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Chapter 2136: Reincarnation of consciousness

So Xiao Meiqing couldn't sit still after reading the document, got up and hurriedly warned Tongsheng Yima two words, then went to Yue Zhong's medical office.

Xiao Meiqing asked Tong Sheng to take care of the old mansion, and the arrival of Lumu Tatsuya and the chaos of Xiao Mei’s house may not be able to hide the people outside after the mysterious power that enveloped Xiao Mei Manor disappeared. The future of Meijia is very important. There must be no piece of paper leaking out.

I always wanted to find a place to spend the rest of my life, Tong Sheng Yima was invited by Xiao Meiyuan to come to Xiaomei Manor, but this place always encountered some special events that could not be peaceful. Tong Shengyi has been involved in it. Ma is also not a person who avoids difficulties. He still likes the atmosphere of Xiaomei's family very much, so even if he feels that it is not in line with his original intention, he will never evade the matter.

So Tongsheng Yima called the security forces hidden near the old house directly and put the protection of the old house directly on the bright side. Xiao Meiqing was willing to trust herself so she stayed in the study, Tongsheng Yima did not let Others came in and picked up the study alone.

He didn't have much interest in the documents that Xiao Meiqing turned over on his desk, but when he went to tidy up, he was surprised to find that his name continued to appear on it.

"Does the house owner have any important tasks to give me?" Tong Sheng's serious and serious face became more solemn. He suddenly came to this strange world, and entered Xiaomei's house by chance, even now. A lot of things happened and he didn't have much to do with it. Even though Tong Sheng, who was blamed for the person, subconsciously felt something was wrong, he became more curious about the contents of the pile of documents.

"Tongsheng Yima, the protagonist of the Rulong game series, has a strong sense of justice and responsibility, is a classic blood image of Ren Xia Zhongyi, born in the late Showa period and grew up in the collision of two great eras, with a colorful life Experience and strong luck...When the two worlds are in communication, his existence and the disappearance of the huge funds of Xiaomei's family have been internally connected. Once the protagonist of the game theme is observed, he has the ordinary people. There is no law. When the era of waving 10,000 yuan bills and taxis is coming again, the law of gold has become a reality."

The homepage of the document is about the life of Tong Sheng Yi Ma and there are many obscure semantics. In short, Yue Zhong’s idea is to give full play to Tong Sheng Yi Ma’s luck and use as the protagonist, which will solve the Xiaomei family capital chain. The solution to the problem rested on him.

If someone else thinks that this plan is whimsical, a former polarist who has no financial knowledge and has grown up in the dark of the world can’t see how it can accumulate huge assets in a short time with legal means, but it still runs in Tianyan. At that time, the king of the real estate of Kuromachi, known as Kiryu nine trillion in a certain world line, seemed to have countless possibilities.

The plan about him is only one part of Xiaomei's revival. In order to be able to cover people's eyes and ears and appear in this world, Li Xiaobei has caused many world protagonists to pass through. They are also important components of Yue Zhong's plan.

The course of the heavenly performance supporting Xiaoyan was also rudely interrupted by Lu Muda, and the impact across the timeline across countless planes directly led to the collapse of the heavenly performance system. Yue Zhong, who woke up from a coma, clearly sensed his consciousness Was drawn into it quickly.

Tianyan has run out of control, and he will soon become no longer himself. Everything in the world of Tianyan will come to him irregularly.

Yue Zhong has already prepared psychologically for this, so he has already done everything before. Xiaomei's family can still prosper even without himself, and Xiaomei's family can regain the guilt of guilt without his own. Mita also has the care of many magical girls.

When Xiao Meiqing came to the white and clean ward, she saw Yue Zhong with a pure smile like a child on the hospital bed. He seemed to be curious about everything around him, but he was also very timid, as long as there was anyone's movements A little bigger, he would hide under the quilt in fear.

Upon seeing that, Xiao Meiqing's heart that she had just let go was lifted up before Yue Zhong: "Brother-in-law, are you okay?"

Yue Zhong blinked, and instinctively felt that Xiao Meiqing's appearance was quite favorable, so he boldly reached out and touched Xiao Meiqing's face and giggled. It looked no different from being stupid.

"Sister-in-law, don't scare me." Xiao Meiqing nervously grabbed Yue Zhong's hand and asked anxiously because Yue Zhong's euphoria woke up and disappeared without a trace due to Yue Zhong's weird performance.

Yue Zhong seemed to be frightened by Xiao Meiqing, and generally showed a horrified expression. He continued to shrink back. Xiao Meiqing stared at Yue Zhong’s reaction, waiting for something to say. Xiao Meiyuan had been reaching out to stop her. .

"Sister, the doctor has something to tell you." Xiao Meiyuan whispered.

Xiao Meiqing nodded her head and looked back at Yue Zhong when she walked out of the ward, and Yue Zhong seemed to be curious because of her departure, her eyes staring straight at her.

All the family doctors of Xiaomei Manor stood outside the ward. When Xiaomeiqing's eyes were on them, everyone bowed their heads embarrassedly.

"Doctor, brother-in-law, what's wrong with him?" Yue Zhong looked at his eyes and made Xiao Meiqing feel sad and stinging. Although that was what his brother-in-law looked like, he made Xiao Meiqing feel very strange.

"Miss II, we have carried out a comprehensive inspection of the head of the family. Except for the skin trauma found on the head of the home, there is no abnormality. It can be ruled out that the nerve damage caused by the head injury can be ruled out. The incomprehensible power influence becomes what it is now..."

Xiao Meiqing asked with the last hope: "I just want to know if there is any way to treat."

All the family doctors shook their heads, but they kept Xiao Meiqing’s last hope: "Perhaps only the Magical Girl Headquarters has a way to treat the problem of the homeowner. Our research on supernatural phenomena is very much better than the researchers there. Big gap."

"Got it, I'll contact Sayaga immediately." Xiao Meiqing nodded and said, "You guys all go back to rest and let your husband be quiet for a while."

People in all medical offices, including nurses, hesitated for a moment and chose to obey Xiao Meiqing's arrangement. As for the housekeeper and others who were staying outside the ward, Xiao Meiqing was also called to the side and ordered the next job one by one~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And Xiao Meiyuan, leaning on the door of the ward, is looking at her sister thoughtfully.

When first heard that Yue Zhong was attacked by Lumuda, Xiaomei Yuan thought that his sister would still be at a loss as before. He felt that he needed to stand up at this time to protect his sister and Xiaomei’s family. Even if he paid a huge loss, he would let Lumu Da also saw the hatred and attitude of Xiaomei's family.

However, he was stopped by Xiao Meiqing in front of the old house, and now he sees that his sister is still calmly arranging the affairs of the home even if she is in a very sad mood.

If you come according to your temperament, the entire Takihara may be messed up.

"Sister is calmer than me, but is it really okay to do nothing at this time?"

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