Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2008: Study Wallpaper

The appearance of Li Xiaobei for the first time was unsurprisingly caused an uproar. The overwhelming beauty of the country and the nation not only broke all the negative rumors before, but it was almost reached by the bombardment of overwhelming publicity reports. Everyone knows that it might be complacent and unsuccessful to switch to Lianhua, but Li Xiaobei always thinks that his appearance is just a modification of genius, and it will not be too much in the circumstances that have been foreseen. Care too much.

In the old mansion of Xiaomei Manor, the bear children of 14 pseudo-streets are playing on the first floor every day. Normally, they will not go to the second floor to disturb Yue Zhong, but today they are gathered together neatly In the study.

"What love and Yue Zhong are doing, looks so stupid." The poison tongue ridiculed as always.

"Was wasting my time watching them doing such boring things?" said proudly, raising his head in disdain.

"Why Yue Zhong spends all day with love instead of playing with us." The focus of jealousy is obviously different from other children.


"Can you be quieter." Love's wrinkled eyebrows standing on the desk scolded the crowd. On weekdays, Love always replaces Yue Zhong to discipline these disobedient sisters. Her position in it is also the most special. So everyone quieted as soon as they spoke.

"It's okay, the kids are a little lively." Yue Zhongle, like an old man with grandchildren, stood alone on the telescopic stairs and hung a huge wallpaper on the wall just sorted out.

When Wen Yanai turned her head, the bear children standing by the desk started whispering again: "Yue Zhong, you are too following them, such a child would not be flattering."

Yue Zhong just smiled. He knew that if he corrected the bad personality of these children, they would disappear and no longer exist in any world because of this: "Okay, please pull down Xiaoai."

"Huh!" Love obedient leapt forward, pulling the ring under the wallpaper to stretch the whole wallpaper.

The scene in the painting is in the auditorium where Li Xiaobei and Xiao Meiqing met in Vienna. The characters in the painting are the two of them holding hands and walking side by side. This photo is almost perfect in terms of angle, technique and light. Yue Zhong liked it very much when he saw it, so he posted it in the most prominent place in his study.

The two beautiful women above are one of their proudest apprentices, and the other is a young girl who has brought up her own and is chasing her dreams, watching them Yue Zhong can feel that she has returned to a time when she was young and energetic. If you are still young, should you walk with them?

In recent years, Yue Zhong feels that he is well-fed, and the golden apples hidden in the secret room of the old house have played a great role. He feels that his wrinkles and brows have been flattened a lot.

"Who is this sister with?" Love jumped back to the desk, where she had become her exclusive space, and asked, pointing at the huge wallpaper on the wall, "It looks so beautiful."

"I don't think so. If you take such a photo for me, it would definitely be a thousand times more beautiful than her, no, ten thousand times." Vanity said, turning his head aside and said unhappy.

"I really want to cut off her head and store it in the best box." Li Xiaobei thoughtfully looked at her face thoughtfully.

Surrounded by these bear children every day, Yue Zhong heard that they began to utter their own speeches, and said with some headaches: "You must remember the person's appearance, if you meet her, you can't provoke Try not to provoke them."

"Why, is she terrific?" asked timidly with a timid neck.

"If I were not present, you would not be her opponent." Yue Zhong replied seriously.

Love was very worried and glanced at the direction of the Chamber of Secrets. Behind this huge wallpaper, there was Yue Zhong’s biggest dependence now. If this person is really as powerful as Yue Zhong said, will she one day Come and take the Golden Apple: "If she breaks in, shall we try to stop it."

"No, it's more important for you to live than anything else." Yue Zhong shook his head slightly. He knew how mischievous these children would normally be, but they would certainly listen to them in their own words. "You don't have to worry too much. ?"

Love still looked at Yue Zhong very worriedly. Although her birth and existence were due to Lumu Yuanxiang, but since Yue Zhong broke into Xiao Meiyan’s world, in the heart of the girl who was cold and closed Slowly, Yue Zhong's position became available, so those who loved instinct would care about Yue Zhong's bits and pieces, not to mention that they also lived together for so long.

"Yue Zhong, I want a virtual game console, and I have no sense of accomplishment with these guys every day. I should go to the online world to conquer more human beings." Proud suddenly made a request for their good negotiation, and then Other children shouted.

Before, they didn't know that there was such an interesting But since Yue Zhong was called by Ming Ying who was taking care of Peng Ju at the middle-aged and elderly activity center, they were surprised to find out In addition, there are virtual game consoles.

"You will know that you will like that kind of thing, and I will buy it for you to install it downstairs later. After seeing Takihara, there will be a rumor about the ghost Internet cafe again." Yue Zhong Because there was no plan to change their personalities, so many things will satisfy them according to their hearts. This kind of spoiled treatment has never been enjoyed by Xiao Meiqing when she was a child. Do you want one too?"

Love shook his head and said, "I don't need that kind of thing, it's interesting to read with you in the study."

"Huh." Yue Zhong nodded happily.

After getting Yue Zhong's promise, the bear children went downstairs happily and waited for their new toys to arrive. They could see that they didn't have much interest in this wallpaper, and only Tian Tian and Yue Zhong read books together. 'S love can understand his feelings now.

"Yue Zhong, you just lied."

"I didn't intend to hide from you, but it's better not to tell anyone else about this matter." Yue Zhong smiled bitterly. "I also have no certainty that I can control the future in my hands. Although these children say Each has its own flaws, but if someone really threatens me, they will fight desperately. I hope you can live happily all the time, even if one day I leave, don’t forget this."

Hearing the future parting, the mood of love also fell, and she didn't like Yue Zhong's mention of this matter at all, but that was what they would face sooner or later, and the future in Yue Zhong's eyes always seemed pessimistic.

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