Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2127: Extreme of time

?The Valkyrie Rangers Group devoted all their battles with the pan-plane military to the entire detected universe as a battlefield, and their combat power is still at an absolute disadvantage. Even head-on confrontation must rely on a new combat mode to be able to There may be a ray of life.

What Xiao Meiyan is trying to show in the eyes of the watchers at this moment is another manifestation of flash wars. It can not only be used for small-scale local surprise attacks and involvement, but even in the decisive stage, it still has inter-temporal significance.

Compared with the original traditional front line deployment, Xiao Meiyan's combat power is more widely distributed, and the entire known universe is incorporated into the tactical width and depth to eliminate super weapons and peak individual practitioners' cross-plane attack. The war is the ultimate. If the general plane is defined as a local conflict, the enemy will certainly not use that level of combat power.

"Then we should have other advantages..." Xiao Meiyan's thoughts were instantly interrupted by the continuous offensive from the void track. Trish should know that she is the absolute core of this battle. Even if the front line in the calculation involves a large number of troops, as long as possible, it will attack the coordinates of Xiao Meiyan.

With the transformation of the galaxy material, the energy contained in the material itself is continuously decomposed by Xiao Meiyan to form her defensive network of command center, but most of her energy cannot be used here, and it is hers to command the entire collective battle. main mission.

Different energy structures are built on the possible attack trajectories like the main plane, dimensional defense, the intersection of the real and the real, as well as the space-time gap, like the tens of thousands of dangers. Xiao Meiyan's best energy is the rough energy cancellation and zero-sum Effective and least defensive means, she must believe that the head of the group and others can block enough enemies for her, so that the plane-wide military cannot mobilize the meticulous offensive that can break through its own defense and is protected. Xiaomei Yan is also using his expertise to add chips to other combat areas.

Visible radiance and invisible destruction are bursting and annihilating at each contact surface where Xiao Meiyan exists, standing in the center of the different spirits that light the universe to darkness and break the deep space tranquility, countless forms of burning The flames of war are reflected in the purple eyes of Xiao Meiyan's left eye, and her other eyes are to watch every movement of the entire universe.

The information suppression of the Eye of the Void has not been as significant as before, but it still exists and is actually controlled by Xiao Meiyan. For this, the extremely skilled Guards Corps mobilizes more frequently, densely and efficiently, and participates in different battlefields. Using higher-intensity sports losses to fill in the lack of quantity, the war has now been carried out, and the elite guards have to become units of consumption.

However, the loss of the pan-plane military is still higher than the Valkyrie Rangers. Their advantages in hard data are all wiped out by the counterattack led by Tianyan. Every individual in the Valkyrie Rangers of the First World War In the state of eruption, the beginning of the battle also overwhelmed the pan-plane military.

At the same time, because Xiao Meiyan was also involved in the war, and had joined the high-level peak power of the Valkyrie Cavalry Regiment, such as the head of the regiment, there is a war factor that cannot be ignored that cannot be avoided.

That is the care of Xiao Meiyan, like the ubiquitous network generally ignores the separation of the planes and affects the time of each plane.

The so-called momentary war is named after that, but according to the definition given by the source of the moment, ninety-six million moments a day is 0.009 seconds. The moment is too long. This period of time is the weakest plane power. It can also be used to do many things.

The shortest Planck time that can be observed in the theory of the era of earth civilization is 10 minus 43 seconds. This data is continuously expanding with the development of civilization. By the time of the panplane, the minimum value has been refreshed in the laboratory again and again. Observation records.

Xiao Meiyan, who instinctively divides time into extremely detailed work, uses this method to decompose the stop and stop consumption. Later, Xiao Meiyan realized that his time was already less than the official value of the pan-plane, and he was used to it. Sexually use it in combat operations.

The use of time cannot be attached to so many units, and the ubiquitous plane also has the means of time attack. It can defend against the attack from Xiaomeiyan, but it cannot prevent the operation of Xiaomeiyan time.

Individuals in each line of time are affected. Xiao Meiyan cannot make each combat unit share their own time lapse, but its effect is no less than the guidance of Tianyan and the effect is more direct.

The time of the entire universe is fragmented due to the influence of Xiao Meiyan. To a certain extent, Xiao Meiyan has destroyed the inner balance of this universe, so that this universe will be in a state of chaotic timing for a long period of time. It is more suitable for living here, and it will eventually evolve into a destructiveness no less than the original Big Bang until it is restored to equilibrium.

But compared to the operation of the instant war, this evolution is as long as the infinite future, at least the impact caused during this battle is minimal.

The frontal confrontation of the instant war is the limit acceptable to the elite of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, so the assistance of time may not be felt for ordinary individuals, but for the head of the regiment and others, it is like adding strength to the tiger.

The humans of the panplane have already proved in countless ways that the overall energy is overwhelmingly superior to the individual. Countless historical, legendary, and artistic final outcomes have examples of overwhelming the overall and defeating powerful individuals. The system is established based on this, but at some point the individual excellence is above some of the whole.

Just as Chiu Zaozhi feels at this moment, the existence she projected in the magical girl world has communicated all the strongest with magical runes, and now the power from the body is even more inestimable.

There are also powerful individuals like her in the panplane military, and they were all pressed on the front by Trisi to cope with the participation of the large regiment and others, but with the influence of the Tianyan and the care of time, The existence of evenly matched rivals has created a huge Chia early generation has more abundant energy to describe countless truths composed of essence and roots, and the tens of thousands of traces engraved by it constitute billions of dollars. Unfolding the most explosive form of all elements in the universe, the unstoppable momentum wiped out the powerful enemy of the plane in front of him.

The Chia early knot that wiped out the strong enemy could not wipe off the fine sweat on the forehead. In an instant, countless jumps and turns came to the new enemy, defeating one she needed to do her best, and facing the second she could only Fighting for life, after all, the gap between them is not so big, if it is not for Xiao Meiyan's support to make the enemy unpredictable, it should still be struggling with the previous opponent now.

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Chapter 2127 The Pole of Time (page 1/1)

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