Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2058: Change of mindset

   Xiao Ai disappeared, leaving Zhang Xun the only chance left.

  After checking that his hands and feet were still intact, Zhang Xun lay in bed and fell into a daze.

He knew that the scene of last night’s ignorance of truth or illusion also came from the test of Xiaomei’s family. In other words, the strange things in Xiaomei’s manor were actually controlled, but they were not friendly to this outsider. .

Zhang Xun didn't know what would happen if he consumed the last chance and ushered in the failure again. If he still wears his face with shame, will he really die in that hopeless fear, which is beyond a normal The range that human psychology can withstand, perhaps only those who are deeply trapped in the Warcraft Hunting Enchantment can experience it.

   This is no longer a problem that can be solved by telling parents. How harsh is Xiaomei's family that came up with so many ideas to torture themselves. It seems that they simply don't want to see Xiaomeiqing with themselves.

   "Zhang Xun, are you up?" Xiao Meiqing's voice came from outside the door, but Zhang Xun, who was worried, didn't know how to answer.

   "Hmm." Zhang Xun opened the door after getting dressed quickly, and saw a still beautiful and innocent girl standing in front of her, but there was a trace of fear in her heart.

  Xiao Meiqing looked at the tired Zhang Xun a little strangely: "Why are you listless, didn't you sleep well last night?"

   "Xiao Qing...I think..." Zhang Xun said in a huff, he had already developed a fear in his heart that he wanted to withdraw, but he never had the courage and excuse to say that he would appear when he was leaving.

"Why don't you rest a little longer? I'm sure I don't have enough sleep to see you like this. I won't disturb you." Xiao Meiqing would be wrong and thought Zhang Xun wanted to sleep for a while but was embarrassed, and took the initiative to replace him Give it out.

   "What about you?" After Zhang Xun's words were interrupted, he couldn't even say it, but asked subconsciously.

   "I just practiced in the piano room, and I don't want to go out." Xiao Meiqing obviously hasn't relieved yet, so this time she doesn't want to go out to meet other people.

   Zhang Xun nodded after being silent for a while: "Okay, I will come to the piano room to find you after a rest."

At the moment when the door was closed, Zhang Xun decided to stay. Since he had never been so useless since childhood, he was scared away because he was not willing to be so embarrassed. Since childhood, he has been named as a genius. Not only has he achieved extraordinary achievements on the piano, but also Zhang Xun, who is also proficient in psychology and medicine, can't let go of his pride.

Since all this did not come for the purpose of letting yourself die, since this is just a trial to prove that you are qualified to pursue Xiao Meiqing, then where you have not seen, you are neglected when you are dominated by panic. Must have a first-line life that can be grasped.

   "We will not hurt you today."

When we were scared to climb to the door, those strange villains said so, so last night's thing is probably just a temptation for them, but in the future, it may really hurt yourself, or even make you disappear. Silently even Xiao Meiqing forgets.

Zhang Xun once again forgot her appearance after Xiao Ai disappeared, but Zhang Xun still remembered what she said. Her failure was because she brought the danger that should belong to herself to Xiao Meiqing, which is Xiao Mei's family. What can not be allowed to happen, so I will lose a chance.

   But if Xiao Meiqing's room was not the right choice, was the bottom gate at that time the real exit?

   Zhang Xun hurriedly ran to the window. The sunlight outside melted the snow that fell yesterday, but there was no one in the direction of the door.

   Or at that time yesterday, there was actually someone at the door.

   Zhang Xun sat down on the bed again and hugged his head, thinking hard.

"Yesterday, all the strange people who had been born around them didn’t know whether it’s real or illusory. It’s like the way of Warcraft, and the only one who can deal with Warcraft is the magic girl, so they said they lived in the manor when they started to act. The Bami in here is sure to be noticeable.

  Maybe she was standing outside the door at that time, if she could think at that moment that this was all part of Xiaomei's trial and knew that Bamamei was just outside the door, it must be her vitality.

   She must be there, because Xiaomei's test is not to let herself die. If they really like Xiaoqing in their thoughts, she will never let her fall into danger.

The bodyguards patrolling the manor during the day can also avoid being arrested by staying with Xiao Meiqing, but at night, Xiao Meiqing can’t protect himself because of a ghostly villain attack. The only person who can protect himself is Ba. Asami.

After thinking of this, Zhang Xun made a bold decision. He looked at the direction of the door but did not go out to find Xiao Meiqing. Instead, he turned out of the window and secretly found the maid who was cleaning the courtyard and asked her to give it to herself. Find a deacon's clothes.

After pretending to be the deacon of Xiaomei's family, Zhang Xun walked towards Bama's residence. On this road, he was likely to be discovered by the bodyguards, but Zhang Xun was not so afraid, because he had the last chance. It can be used, which needs to be well utilized.

   "Yue Zhong, I don't like this guy named Zhang Xun. Why didn't you just judge him failed yesterday? Just give him a little more will definitely choose to leave the manor obediently."

  In the old house, Xiao Ai grumbled while sitting on Yue Zhong's shoulder.

   "You can still help him talk yesterday." Yue Zhong reached out and poked Xiao Ai's face and smiled.

"Yesterday, people looked at him poorly, but I didn't expect him to be so selfish. If he was really in danger and transferred to Xiaoqing, it would be the best way to get out, would he really dare to do that? "Xiao Ai said angrily, "Yesterday I said that you used to be no better than him, but now it seems that at least your love for your master is far superior to him."

Yue Zhong said complacently: "That is, of course, there is so much love in the world for no reason at all, how can selfishness be easily abandoned by nature. If it was not for Homura who chose to save me under the gun of Xuejie, When everyone didn’t believe me, I chose to trust me, and I probably wouldn’t be so indifferent.”

   "Then do you mean it's just because Xiaoqing hasn't moved Zhang Xun yet?" Xiao Ai said unhappily, "but he can't do that either."

"If he doesn't have the potential to protect Xiaoqing, it doesn't matter if it is." Yue Zhong's eyes looked far away, as if crossing the distance across the wall to see that he was living in Asami. Zhang Xun, who is moving forward, "It would be troublesome if he left now, so let's look at it again."


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