Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2010: Family courage

Xiao Meiqing remembered what Yue Zhong told herself, and finally a smile on her face said: "Sister-in-law, thank you for calling me to comfort me. Is it already early morning on your side?"

"Almost, Xiao Ai wants to talk to you." Yue Zhong handed the satellite phone to the love around him.

"Xiao Qing, hello." Love greeted with a soft voice and joyful feelings.

After hearing her voice, Xiao Meiqing suddenly felt a lot lighter. She did not achieve any results but was under the pressure of failure. She was embarrassed to face Yue Zhong, but she didn’t need such scruples to talk to the cute child: "Hello little love, why don't you help me optimistic about my brother-in-law let him sleep on time?"

"Yue Zhong let me wait until now to call you. After all, Xiao Qing is in trouble. He takes care of it for granted." Yue Zhong gave a blank look at Yue Zhong, as if he felt that his comfort was not satisfactory. You have to rely on yourself.

Yue Zhong raised his hands innocently and walked up to the window sill of the study alone. Love continued to say to Xiao Meiqing: "Okay, I have drove off Yue Zhong. Xiaoqing will talk to me if he has any thoughts. Well, everyone is a girl and surely understands each other’s ideas, right?"

Xiao Meiqing was silent for a moment and took a phone to hide in the room. She really needs a girlfriend to talk about her object in order to talk about her grievances and helplessness these past few days.

...Ai and Xiaomeiqing directly cooked up the phone porridge. Yue Zhong waited for a long time to find that he had no part of himself, shrugged his shoulders, and went downstairs.

The first floor has been completely transformed into a small Internet cafe. The bear children in the pseudo street tirelessly indulge in online games. They will only hide when someone comes in to clean the room early in the morning.

In Xiaomei Manor, I felt that the owner of the house was stunned after Miss Qing left. There were no other people in his house but there were so many virtual game equipments. The cleaning maid found these equipments every time she went in. Just used it.

Either the owner has reached the realm of communication between Yin and Yang, and every night he invites some ghost friends to play games in the house, or the owner suddenly wants to be a game studio player.

These two kinds of guesses are very unreliable when they are heard. If Yue Zhong was performing as normal as he always came out every day, he should ask his family doctor to show him if he couldn't manage.

"Fuck, stupid, silent, disarm, perfect!"

"Throw out all the skills, BOSS is going to die, and today we will get the first kill!"

"Don't be lazy, don't be lazy, add blood to us, and the game will be won after the outbreak on the opposite side."

Yue Zhong heard the yelling of the bear children when he came downstairs. He felt that it was really not a good choice to walk down, so he turned back to the study on the second floor.

After entering, Love held the phone and handed it to Yue Zhong. At the same time, he made an OK gesture and blinked Yue Zhong.

"Have you finished talking? Are you feeling better?" Yue Zhong asked after receiving the phone.

Xiao Meiqing's voice seemed to be much easier, but she began to pay attention to Yue Zhong's rest problem: "Brother-in-law, you don't need to worry about me anymore, I'm not so vulnerable, but you can go to bed immediately and can't stay up late."

"I know, if you really feel that the current learning method is not suitable, please make it clear to Teacher Su, don't you hold it alone?" Yue Zhong asked Xiao Meiqing again, "Trust her husband, she won't be because of you What different views have you given, maybe she is waiting for you to express different views on her teaching methods."

After memorizing Yue Zhong's words, Xiao Meiqing hung up the phone and let out a breath.

After communicating with family members, Xiao Meiqing clearly felt that she was in a much better mood. The troubles and grievances encountered by Mr. Su were temporarily gone.

The manager knocked on the bedroom door, and Xiao Meiqing thought that the other party had come to order himself to eat, and came out with a reply.

But when she saw the person sitting in the living room, she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed: "Su, Teacher Su, how are you here!"

Li Xiaobei smiled and turned around to nod to Xiao Meiqing, but her kindness did not make Xiao Meiqing feel too close, because she was always so dignified and elegant when she was not practicing.

"There are a lot of people who followed me to the Danube today. I didn't find any inspiration, so I wanted to go back to school. After passing your door, I found myself forgetting to have dinner, don't you mind asking me to have a meal?" Li Xiaobei Wu Ke Critically explained.

Xiao Meiqing hurriedly bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry Teacher Su, I shouldn't disclose your whereabouts to others."

"It doesn't matter. If you don't tell them, they won't let you go easily. Compared with you, you need more time to practice. As a student, I can't let my things disturb you." Li Xiaobei was interested. Laughed, "Otherwise why do I have to tell you where I plan to go every day."

Xiao Meiqing couldn't help but stunned. She hadn't thought about this issue all the time. It turned out that Teacher Su was really thinking about herself, so she was severely stern on herself because she was really looking forward to herself?

"Can I have dinner? I'm a little Li Xiaobei made another noise to make Xiao Meiqing recover.

"Mr. Manager, please tell the kitchen to serve." Xiao Meiqing quickly said to the side manager.

Xiao Meiqing's every meal is very rich, and the skills of the chefs who come from home are not ordinary people can enjoy. The two of them sitting face to face have no intention of continuing to communicate, and finished their dinner in a silent manner.

Su Su's sudden arrival at her home Xiaomei Qing had no preparation at all. Even though Yue Zhong had given her enough courage to say what she thought was inappropriate, she was so caught off guard that Xiaomeiqing could not find a suitable opportunity.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I can't relax at night. I will check your results tomorrow." Li Xiaobei got up and quit after eating and drinking.

Seeing that she had stood up and walked out to the door, Xiao Meiqing was anxious and stood up: "Teacher Su, wait."

Li Xiaobei turned around slowly, examining Xiao Meiqing's expressionless expression and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I...I, I think the learning method you taught me is not for me!" Xiao Meiqing blushed and finally said what was in her heart.

"Oh." Li Xiaobei sat on the sofa with a smile, "Sit down and say, why do you think it's inappropriate."

She did not feel ashamed when she heard her doubts like she was worried, which gave Xiao Meiqing great hope and courage to continue to say: "Mr. Su, your accomplishments on the piano fully understand the emotions of all listeners, But I don’t have the breadth of insight and depth that you have, so even if you show me more times, I can’t learn the essence of it. Instead, I gradually lose the way I am good at.”

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