Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1992: Children on the pseudo street

Chapter 1992 Children in Pseudo Street (Page 1/1)

"Yue Zhong, follow me." Another figure not far away gradually became clear in the dark, the light of the eyes of the streetlight only sprinkled on her body, blue and white sailor suit, short brown hair and ordinary Unsurprisingly, her face was covered with fleshy wounds, and his school uniform was full of scars.

Gong Yongsaki dragged a long and rusty knife in his hand, stepping towards Yue Zhong after all.

"Yue Zhong, I have been waiting for the day you come back." Another person was illuminated by a lamp, and a red figure slowly crawled out from under the burning ground, her fingers surging against the magma. The ground was burned to the point of scorching black, and the entire face was burnt into a flesh and blood. The only thing that could identify her was her silvery white hair and that large bow.

Yue Zhong stood motionless, looking at everything in front of him coldly.

The real fear in his heart is that these girls who have paid for themselves come to ask for an explanation. If such a scene really appears in front of his eyes, Yue Zhongzhi’s ingenuity can’t give an answer that is all happy. Come.

Fortunately, he was able to distinguish the true from the false. The fakes covered their essence with grief and incompleteness to appear scary, but the fake was fake after all, and could not make Yue Zhong any shaken.

Far away there was another gaze looking at himself, and Yue Zhong could not clearly see what her face was, but he knew that the owner of that gaze must be Qi Xiaomeng. This gaze is both familiar and unfamiliar, and it no longer makes people shudder. It no longer has a selfless like, but becomes a greedy request.

"Admiral, do you need my help?" I don't know when Yue Zhong's petite figure appeared beside him, but Yue Zhong looked at this familiar voice, and the original lovely Veneto had completely turned into With the cold mechanical body, bare wiring and broken armor replaced her tender skin, a rotten stench came from her body, just like the life of every ship mother came to an end.

"But you will return to the Flame Alliance with me afterwards. Xiaoqing has been killed by Xiaoyan, and the Admiral has no good attachments?"

Gong Yongsaki had reached a distance of less than five meters from Yue Zhong, and her face full of flesh and blood turned to see everyone around Yue Zhong now, and then said eeriely: "It seems that many people want to take you go."

Yue Zhong shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Do you have any good solutions?"

"I... I want to cut off your head and take it away, cut off your hands and feet and give them to the four of them, bury your body in this manor, and let the servants in the manor come to water you children every day. Blood, you will grow other limbs and heads one day in the future, and then we will come back and distribute it again." Gong Yongsaki's face could not see whether she was laughing or other expressions, but her words were enough to make people The back is cold, "Until, until we all get together you, then there is no need to fight."

"Do you think this method is good?"

Yue Zhong raised his head irresolutely and asked other people's opinions: "What do you think?"

"Admiral, I have no opinion." The first answer was Veneto, and then Fujiwara nodded and agreed, and a small scream came from Qi Xiaomeng in the distance, like a wailing howl.

Only Xiao Meiyan stared at himself with a dark glance, and he did not answer.

"It seems that Xiaoyan disagrees, then I have to disagree." Yue Zhong's helpless spreading his hands.

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Yue Zhong, and they were not satisfied with this answer.

In the middle of the world, Yue Zhong realized that this was not just the illusion that existed in front of him, maybe it actually happened to himself on a certain timeline, and that self, like now, seemed to have no ability to resist. , Can only wait passively, and dare not to resist waiting for the feast of the corpse.

Yue Zhong didn't know how he died to get to this point, he didn't even bother to infer the existence of that possibility, especially at this time to witness the truth woven by himself, undoubtedly lurking in secret The man who saw the joke was pregnant.

He clapped his hands, one by one wearing dark mourning clothes, and the dark blue eyes with only a little pupil kept falling from Yue Zhong's body.

The first villain in black jumpsuit and long boots, crossed the head of Xiao Meiqing proudly, and walked towards Xiao Meiyan while waving the pin in his hand: "So arrogant, unforgivable. This is Only belong to our feelings, you waste has clearly sublimated, why should you appear in such a gesture?"

It is proud.

The second person in the hood was wrapped in the hood quietly clinging to Veneto, whispering in a very small voice: "You are already a waste, don't you feel shameful now?"

It is gloomy.

Wearing a long veil and a round cap, the villain with short red hair climbed up and down along Miyagi Saki's rusty knife. She seemed to be laughing and crying: "It's really pitiful and ~It is clearly the one who has paid the most but is remembered the most. We are proud of your stupid soul, and I will be your friend."

It is deception.

The villain in the blonde long-haired tuxedo picked up the fragments of her sister who was torn by Xiao Meiyan, accidentally tripped by her fingers, and then pouted: "Since the sister has become fragments, why don't we Is the owner of the waste also cut into pieces for easy carrying?"

It is cold-blooded.

The dress man in the round-edged black hat jumped on the red Fujimehara crawling on the ground, shouting angrily while stepping on her palm: "Go back, go back, I don't want to see you guys, I don't want to for a moment. "

It is wayward.

"The owner of the waste is a clown, and everyone else is a clown. Obviously, this ugly look came out and scared. Who would want you waste women?" A villain ran to the roof of the oldest house in the farthest place. The dark junction sarcastically said.

It is a poisonous tongue.

A silly villain ran around and laughed at everyone present with an ironic smile. It didn't know what happened, but it was as funny as other friends.

It is confused.

The villain who just dragged his trousers and watched obsessively after falling from Yue Zhong said, "Hey, I want to divide the same thing from you, is it okay?"

It is jealous.

The villain in the shawl trousers kicked Xiao Meiqing's head on the ground and yawned boredly: "It's boring, let's end soon."

It is lazy.

The villain with short black hair carefully jumped over the dirty places on the ground, and shouted exaggeratedly to avoid **** places: "Don't stain my clothes, it's annoying!"

It's vanity...

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