Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1997: Shift

Xiao Meiyuan opened his eyes again when a rustling voice came again from his ears, and Li Xiaobei walked around the living room, as if cleaning up the medical waste left when he wiped himself yesterday.

"Don't pretend to sleep when you wake up." Although Li Xiaobei turned his back to Xiao Meiyuan at this time, he knew his every move very clearly, as if he had eyes behind him.

"I'll clean it up," Xiao Meiyuan said, sitting up and talking.

"Sit down without a good injury. Do you feel inferior after being beaten? Yesterday, you were reluctant to clean the house. Today, I robbed myself." Li Xiaobei said mercilessly.

Xiao Meiyuan rubbed the bruise on his face. Li Xiaobei's potion effect was still very good. He hadn't felt any pain in the past night, and he didn't seem to have any difficulty in speaking. It’s so hot early in the morning."

"You're in charge." Li Xiaobei turned around and glanced at Xiao Meiyuan, then continued, "I'm not happy, I sent both of you back, and I was beaten up. This I don’t have any face or know."

"But... most people in this kind of city don't know you." Xiao Meiyuan also joked about trying to have fun. He felt that he would have psychological problems if he kept on suppressing it for so long.

Li Xiaobei turned around again, and activated the compression equipment of the trash can to crush the trash into a round cake: "It seems that your mentality is adjusted well, and I am worried that you will just give up on yourself."

Looking at Li Xiaobei's back, Xiao Meiyuan suddenly felt relieved. Xiao Meiyuan saw many pressures and responsibilities that could not be told to others. Compared to her, she only felt the weight of her back from her brother-in-law's body. Those things she encountered might not even be in their eyes. Nothing, so I have no way of knowing what really worries them.

Although Xiao Meiyuan has a lot of problems and defects, but he does not have any advantages. This ability of self-consolation does not know whether it is the upper advantage, that is, he has lived with his mother since childhood. No matter how many blows he has experienced, he will not be too uncomfortable if he feels that he is not the worst one.

"I'm deceiving myself again." Li Xiaobei finished to sit on the sofa and watched the TV and didn't understand Meiyuan anymore.

It didn’t take long for Lianhua to come out of the room. She thought about it for a long time last night. Since it was inevitable that she appeared in front of Xiao Meiyuan, then Li Xiaobei might be planning to dump Xiao Meiyuan directly Give yourself.

Sure enough, Li Xiaobei said to her when she saw her: "You two can exchange places to sleep. You should get along well. Get to know me. I'm going to travel a long distance. I hope to see when I come back. You can find a place in Takibara."

After finishing the sentence, Li Xiaobei pointed to Lianhua and added: "But you are not allowed to directly participate in Xiao Meiyuan's struggle. You can teach him anything as long as he can learn it."

"Where are you going?" Lianhua asked immediately, which was what Xiao Meiyuan wanted to know, but he hadn't let Lianhua so open.

"Vienna." Li Xiaobei seemed to be waiting for her to ask, so he readily gave his answer.

When hearing the name of the city, Xiao Meiyuan didn't respond much but Lianhua remembered the conversation between Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing when they followed Yue Zhong yesterday. Is she trying to wipe the sister and brother together?

Li Xiaobei was waiting for the two of them to meet, and since he had already waited, he didn't need to do anything: "I'm gone, remember to get along well."

After all, Li Xiaobei picked up the backpack that had already been packed and walked out of the door. Going so far away, she felt that she could no longer empty her hands, which was somewhat conspicuous.

Lianhua and Xiaomeiyuan were left in the room. The atmosphere was awkward because they were not familiar with each other. While Lianhua looked at Xiaomeiyuan sideways, the other party was also looking at something in their eyes.

If she doesn't show up, Li Xiaobei may not go so fast...

Because Lianhua’s frivolous performance last night made Xiao Meiyuan’s inner evaluation much lower. He had seen many girls who deliberately approached and seduced themselves like this, although none of them were as charming as Lianhua, although Lianhua Hua's appearance will not be covered up even if he stands with Li Xiaobei.

Xiao Meiyuan is now disgusted and repulsive about many things in the past, so it is difficult for him to accept Lianhua instead of Li Xiaobei.

"Introduce yourself, I am Lianhua, a friend of Li Xiaobei." Lianhua narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiao Meiyuan trying to see through what he thought at the moment.

Xiao Meiyuan was stared very uncomfortably. Lianhua's method of temptation was different from that of Li Xiaobei. It was too aggressive and oppressive to be inadvertently seeing everything about him like Li Xiaobei. My name is Nakamura, please enlighten me later. "After all, Li Xiaobei stayed behind to help himself, and Xiao Meiyuan was not good at showing an attitude of refusing thousands of miles, so he replied in a humble manner.

Lianhua's eyes slightly provoked and said, "Hey, I told you my real name. Are you just perfunctory about me?"

"I am indeed calling this name now. If you use that surname, it will cause a lot of trouble." Xiao Meiyuan has begun to gradually recognize his current position. The old master of the Xiaomei family has gone forever. By the way, if he still lives under this name, Xiaomei's family may not care, but many people in Takihara do not like it.

"Okay, since it doesn't matter if you like others to call you like that, when Su Marie left, she told me to teach you something. After that, I will be your master, can you just call my name to know?" Lianhua looked up. Said arrogantly.

Xiaomei nodded, since the other party could be accounted for by Li Xiaobei, she must also have a powerful strength that she could not imagine, but there should be a big gap with Li Xiaobei itself. Lianhua appeared at home yesterday The embarrassed appearance of time makes Xiao Meiyuan's evaluation of her already greatly discounted.

"Something she will know is not what you can learn now, unless you are sent to this world-class institution to read a few doctorate degrees, you may be able to understand a little bit of fur, but you don’t have so much time now. Such a strong learning ability.” Lianhua was eager to reverse the impression in Xiao Meiyuan’s face after she saw a trace of distrust in her face. She had never liked the feeling of being flattened by others, “But I can teach you You can understand things at this stage, at least I have a lot of experience in street fighting."

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