Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2113: Decision game

The field engineers and engineering assistants belonging to the Engineering Corps also lost their lives with the destruction of the entire engineering fleet. Unlike regular military combat units with strong defensive capabilities, they are almost undefended on the battlefield at this level. The elite momentary surprise attack of the long-standing Valkyrie Ranger Regiment naturally has no means to resist it.

   learned that Trish's expression in this ambush was finally dignified, and Xiao Meiyan's unconventional offensive method gave him a sense of tension when facing an unknown strong enemy.

"Unprecedented combat methods, accurate information acquisition capabilities and battlefield projection and evacuation calculations, so this is the opponent I face this time?" The loss of an engineering corps has nothing to do with Tracy, it really makes him What started to feel tricky was Xiao Meiyan's combat thinking.

   As a cutting-edge warrior, Trish analyzed Xiao Meiyan's intention almost instantly. The other party is capable of transforming information superiority into battlefield superiority, and Xiao Meiyan is also very clear that even if the pan-plane military does not know the attack on the combat unit, it will not achieve too significant results, far from Within a second, it is necessary to complete the power projection and fire dumping of the trans-plane and evacuate before the pan-plane military responds. This round offensive is not destined to cause much damage, even in the female martial arts. The base of the Shenyou Cavalry Regiment has pre-established foundations, so this theoretical mode of warfare is made possible, but it is still too reluctant to threaten the main force of the pan-plane military.

   So Xiao Meiyan is focused on the Pan-Plane Engineering Corps, and can even be extended to the entire Pan-Plane military logistics system.

The high-efficiency response of the pan-plane regular army has always been a guarantee for the perfect operation of the logistics system, and the logistics system also supports the key to the combat unit’s strong combat effectiveness. The two complement each other and have been perfectly verified after numerous wars, but this time Xiao Meiyan, however, did not believe that she wanted to separate the two.

Only combat units that are separated from the support of the logistics system can be defeated, and the first step in destroying the connection between the two begins with the attack on the engineering corps, and the forcible opening of the plane is still reflected in the wreckage of the burning engineering fleet. What Tracy sees is not the embers of war, but the strong response from Xiao Meiyan.

   This reminded Trish of the information provided by Fan Hanshi to the military. Among them, he focused on the woman Xiao Meiyan, who was an enemy in his life, and the character and evaluation of the other party flashed quickly in Trish's mind.

"Xiao Meiyan is now a genius scientist who has proven herself. The way she fights or directs her battles is based on huge data theory. Although she does not have the strategy to make a surprise victory, she can always calculate Find the best solution for all battles and implement it."

   So the logistics system that subverted the military was calculated by Xiao Meiyan, right?

"It seems that this conflict will be more interesting than I thought." Tracy is not a person who will be confused when he encounters a difficult situation. On the contrary, he especially likes to challenge the difficult situation. It is because of such traits that he will be The ubiquitous military valued and held the important position of chief garrison. In the battlefield where he exists, there is often an unavoidable adversity, but Trish has persisted in adversity until today.

The traditional military's protection of logistics has been flawed at this moment, but such an accident has not only occurred once. The pan-plane army will always encounter some unexpected troubles when it comes to all kinds of strong enemies, and how to solve it It is the real test and judgment standard for a commander.

Opening a new plane channel has become an uncertain gamble, and no one knows whether there is a waiting situation behind Xiao Meiyan. For the Void Eye project of the Panplane, they can also see the situation of the unknown plane. If they cooperate with the engineering fleet to start operations at the same time, they can minimize the risk.

"Eye of the Void is Xiao Meiyan's theoretical foundation. Use her things to defeat her. You have come to think of it." Trish rejected the suggestion without hesitation. Xiao Meiyan's attention is raised to the highest level, just like those enemies who have never met but must be very threatening.

The more sophisticated the technology, the more likely it is to make mistakes. With Xiao Meiyan's understanding of the Eye of the Void, no one can guarantee that she will not be able to interfere with the side of the panplane. What about space-time distortions or the depths of the void?

Of course, having an advanced technology but being unable to use it is indeed a tangled thing, but Trici has decisively abandoned any technology related to the Eye of the Void: "Command, open a new plane. When the channel is first-level alert, the Prophet and the unconventional computing team must determine the details of the coordinates of the front before the channel is built. Any interference that is considered to be expelled, even if the enemy will not be counted, they must be given after they appear. I hold back as much time as possible to fight back. I don’t believe that the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is so powerful."

  Tracy’s decision was soon and it turned out that he was wise to abandon the Void Eye technology, even if doing so would make the information difference between the two sides more obvious.

  Xiao Meiyan very much hopes that the pan-plane military will do so, and hope that they will be lucky. Even just one attempt will be enough to continue their plan.

In the Eye of the Void, Xiao Meiyan has prepared a big gift for the ubiquitous plane military. That is when Xiao Meiyan drew attention to the existence of a void in the construction of the Eye of the Void, although Xiao Meiyan successfully escaped from the other side. But the original data is retained. If the same technology launched by the panplane, Xiaomei Yan will be able to guide that will to the military side of the panplane. According to her prediction, the power of this will is far from To the extent that the dazzling galaxy's abyssal fleet can match, even if the pan-plane military suddenly encounters such an opponent, even if it can win the battle, it may cause heavy losses.

   It is a pity that his opponent did not make such a choice.

Xiao Meiyan on the large universe chart drew a line in the plan table, and then a large section of the logical chain below it also disappeared in the strategic plan, but she soon wrote it with Xinghui. A brand new plan.

"Every decision is a stage of the experiment. Since I chose to abandon the Eye of the Void, the information advantage I have will be more significant, and the data system will be rebuilt. Next, I will not necessarily wait for you at the entrance of the plane." ...


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