Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2084: The heart of victory

   "Of course, although I have not seen the elder sister, but my sister and I have always been her strongest supporters." Xiao Meiyuan said with a strong desire to survive.

   "Oh?" Li Xiaobei said with a playful smile, "I don't understand this very well. Is it true that the bond of affection is so strong that no matter what other people have done for you?"

Xiao Meiyuan shook his head and said: "It's not for this reason, his brother-in-law is willing to always protect everything at Xiaomei's house. Isn't it because of his love for the elder sister? If even this fundamental thing has changed, he treats me and my second sister's Mentality will certainly change, when he is no longer our brother-in-law, then everything we rely on him will also be gone, and the second sister is not a fool, so she has no possibility to agree with the assumption you said. ."

"But you have grown up, even if you can't control Xiaomei's family like Yue Zhong with what I and Lianhua taught you, but if you are willing to work hard, you will definitely be a qualified owner, in your heart. Haven’t you thought about this question at all?” Li Xiaobei said confusingly. “At this time, your brother-in-law’s departure may not be an acceptable thing for Xiaoqing, but why should you object, he has blocked you Is on its way."

  Xiao Meiyuan answered without thinking, "My opponent will never be the brother-in-law, and Lumuda is more suitable for me."

"If your brother-in-law is gone, how will Lumuda still care about Xiaomei's family?" Li Xiaobei sneered, "Although he is not much different from you to me, but in his eyes temporarily Without you."

   "Then let him really realize my existence. Before that, my brother-in-law can't go away." Xiao Meiyuan said flatly.

  Li Xiaobei sighed somewhat boringly: "Your answer is really not as interesting as I thought."

"What do you think is an interesting thing?" Xiao Meiyuan has never been able to know what Li Xiaobei is thinking. Since Zhang Xun can predict that she is likely to leave, Xiao Meiyuan will not Not aware of it at all.

He didn’t hold that unrealistic expectation of Li Xiaobei, even though she was the first girl to let herself open her heart, but her actions and unpredictable were unpredictable, even though she had a world of unparalleled Her face, but if she didn’t want to show her worthy of pity and love, then such a girl would let Xiao Meiyuan look at and look away.

In contrast, even Lianhua did better than Li Xiaobei. She would not hide everything about herself and face anyone with absolute reason. Lianhua also has her cute appearance in daily life. .

   is just knowing for half a year, Xiao Meiyuan doesn't want to know nothing about this girl who changed her life.

"The world's ideas are so easy to guess. Isn't the world not boring without any surprises?" Li Xiaobei said uncomfortably. "It doesn't have to be unexpected accidents that even I didn't expect, as long as it is unusual. It will be fun."

Xiao Meiyuan could not stand at the same height as Li Xiaobei to evaluate tens of millions of people. All he could see was the story of his own life: "I have seen a lot of people living at the bottom in this half year of seeing Takihara Or people in the dark, they also have their own laws of life and the rules they abide by. They will not change easily and will not tolerate others trying to change. Among the second-generation children I contacted in my youth, they seem lawless. What to do and what to do is always traceable. Because there is order, there is a stable world. If there are too many accidents like this, the human world is already messed up. Most people don’t have much ambition and hope. The world is in chaos, and it does not have the corresponding capabilities."

"It's also very good to be able to say this." Li Xiaobei gently looked up and looked at the snow outside the door. The snow had covered everything. After such an overnight, all the storms would be deeply affected. Buried, "What kind of person do you think Yue Zhong is?"

Xiao Meiyuan thought for a moment and said: "I used to hear people tell stories about my brother-in-law and my sister. When I was young, I thought my brother-in-law was my sister's guardian knight. Later I grew up and thought of the sister in the story as What the world does not tolerate, but the brother-in-law does not ask about good and evil, right or wrong, what she thinks in her heart, and does not hesitate to do what is evil in the world, then he should be an infatuated and absolute dark conspirator, making me feel handsome and powerful At the same time respectful and afraid."

"Until I left the manor just now, I saw the elder brother-in-law's inexplicable smile when the second sister went to his place and occupied your position. I finally realized that my brother-in-law could not escape the joys and sorrows of the world, he was just in it. But he is constantly fighting, carrying the pressure and painful people who are not able to understand the pain of others. But he has achieved the things that the same kind has not done. He has mastered and applied the rules of the world and the laws of humanity in Xiaomei. In the hearts of everyone in the family, he is the sky that will never fall."

"Tell you one thing, yesterday my brother-in-law and I also played a game of chess, but in the end I lost half a goal." Li Xiaobei asked quietly, "Do you think I will have the opportunity to change all this in the future and win your hearts?" A half step of that sky?"

  Xiao Meiyuan stared at Li thoughts and obsessions are always unthinkable. But she is also different from the overconfident Lumuda, because she is a celestial wizard who has never been seen by Xiaomei Yuan before, and no one will come later. If others want to win his temple-like brother-in-law, Idiots talk about dreams, but Li Xiaobei is not sure.

"I don't know." Xiao Meiyuan gave the answer in his heart, "I don't know the realm of you and my brother-in-law, how can I predict the future, but I think even if you can win in the future, then It must be hard, right?"

"Speaking of course, he is a person who has taken this road to the limit. It is really difficult to know what will be in the future on the same road." Li Xiaobei said as he said to himself, Lian Bu Qingmai walked alone into the snowy night.

   She always had an idea in her heart, but she didn't make a decision, but now it seems that she thinks well.

Beyond Master is not necessarily in the same field, there are so many unknowns in the material plane, and humans are just a small part of it. Since Li Xiaobei already feels that the human world is boring, then What about those lives that are very different from human beings?

   "What's wrong with her, she suddenly became nagging." Lian Huajian bored her nails, and the conversation between the two stopped, and then Li Xiaobei could not help asking when she went out alone.


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