Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2014: Mortals in the eyes of genius

The students in the academy found that Miss Su and her student Xiao Meiqing had disappeared for a month. The piano room arranged for them by the academy was returned to them. There was no person in the area where Miss Su might appear before.

However, Miss Su was already in a certain state of mind, and it was not a strange thing that others could not find her. The key was that Xiao Meiqing also disappeared with her teacher, and no one else could tell from her mouth where Miss Su was.

Although the first sneaked into the slums, some minor accidents were discovered, but the subsequent plan went much smoother.

Xiao Meiqing saw the life and death in the slum that she could only watch her loved ones die and had no money to send him to the hospital for treatment. Holding her dead did not let her do what she wanted.

"If you want to, you can imagine the result of helping them after you appear, but I take you to every place just to let you be a visitor. If you intervene in it, they change their original destiny. , Then all this is meaningless." Li Xiaobei's indifference seems to have witnessed countless such scenes, so she will not feel sad because of this empathy.

She asked Xiao Meiqing exactly as she had taught before. Xiao Meiqing couldn't object to any opinions. Even if she really wanted to do something against Li Xiaobei's will, she had nothing under Li Xiaobei's control. Can't do it.

Not only in the slums, Xiao Meiqing also followed Li Xiaobei to see a lot of pictures she didn't normally have the opportunity to see. The brightly dressed people in the bright red wine have enjoyed the loneliness and pressure after the love of the boys and girls. The deserted school is about to go to their respective friends or lovers, the rebellious young girls who have run away from home, and they are alone. The old old man...

The places Li Xiaobei took with her did not allow Xiao Meiqing to intervene in the fate of those people. Xiao Meiqing suffered no more than half of the torture and torture in her heart than the previous practice of repeating the piano, but precisely because of Witnessing the occurrence of these things, the emotions that Xiao Meiqing could not have experienced were clearer at once.

Everyone feels that she can help them, she can imagine the gratitude and joy of everyone who is helped by her, but this is only limited to her imagination. In the end, what should they do? , No change because I saw it.

In Xiao Meiqing's mind all the time, it seems like Teacher Su walking on the cloud seems to be taking her to experience her perception of the world. Gradually Xiao Meiqing feels that Teacher Su is really cold-hearted in her temperament. I don’t know what is compassion and what is good.

"The ridiculous thing about the world is that many of the tragedies they think are inevitable also originate from themselves. This is true of everyone I saw with you. They may not be able to change anything, just because there is no share and fate. The courage to fight. When their loved ones are going to die, they don’t think of putting all their property into medical treatment to win a glimmer of hope, because they subconsciously think that they still need to live, and their partners and children need themselves. Make such a decision so that the family can continue to live."

"Women in the happy field may not bear the responsibility of redemption before they desire the strange men. Many of them are reluctant to repay the rich returns and living conditions now. They are unwilling to give up doing other meager jobs. It is even easier to complain about the sorrow of self and the injustice of the world. Men who indulge their desires are even simpler. They exchange their day labor, pressure and even humiliation for this indulgence. In the end, they actually get nothing. One day when I looked back suddenly, I felt that I was just wasting time and I was very emotional."

"People in their youth are breaking up for those who think they can give everything or dreaming of courage and courage and all obstacles. Once they have experienced insignificant setbacks, they think they have learned the difficulties of fate and the sorrow and joy of life. If you take the initiative, you will lose the courage to let go of what you were willing to pay for it, and finally write them to a youthful memory that will not be completed and regret crying."

"Young people are confused for the future, and old people are regretting the past. They have hurriedly ended their lives before seeing what they should do in life one day, this is what you see in my eyes, Disguise in front of outsiders is much more colorful, and the pale life after disguising disguise."

Li Xiaobei took Xiao Meiqing to observe so many people, and finally gave Xiao Meiqing such an answer.

She believes that Xiao Meiqing will be affected by herself after going through these things, because girls like her who do not know the world and live under the protection of their elders have no judgment.

Xiao Meiqing really feels a lot because of this more than one month of The emotions that she could not understand before seem to be the same now. In fact, a lot of things are thoroughly understood without her. Think so heavy and mysterious.

According to the teacher's logic, his brother-in-law should be a person who has the courage to pursue what he wants and never gives up, but the brother-in-law is far more vivid than the teacher. He did not take himself out of the world. Overlooking the world, he walked into these entanglements of emotion and destiny, and lived the years he should live in life.

Xiao Meiqing remembered some things that her brother-in-law said when he was a child, and nothing really could not be changed, even if it was his feelings for his sister.

If Gong Yongsaki left Yue Zhongyan in vain after defrauding Xiao Meiyan instead of killing him and imprisoning her soul, if Qi Xiaomeng expressed her courage when she completed her redemption of Yue Zhong Like, if Fujiwara Meihong can be more like Yue Zhong's scheming when calculating Lumu Yuanxiang, the result may be different now. After all, sister, she often did not accompany her brother-in-law.

Xiao Meiqing thinks about Mr. Su every day. One day, she suddenly thought that the reason why the piano music played by her teacher contains so many emotions that can touch people's hearts, but she is not her own. Stingy, but she may be used to analyzing and judging how other people lived from a young age, only to ignore that she is actually living incompletely.

Because she thinks that many things are meaningless, she will only look down on those ordinary people who are in her eyes and do not want to make herself a fool. Because she is self-proclaimed as a genius, many things are planned for herself. Strictly there is no such opportunity.

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