Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2081: Demon trading

"What I want to know is her ideas, not the value of the item itself. Xiao Meiyan is a scientist who has to pay attention to the general plane. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to communicate with her so I came here. "Li Xiaobei said without blinking, "You kind of people who don't have the spirit of scientific research and only know that it is difficult to understand with ready-made people."

   "Then why don't you go to the plane, I think your skills will definitely be taken away by countless organizations." Lu Muda also said indifferently.

"If I'm willing to go so much trouble?" Li Xiaobei snorted. "I don't want to have to complete boring tasks like you guys. If I follow the steps, I'm not much better than you. There are many ways to grow. You are like those students who have been in school since childhood. The textbooks can teach you only a limited amount of time."

   Lumuda was also in deep contemplation. He was not only thinking about the authenticity of what Li Xiaobe said, but also thinking about what was worth talking about with him.

Everyone has a purpose to act, assuming that Li Xiaobei is really the same as what she said, then she will not find herself for no reason, even if she is telling a lie, but there is one thing that cannot be denied is her age and this age Outstanding achievements.

In the pan-plane, there is a set of methods that can judge the age of the other party. Li Xiaobei can’t do anything on this, so she is much younger than herself but can already crush herself from all aspects. There is no extremely strong purpose. There can be no such achievement.

   "Since you haven't been able to get what you want from Yue Zhong, you should have come to see me long ago." Lu Muda also said the real possibility he had imagined.

"You are very self-righteous, so if I forced you to challenge me, how can you realize that I am stronger than you?" Li Xiaobei's explanation was also impeccable, she made such a big noise in Xiaomei Manor, It seems that in order to attract the attention of Lumuda and let him take the initiative.

   Now that her calculations have been realized, Lumuda has indeed delivered the door herself, and has to admit that the other party is stronger than herself. In this way, the basis for conversation is established.

  Although another way can also achieve the goal, but it has a lot less cards, and can't play around with clapping like it is now, and then talk to yourself in the most powerful manner.

   Lumuda also has a misunderstanding in his heart, and this misunderstanding is also a prerequisite for Bruce Lee to commit fraud. That is, he believes that Yue Zhong is stronger than himself, and Li Xiaobei should beat Yue Zhong and even chase Xiao Meiyan. In the case of unequal abilities, there is a low probability that they will be related to each other. There is no information to show that Yue Zhong knows such a brilliant young girl. This girl was only in her twenties when Yue Zhong was active.

At that time, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan rushed to send Li Xiaobei away before Fan Hanshi appeared, which has successfully covered up her existence. It is impossible for the panplane to observe every aspect of each plane, and there is one less in the seven galaxies. The little girl would never know if she had deliberately checked it.

"What you want to get is not just what Xiao Meiyan left to Yue Zhong." Lu Muda also thought about it. Her body deserves to be conceived by Li Xiaobei. It should be the identity of the Raiders. Although she looks down on this identity on the surface, many things she can get from this identity are not available to people like her who are outside the general plane.

   Li Xiaobei Yingying smiled: "How much can you come up with?"

   "My contribution is not much, so you don't have to expect too much." Lu Muda also said, "What about your chips? I don't need what you call commitment and help."

"I don't have that idle time to do something for you, so this temptation is still free." Li Xiaobei immediately put a smile back, "It seems that you have already figured out that I am not your enemy, this There is nothing in the world that is worth plotting for me. The number of people with a stronger general plane than you is innumerable. You cannot always treat each one as an opponent."

   Lumuda also nodded: "The only thing I have to surpass, or to suppress when he moves in the future, is only Yue Zhong."

   "It can be seen that you are very deep on him, so your condition should be related to him?" Li Xiaobe said playfully.

   "Yes, I want him a thing, whether you take it away or destroy it directly, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

Li Xiaobei’s way of inspiring people is very rough, but Lu Muda just eats her. When Lu Muda also realizes that there is no conflict between Li Xiaobei and himself, it is just like Li Xiaobei said just now. So enlightened.

He is not a very jealous person, he wants to protect it is also the beauty of this world, and Yue Zhong is Lu Muda and can only see the existence that may threaten the peace of this world. The conflict between them has already been due to all kinds of grudges It cannot be resolved unless one party completely disappears from this world.

  Li Xiaobei has proved that she has enough ability to achieve anything, so this condition can be discussed.

   "I have one last question." Lu Muda also stared at Li Xiaobei, not letting go of any slight changes in her expression. "Why would Yue Zhong want to believe you?"

  If Li Xiaobei didn't answer well, all previous efforts will be lost, and Lu Muda will also be aware of the anomaly and expose her true relationship with Yue Zhong.

Just like Bama's evaluation of Li Xiaobei, all of her layouts are based on a perfect foundation, and there is no room for mediation in the event of a problem in any I found one of his The secret is also the most important thing Xiao Meiyan left to Yue Zhong. "Li Xiaobei didn't give Lu Muda any flaws. How to persuade him and guide his thinking? Li Xiaobei had already planned, "Xiao Meiyan's own Forcibly separated from the origin of time to maintain the creation of Yue Zhong’s time, but Yue Zhong shifted the time knot to Xiao Meiqing because he spoiled Xiao Meiqing. If I were to take away Xiao Meiqing and try to strip away the time knot When he came out, he couldn't stop it, and Xiao Meiyan, who was far beyond the infinite plane, didn't have that ability to stop me. "

   Lumu Tatsuya's eyebrows curled up again. What Li Xiaobei said not only threatened Yue Zhong, but also made him uneasy.

   "Will you do this?"

Li Xiaobei smiled sweetly, but in Lu Muda's eyes, it was not sweet but full of danger: "You also want to protect Xiao Meiqing? It depends on whether the remuneration you give me can satisfy me, if you can. I also don’t want to offend Xiao Meiyan, after all, I am still looking forward to seeing her one day in the future."

   "You took Yue Zhong's things, wouldn't she hate you too much?"

   "As long as Yue Zhong is not dead, then everything can be discussed."

   Lumuda also got a deeper understanding of Li Xiaobei's people at this moment, maybe he shouldn't talk to her about the conditions at all?


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