Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2129: Peerless Revenge

? Probably because of the man's reason. For so many years, the general plane only knows that there is a Valkyrie Ranger Regiment in the world. Its head was once the majestic Valkyrie, but there are records about her in the past. Into the vast historical archives like Xinghai, unless you deliberately investigate and understand it, you will not know too much. From the day when First Will came to power, all people who know the truth are obsessed about this. If you want to pass the usual The chance of knowing his people is so small.

The commander-in-chief on the battlefield is not a solitary hero. She led the elite combat units to perform small-scale key strike operations. The command art was used as a template for teaching tens of thousands of years ago. She has been involved in many times to save the first will in crisis.

When he was trapped, he was rescued by the leader of the large group. He was trapped and detained and broke into the court of justice. He was also the leader of the group... They were once men and women of the legendary panplane, on their own roads. After walking gradually higher, it seems that there is no longer any power, no one seems to be able to separate them, but they are ultimately beyond everyone's expectations.

Because the path they chose is getting farther and farther away, the girl who was once dumped by the will of the First Will and the world's pride will eventually lose the other party forever because of the thoughts she once admired.

Since then, the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment has appeared, with an extreme purpose of being discouraged and bitter, the powerful and invincible regiment has raised a trend of thought that is not mainstream but extremely niche. Eventually founded today's foundation.

Before Xiao Meiyan stood up voluntarily, the head of the group had already prepared to mobilize all the military forces and the pan-planet military to fight a deadly battle, because she still believed that she was invincible, even if there was only one hundred million possibility, she also had Absolute self-confidence to create a miracle with weak over strong. It is impossible to keep her head down to the general plane so that she is not afraid that the Valkyrie Rangers will go to extinction. She also has the ability to leave the battlefield with backbone strength when the battle is irreparable, as long as she is there. It's coming again.

However, Xiao Meiyan's initiative to ask her to make the leader think that her chances of organizing the battle should be higher. As for Xiao Meiyan's impact after the victory, it is fundamental for such a big leader who is extremely conceited and extremely powerful. It's nothing.

When the war was going on, the head of the large group clearly saw the advantages and disadvantages and problems of the game between Trish and Xiao Meiyan, but she never interfered with Xiao Meiyan's idea. After all, this is a listening A guy who doesn't follow other people's opinions will overwhelm her with her own pressure.

Now that even you have to go to the battlefield, the leader of the group will naturally not disappoint everyone's expectations and create a turning point that will shake the overall situation.

Tracy will not ignore such an important person as the big head, but his main attention is on Xiao Meiyan, and he can't imagine how much energy the big head has in him.

That's hard to break into the Pan-Plane Headquarters, and the existence of robbing people under the strict protection of the Legal Supervision Court...

Xiao Meiyan and Trishie are definitely the descendants of the leader, they think that the importance of the leader is still stingy. Everyone thinks that the head of the big group is going to kill Trish, but how well the tenacious big head of the pan-plane military thinks that killing Trish can change the situation.

Now is the time when Tracy is determined to die generously, and no one will interfere with the actions of the Grand Commander, then it is destined for her to shine again in the sky!

The arm holding the knight's spear was extended backwards to the extreme. The awe-inspiring and **** thorny flowers in the head of the large group generally bloomed in everyone's hearts, and the stinging was beautiful and unsettling.

Such a prosperous, such a calm blow, it made the glow of the entire universe battlefield instantly pale, so that the flicker of millions of star clusters was stopped to the darkest moment, the spear easily penetrated the endless plane, one person The power created by a single blow is no less than that of any super-weapon of planes.

Trish did not touch the battlefield of this plane universe. He hid in a safer place to direct the attack, but Trish did not imagine that the Eye of the Void and the head of the large group could not lock their position, nor would they think The commander of the big commander doesn't even have the means to attack the plane.

When this spear pierced, Trici gave up all the resistance and waited for the end of his life to be in the hands of the strongest man among the human beings. That would not only be any regret for him, but also a kind of praise, Although he failed to reach the highest point in his life, but the final death in the hands of the big commander is enough to prove that he can be expected in the future.

But Trici still couldn't feel any pain after waiting for a long time. When he opened his eyes nervously and nervously, his flagship was still intact, while another The big head in the face still stood majestic and majestic, looking at her posture as if to continue to attack.

"Stop her!" Tracy's heart was in shock and panic. No matter how he calculated, he could not imagine that the goal of the leader was never his own small role.

The entire panplane can make the head of the group so angry, he sat on the highest seat and looked at the war indifferently.

"What qualifications do you have to send troops to attack me? What qualifications do you have to put me into the overall situation you planned? If I hadn't saved you time and time again, where would you have the power of scenery like you now?" The solemn look reveals endless madness and hatred. She constantly stabs a certain point in the plane, and does not look at the battlefield at all. ? Well, today I will let you know again what I can bring you!"

The headquarters area of ​​the Pan-Plane has fallen into earthquake-like shaking, and the violent attacks from distant planes have made such countless years of calm accustomed to stable Pan-Plane citizens into a huge panic.

The head of the big group attack is not a small character like What she wants to attack is the first will to acquiesce in the pan-plane of the military operation, and he is hiding in the pan-plane headquarters Somewhere in the district.

The head of the group who existed like a super weapon had wanted to do it for a long time, but she could not find the exact coordinates of the headquarters of the panplane, nor could she lock to the first will of the panplane, which made her extremely hostile. The position of the man, now Xiao Meiyan's Void Eye finally created her such an opportunity.

Because First Will glanced at the battlefield of this side, the original impeccable Panplane Headquarters finally determined the location of First Will with Xiao Meiyan's unremitting efforts.

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Chapter 2129 Peerless Revenge (Page 1/1)

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