantee a starvation, and want to buy a suite without relying on parental sponsorship, you have to wait until the year of the monkey, but Yue Zhong doesn't care about these at all now. After experiencing so many things, this simple life pressure is not worth it at all. Mention.

There is a lively early market outside the community. Soy milk fritters buns and buns should be there. Looking at this familiar Yue Zhong feels like another world. He has experienced too many in less than a year. The special events he has been expecting seem to be predictable. The experience of his life.

After buying a steamed bun, I walked towards the unit, where it was not too far away from the community, and I could arrive in less than ten minutes. This is also a benefit in small cities. I don’t have to worry about being late because of traffic jams every day. In places where you can't use it for two hours, a car is not a necessary travel tool.

The substitutes who came here instead of Yue Zhong did a good job. The colleagues in the unit did not notice any difference from the two of them, nor did they know when that person left, probably because the spare tire major league thinks they have not saved?

Yue Zhong, who was thinking about something, was suddenly photographed from behind, and a tall fat man greeted him with a grin: "Mayor Yue is earlier than usual. You used to come in at 8:30. , Promotion is really not normal."

What the **** is Section Chief Yue? Yue Zhong still remembers that he was just a little technician who had just been turned right before, but he didn't show a little surprise. He wanted to come here because of the substitute.

The tall and fat man in front of him was Yue Zhong’s elementary school classmates. In the end, he was able to be recruited by a unit in the same batch. It is still fate, but now Yue Zhong has no previous thoughts about making fun with the other party. The student has earned a salary and the section chief does not raise his salary.

  The tall fat man seemed to find something weird. He said in surprise: "How do you want to be a person when you talk? I don't remember you have a girlfriend. Shouldn't it be because of broken relationships?"

   Lovelorn? Yue Zhong smiled dumbly, and no one would believe his experience. He waved his hand and said, "I have gone to work, and the day-going **** in the inspection room sees that we should not enter the office and make a small report."

There are only five people in Yue Zhong’s department. The original head of the department seems to have been dismissed because of some economic problems. The other three people are almost 50 years old and are basically waiting for retirement. People are doing it, and his chief of staff is not surprised. Other people with competing intentions have failed to pass the party group because everyone who knows who is serious about doing things has a lot of hearts and minds.

  It's quite boring morning, so the tall and fat man invited Yue Zhong to dinner together after get off work, but he refused because of his bad mood.

"It's a little boring, and I'm not in a mood to feel uncomfortable. My favorability in Fantasy Township is absolutely hateful. Let it go." Yue Zhong doesn't have the heart to continue to die, and maybe a peaceful daily life is also good. .

   However, sometimes there are always those who can’t escape. They have already set foot in that higher-level world, and some inevitable people will come.

Came to a restaurant selling mutton and rice noodles, Yue Zhongzheng buried his head and wiped out the lunch in front of him. Suddenly, he felt something wrong with the atmosphere around him. He looked up and wanted to see what happened. Eyes met.

The hair color is silver and white like snow, the white shirt is hung with two rompers, and there is an extremely eye-catching bow tie on the head. The other party looks at Yue Zhong's expression with some excitement and indignation. Shouted: "Hey, you guys brought us here?"

  My sister Fujiwara is red...... But her tone seems to be unaware that Fantasy Township has been destroyed because of herself, otherwise she will definitely use her temper to directly burn herself into slag.

   Yue Zhong responded with doubt: "What are you talking about?"

   He didn't want to provoke right or wrong again. Even if the character he once loved appeared in front of himself, Yue Zhong also covered it up very well. The answer was in Chinese, and Mei Hong obviously couldn't understand it.

Yue Zhong’s performance successfully deceived Mei Hong. After the other party cut it, she actually sat in front of Yue Zhong. She seemed to see that Yue Zhong could not understand her own came to this strange inexplicably After that, she couldn't find a person who could communicate normally, so the reaction to Yue Zhong was not surprising.

"Are they really unaware?" At this time, Yue Zhong's heart was very unsteady. It seemed that Sister Fujiwara had been separated from other people. She could find that she was attracted by some kind of breath dyed on her body. But it seems uncertain.

It is not surprising that the Penglai people with extremely high immortality can survive in that destruction, Yue Zhong, but the key now is how to deal with this matter, it would be bad if everyone can find it by their own breath, He couldn't deceive everyone.

   It was noon now, Yue Zhong looked at the distressed sister red, probably knew the other party's current needs, after a tangled heart, he pointed to the rice noodle in front of him and pointed to the sister red.

   This person with a special breath seems to be inviting himself to eat? Smelling the strong smell of mutton soup, Mei Hong suddenly felt hungry. Although she could be resurrected even if she starved to death, the taste of hunger was not so pleasant.

  'S money was not recognized by this strange place at all. Meihong looked at Yue Zhong, who asked for a look, and nodded helplessly.

   Of course, Yue Zhong would not give the rest of the food to the girl in front of her, so soon a new bowl of rice noodles was brought up, and the two did not look at anyone until they finished eating the things in front of them.

   PS: The ending of the third volume has been modified. If you are interested, you can look at it again. The new volume begins to ask for recommendations. What the **** is the chapter upload error in the middle of the night... there should be another chapter at night.

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