Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2076: lie

   "Come with me, I will tell you slowly." The rooting of Lumu Yuanxiang asked why Bama could not pass it on, but fortunately, she had already thought about what reason to obscure the past these days.

   Lumu Yuanxiang looked back at the auditorium, and she said hesitantly: "Am I going to say hello to Yue Zhong first, after all, I have come."

"He knew it right from the moment you entered the door, but he probably doesn’t want to talk to you now, so you shouldn’t ask for it anymore." Asami knows the meaning of his stay, at this crucial point At that time, it is best not to disturb Yue Zhong.

Because what Yue important said to Xiao Meiqing is a summary of the past two decades, and it will also have a very profound impact on her future life. Therefore, Li Xiaobei will only stop Lu Muda from the door of the manor after admitting defeat. , And what you need to do is not to let Lumu Yuanxiang disturb.

  Xiao Meiqing is not her sister after all, so her consciousness and courage cannot be maintained for a long time. The response that Yue Zhong hopes to get is her instinctive decision during the ups and downs of her mood, otherwise you don’t have to wait until now.

   The funeral in the auditorium will not end for a moment and a half, and Ba Mami and Lumu Yuanxiang went to the tower together. Since Madam Xiaomei's death, it hasn't been opened here again. Basically, no one will appear except the maid who cleans the house, so this place is extraordinarily clean. Ba Mamei will hide when she doesn't want to be found. Come somewhere.

  Looking at the unmodified furnishings in the interior of the tower, Lumu Yuanxiang said with some nostalgia: "Me and Tatsuya are visiting for the first time at Xiaomei Manor, where the late Mrs. Xiaomei received us."

   Ba Mami smiled bitterly and stood on the side of the observation deck, said with a tone: "Why do we all like to remember the past now, do we say that our heart is old?"

   "blame me blame me." Lumu Yuanxiang smiled playfully, "should not talk about such a heavy topic with Xuejie, Xuejie still told me what happened in Xiaomei Manor."

Ba Mami nodded and started her narrative: "I came here the same as you when I came here that day, because I firmly don't believe that Yue Zhong would betray the love between Xiao Meiyan and fall in love with another girl Even if the other party is so beautiful and talented, it’s impossible. If Yue Zhong is such a person, he can’t wait until Xiao Meiyan responds to him."

   "So?" Lumu Yuanxiang nodded again and again, which was also what she thought.

"In the beginning, I wanted to inquire about the news in Takihara. After learning the location of Xiao Meiyuan at that time, I wanted to see him to see what his attitude was, but I saw Su Marie and Xiao Meiyuan together. I should have known that I’m here. I don’t want me to get news everywhere in Takihara for some purpose, so I directly invited me to the manor..."

  Ba Mami said about Lumu Yuanxiang is almost the same as her experience, but the key information was well hidden by her and changed to a similarly reasonable statement. If not, as long as it aroused the suspicion of Lumu Yuanxiang, the powerful magic equivalent of her body and the gods can be reversed to get the truth through what she said. Ba Mami is not sure whether her ability will be under the shadow of heaven. There is a deviation.

"The origin of Su Marie is a mystery. Perhaps Yue Zhong knew her true identity but did not tell me. According to my understanding of Yue Zhong, he had a lot of fears for Su Marie. It seemed that the other party had the ability to threaten him, so he would cooperate. The other party does something."

   "Of course, the relationship between Su Mary and Yue Zhong is not a hostile relationship. They have their own attempts and there are many common points in them, so they can reach a consensus and become what we know."

"Although they both live in Xiaomei's old house, they are not in a room, and they usually have too much communication. I made sure that Yue Zhong was not empathizing and not dating, so I didn't ask again, just stayed in the manor. Let's see what they are planning."

  Ba Mami was struggling to connect the fictional key nodes and the main process of things together, and then kept calm waiting for Lumu's reaction.

   Madoka’s ability is undoubtedly one of the best in the magical girl, but her innocence and kindness are also among the best, so Lumu Yuanxiang seldom doubts other people’s lies, not to mention Mami or the school sister she has always respected.

   "It turns out that this is why we are so worried?" Lumu Yuanxiang Guo did not generate any doubts but completely believed what Bamamei said, "Then I am here to come today is really unnecessary."

Ba Mami nodded and shook his head: "From my point of view, this is the case, but I don't know what Yue Zhong and Su Marie thought, since they didn't design to stop your arrival, I'm afraid they will There are other purposes."

"Sister Xue, you don't know that, I certainly don't understand." Lumu Yuanxiang didn't waste that brain cell to try to figure out Yue Zhong's intention. Her attention was successfully transferred to other places by Bami "So, that Miss Su is really a very powerful person? Just now, you said that you will lose money to Da Is she even more powerful than Yue Zhong?"

"Yue Zhong used to look at your face before and never worked hard to clean up Tatsuya, but Su Marie had nothing to do with him, and Idaiya's current mentality is very likely to take the initiative to provoke her." Bama Mei seriously Said.

Lumu Yuanxiang’s knowledge is not as good as Lumuda, so she can’t imagine how powerful people can bully her brother, but she decided to take a look out of her sister’s concern: “Then I will go Take Tatsuya away."

Ba Mami thought about what she should have done, and the next conversation between Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing might not want someone unrelated to be present, so she also proposed: "I will go with you, just us I have been away from Takibara for so long, so why not go shopping together today."

   "Hmm." Lumu Yuanxiang nodded happily. It was difficult to find out that the matter had been resolved. It was already a worthwhile experience for her to be able to go shopping with friends she knew.

Li Xiaobei and Lumuda in front of the manor also maintained the same way as Lumu Yuanxiang left, and the snow covered the chessboard they had played with again, and it was calm and serene as if looking forward to Lumu Yuanxiang Looks like.

   It is a pity that the world is not as simple as Lumu Yuanxiang thought. The time of leaving this time has left a huge psychological shadow in her brother's heart, and the new layout belonging to Li Xiaobei has also been launched.


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