Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2101: A new chapter in Fantasy Township

  Although only seeing the tip of the iceberg of the military, it has brought great shock to Fan Hanshi's heart.

   As an inspector of the Judicial Tribunal, he did not know the extent of the most powerful combat power in the ubiquitous plane, but now he can determine what power the best of the ordinary soldiers possess.

   This is not very different from what he imagined in the confinement room. The only serious deviation lies in the estimation of the military's combat effectiveness.

In the past, Fan Hanshi believed that maintaining the justice of the panplanetary code can protect the panplanet. Now his vision has been further broadened. It turns out that there are so many huge threats outside human civilization, which is why it is necessary because of this. Powerful forces compete with it.

  I only maintain a narrow one-sided balance of the ubiquitous plane, so this time, with the help of the military, maybe I can regain the odds?

After understanding the strength of the military, Fan Hanshi can also indirectly understand the strength of other species other than humans. The advantage that the Void Eye project can bring to the military is not as simple as he had imagined before. I believe that the military will also Do your best.

Fan Hanshi is not sure how much power he can borrow from here to fight a local war with the Valkyrie Rangers, but he believes that the advantages he can borrow will certainly exceed his ideal expectations. As for whether the war will cause a more profound impact, Not within his consideration.

His confinement career over the years has made him want to understand one thing. His personal existence is insignificant to the general plane. Perhaps he is a highly anticipated new generation in the court, but when he leaves his familiarity After the environment and the way of working, no one will continue to value their future.

I don’t need to worry so much about all aspects of the ubiquitous plane, as long as I follow the ideas in my heart, there will be no mistakes. The adults who have chosen them have already considered everything. When they don’t understand their intentions, they are the only ones. All you can contribute is to do your own thing well.

  Thinking too much, how could you win Xiao Meiyan who is more focused on one thing...

When Fan Hanshi was looking for new help, Li Xiaobei also completed the migration of Fantasy Township. When she inserted a long axis of history on a continental planet in a plane that only she had discovered, the era of Fantasy Township also welcomed There is a brand new scene.

This is a new world where intelligent life has not yet been born, most species are still in the early stages of evolution, do not have the self-consciousness of planets such as heaven, there is no species civilization or relics, and there is no pure land that has derived a supernatural power system. .

   When the long axis of history is completely melted in this world without history, all the power systems and common sense belonging to Fantasy Township are silently integrated into the whole world.

Tens of thousands of pioneers who learned that Fantasy Township will be migrating from Kappa, who wanted to go to the new world to open up new worlds, quickly found a region along the river, using all kinds of mechanical equipment and complete The production and technology system began to establish a brand-new human city-state, and named it as the world's best in accordance with the habit of fantasy township.

Tengu and Kappa, who did not stay in the human world, entered the vast mountains. Under the leadership of the great tengu, a classy institutional world was re-established, and the old monster mountain forces that controlled advanced productivity quickly built the vast mountains into a defense. Complete restricted area.

The frozen lake of mist is projected to the north pole of this world. The countless ice power condenses into the seventy-two wings behind Qi Lu Nuo. When she flies into the sky excitedly, she sees every one of the world Numerous fairies have been born in the corner from nature.

In the center of the mainland, the huge and magnificent Red Devil Hall rose from the ground. Remilia had seen this day from her fate before Li Xiaobei was captured in Fantasy Township, so she did not resist too fiercely at the time. All the wealth accumulated by the Red Devils House in these years has been replaced by corresponding materials, and all of them have been brought to the new world with the help of space technology invented by Okazaki Mengmei.

The ambition in her heart has already regained her majesty because she was sprouted by being bullied by Li Xiaobei. With the opportunity to recruit new goblins to build a huge Red Demon Hall, she has enveloped a large number of loyal forces, and she has never seen it again. With cheaper labor and combat power than a goblin, a goblin can work for her for a month with only one candy.

The old Red Devil Hall fell on a corner of the mainland and was abandoned by Remilia, but soon there were other goblins. The more powerful one was the three sisters of Pritzmliba, but they did not like the old Red Devil at all. The color of the pavilion is so unrecognizable. In order to continue to envelop the goblin Remilia, she did not care, but instead generously gave the old red demon pavilion to these goblins.

The magic forest in Fantasy Township overlaps with a large jungle on the south side of the mainland. Marisa and Alice, who were used to living here, do not need to do anything to continue living in the huge jungle that has been assimilated by the magic forest. In the southern part of the magic forest, which has crossed the equator in the southern hemisphere, the monster rabbits planted bamboo in large quantities and rebuilt the eternal pavilion in the depths of the bamboo forest.

Boli Lingmeng still lives in the Boli Shrine, and she adjoins the human world to occasionally go to the human settlement to buy daily except that when no one goes to worship anymore Having to find time to work, Dongfenggu Zaomiao took her uncle and stepmother instead of going to Monster Mountain, but lived in a human country. With the wealth that Li Xiaobei had given before, she directly bought a lot of prosperous regional real estate. Little rich woman.

The monsters of the old **** went to the other side of the sea. They had already been accustomed to living underground, so they settled down under the richer continent. The sky beneath the ground is a re-established celestial realm such as Tianzi and other people. There are no other species to choose between the heaven and the earth, because there are large flowers blooming here, endless sunflower fields, blooming bellflowers and so on.

   Hell, Underworld, and other realities that did not belong to Fantasy Township Realm also have a position in this world, but ordinary people do not know where they are located.

Each race of Fantasia Township has established a new home in the new world. The huge living space has allowed them to have no conflicts for the time being, and each has launched their new life quietly and peacefully.

However, Yakumo Zi is very worried because the belligerent monsters that she once relied on did not learn to build their homes like other races. They are still in curiosity about the new world, and a large number of uncultivated wild animals Can meet their needs in life, but they will make trouble in the future.

   The more powerful the monsters, the more difficult it is to multiply. The concept of civilization has penetrated into the hearts of various ethnic groups in Fantasy Township. They will never choose to sit still when they are bullied or even prey.

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   Chapter 101, a new chapter in Fantasy Township

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