Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2123: Secret of love

   Hope is always a very wonderful existence, it always needs to be seen to give people a sense of peace. When the opposite despair overshadowed it, most people couldn't see it actually existed.

In fact, in the early period of the war, the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment used the information advantage of the Eye of the Void to suppress the passive defense of the ubiquitous plane. Compared with the two situations where the headquarters area is now occupied by the plane, the two planes are controlled by the ubiquitous military. The former is obvious. It is more acceptable, but it is selectively ignored by many people.

Before the reinforcements from other human forces arrived and showed a strong adaptability to the war mode of war, many of the Valkyrie Rangers were surrounded by despair, represented only by the head of the large group and bearing the female martial arts. The members of the Legion’s offensive and defensive role are willing to believe that hope still exists, and all military forces, including the conventional legion, will bravely resist the aggression of the pan-plane military without any complaints, because they really understand a superior war. The hope that the model can give.

   The current form is still grim, but Xiao Meiyan feels that the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment has relaxed somewhat, as if they have won the final victory in this war.

In the past, Xiao Meiyan needed to worry about whether anyone in the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment could not bear the pressure and betrayed the enemy. With the participation of Yue Zhong’s Tianyan consciousness, even those who planned to do so would not be able to pay because of various reasons. In reality, they have been waiting for the so-called dawn to cease to have such risks. On the contrary, the slackness within the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment will not make Xiao Meiyan worry about anything, but she has a deep curiosity.

Many people will have the same feeling after the change of the people's heart is revealed, but who can determine an inevitable trend before it has happened? Xiao Meiyan knew that Yue Zhong was extremely clever, and his cleverness was based on his extremely high EQ He and IQ can be more or less sure of the roots, but the inability to see the roots in him now makes Xiao Meiyan unable to curb his curiosity.

Yue Zhong’s power never brought Xiao Meiyan any pressure, but Xiao Meiyan’s curiosity and desire to explore the unknown are the basis for her to determine her own path and go so far. Suddenly she found herself very familiar People have an energy that makes them feel unfamiliar. If they had no time to study Xiao Meiyan, they might throw away the eye of the void and understand its essence.

   Can no one know Yue Zhong better than himself? This is a very important thing for Xiao Meiyan. The girl hopes that her lover has no secrets. As a woman and the best scientist in the material plane, it is necessary for her to understand what the so-called Tianyan is.

  Tightening the war, Xiao Meiyan couldn't be distracted, but she quietly recorded all the corresponding information clues. In the future, she must always understand the significance of Tianyan.

The Guards Corps held up all the important tasks in the early war. Now that they are working hard, they have entered a state of deep recuperation. The large cosmic astrolabe that has become part of Xiaomeiyan’s eye of the void will no longer be her limitation. She It can appear freely in any place, enter the rest period under the name of personal inspection without delaying the deployment of the instant war, and observe the status of each person who has been deeply affected by the Tianyan.

   There is no time to retreat to study, but it is always possible to see.

There are also different types of combat units in the guards of the Valkyrie Rangers. The remaining warships and other mechanical artifacts are undergoing maintenance after the battle, and their drivers are also readjusting their physical conditions at the fastest speed. Return to the state of mouth health and then invest in the battlefield, and a small amount of powerful existence like Rosa can cut the nightmare of the void with the individual strength of the star sea sword. Most of them are in the state of mental dormancy and energy rush.

After Xiaomeiyan came to the retreat area, she chatted with many soldiers who had excellent performance on the battlefield. They should be a group of people who would have explosive performances for some special reasons, but Xiaomeiyan did not Being able to find any valuable clues from them is like a long-term accumulation of necessity, and it will not make sense unless you analyze every detail from the past.

Then Xiao Meiyan found Rosa again. As an adjutant who had been born for a long time, she resolutely invested in the battlefield at the juncture of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, creating some dazzling ones with her extraordinary fighting talent and powerful strength. The results are not surprising. Xiao Meiyan collected material samples should be placed on other more ordinary individual units, but unfortunately only Rosa was awake when she came.

Rosa, who had a deep prejudice to Xiao Meiyan before, immediately stood up to salute when she saw Xiao Meiyan. If she had not become a part of her command system, Rosa would not have such a deep feeling. Xiao Meiyan did It is a person worthy of respect, even if her heart is not here, but this does not prevent her from creating an unprecedented glory for the Valkyrie Rangers.

  Xiao Meiyan slightly nodded her head and asked directly, "How do you feel when fighting?"

   "Feel?" Rosa shook her head unidentified, she really didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Meiyan asking this question specifically in this place.

   "Is there any difference between you entering the battlefield for the first time and the last battle?" Seeing Rosa's Xiao Meiyan asked in a different way.

   "Just a little bit familiar, the intensity of the war has not exceeded my personal limit." Rosa said truthfully.

  Xiao Meiyan nodded somewhat disappointed: "But the battle situation has indeed changed, hasn't it?"

"It's weird to say here. Others have been exhausted in the later period, but there has been a stronger enthusiasm for war than the beginning of the war... isn't it your reason?" Rosa stood straight. Only the gaze fell on Xiao Meiyan.

   "Not exactly, wait for other people to wake up and ask them for me." Xiao Meiyan also intends to leave, and her work is now heavier than anyone.

The long black hair dancing in the air was suddenly blocked by Xiao Meiyan's cheek that stopped halfway. The long hair covered Xiao Meiyan's face and only her eyes were squinted: "Since I met you, I have a question to ask you, little Will you tell Fan Hanshi about the north?"

  Rosa understood Xiao Meiyan's concerns this time. Perhaps this strange change came from the person in Xiao Meiyan's heart, and Li Xiaobei also became a key among them.

   "No." Since Rosa had already recognized Xiao Meiyan's contribution, she would not do anything that would be detrimental to her or the war.

   "If it is Chisao's order?"

   Rosa still shook his head without hesitation: "No, although the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment has a strict system, we will not revenge for those who have made outstanding contributions."

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