Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2120: Army of Fortitude

  Tianyan is like the existence of a regulator that corrects the warring parties. Although it cannot directly change the huge difference in power contrast, it quietly affects each individual involved.

   The existence that can be influenced by the continuous exploration and pursuit of human nature and choice can only be affected by human beings, and only any form of interaction between human beings is allowed to involve and react.

Yue Zhong was not arrogant enough to use his own strength to try to change the form of the thousands of planes of the battlefield, and affected the powerful individuals of the plane-plane military who were too powerful to add. He applied a will projected to the eye of the void, Through the powerful information real-time control ability of the Eye of the Void itself, the increase and decrease of individuals can be realized.

Whenever an exhausted soldier of the Guard Corps can’t keep trying to give up, all information about him will start to work so that whether he is looking forward to the future or finding strength from his memories, he can finally grind his teeth and continue to fight and continue to fight. .

And every time a pan-plane military soldier is about to explode his potential under the right circumstances, there is also the information associated with it that continuously draws it to the probability of making a billionth error, even if the heart is hard If there is no shortage of rock, it will also be affected by various other information-related factors, which will not reach the level that Trisi expects.

  When the system that belongs to the pan-plane military profession and the stronger will to war were exerted, the speed of the fall of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment slowed down.

The pan-plane military's strength advantage is still very huge, but Trici has had to find a way to make changes. Until now, unless Fan Hanshi took the lead in the world and killed Yue Zhong directly, it has affected this. The will of the days of war will always exist, but even if he is really mad, he may not be able to kill Yue Zhong.

The Court of Justice will not allow someone to lynch the person who has imposed the sentence. Many people in the general plane will also tend to Yue Zhong to prevent him from doing so, even if these factors can be resolved by negotiation, Yue Zhong Is he really that easy to kill?

If it is so easy, then the trouble that Triese is now is not a trouble. Inadvertently choosing to threaten Yue Zhong’s life will definitely cause a strong rebound in Tianyan. At that moment, there will be no changes. Any method can be predicted in advance.

A plan from the staff was placed in front of Trish. He also participated in the formulation of the plan and led its key points. But Trish holding it was a little hesitant. The reason is because The Panplane military’s lack of understanding of the Eye of the Void and Trish’s inability to determine the headquarters area of ​​the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment forced Xiao Meiyan to leave the Central Laboratory No. 2 under her command and research to bring it to the war. The earth-shaking transformation.

The capital and headquarters with important symbols and significance under the conventional war can indeed greatly reduce the enemy’s will to resist, but it is impossible to guarantee that this will not be a new direction for the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. Moreover, the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment was originally It is a political form of military government with an extreme trend of thought.

Although Tracy is an excellent soldier, his thoughts are not completely constrained by the framework of the army. It is not an extinction to weigh the causes of this so-called local conflict with the war goals set by the two sides. Invasive warfare, completely defeating the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and the already famous Xiao Meiyan, although the scenery is infinite, but how many people will label themselves as the executioner, and how many human forces outside the general plane will subconsciously Hostile to yourself?

There is no need for a national weapon for life or death. This is the definition that the panplane has always given to the military. Now because of Fan Hanshi’s invitation and the urgency for the Eye of the Void, the military’s radicals have broken the rules and blended in. On the surface No one stopped it, but he could be the victim of a formal struggle.

   "Is it my turn to be bound by internal struggle now?" Trish grinned and put the plan aside. This decision was really not so good, so he needed to think about it.

Yue Zhong’s bad relationship is not only reflected in the wonderful power of Tianyan, when he sees what is happening here, Tracy’s choice now becomes an inevitable trend, after all, tricks and tactics are Yue Zhong has been used to settle down for life since he was the weakest. He will not forget this instinct.

  What other people think is only secondary, the key is what kind of consideration is the first will of the panplane.

   Is he really willing to see the future of the panplane military using force to erase the future of a scientist destined to become a legend? Is the acquiescence of this unreasonable military action for the eyes of the void or what? Perhaps his role is just to give Xiao Meiyan an urgent pressure. This local conflict can really only be a conflict. To do an exercise for the emergence of the Eye of the Void and a brand new war mode.

   thought everything would be a winning war, so Trish was unwilling to consider so much, and now he considered so much but nothing changed.

"It's really But I don't want to be underestimated." Tracy stood up and solemnly arranged the long and wrinkled military uniform in front of the coat of arms mirror, and took it back in his hand The plan was written, which shows that he has made a decision in his heart.

   Soldiers are not politicians. They have to weigh the gains and losses for themselves or for the interest groups they endorse. When necessary, they should forcefully destroy humanity. When necessary, compromise and retreat.

  The soldiers must have the atmosphere of the soldiers.

   Pan-plane soldiers are more of a model for all ages, and the vast military history of the pan-plane will leave its own name...

The military's offensive did not stop because of the setbacks. With such a great commander, even if it was just an exercise, they would play beautifully, so that all the military who do not understand the pan-plane Those who know its horror see the eternal glory of being a soldier under the pinnacle of human civilization.

All combat units changed the direction of march, steadily and solidly broke through a line of defense organized by the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, and directed their heads toward the headquarters area of ​​the Valkyrie Rangers Rehearsal, even though Xiao Meiyan was in a logistic system. The flames of war that ignited obstruction did not stop the fall of the headquarters area.

   On that day, the black tower collapsed in the sky, and all the planning areas with this self-extinguishing flame that burned all the matter turned into the original composition of the plane universe, and no more secrets could be excavated from it.

  The upper levels of the Valkyrie Rangers were exiled, but their reinforcements had reached a plane farther back.

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