Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2144: Xiaobei's response

It is not surprising that Li Xiaobe can see through his intentions, but Veneto still tilted his head and looked at Li Xiaobei with doubt. "That's all?"

"..." Li Xiaobei thought that Veneto would be somewhat flustered by being pierced by herself. As long as she showed such emotions, she could take the opportunity to raise some conditions.

But on another level, Li Xiaobei's heart was also nervous, but that could not be revealed before Veneto: "So what are you going to say?"

"Well, since you don't care at all, forget it. It's a big deal. After I find your clue, I'll hand it over to him." Veneto seemed a bit happy, "This is the person the admirer can count on. There is one less, and the best student is simply not to be expected."

Li Xiaobei groaned humorously, and she realized that her current situation was really too bad to talk to Veneto. If she was still unwilling to give in, maybe Veneto would take her out of the Soviet Union. All the things won in the hands are confiscated.

"You are a rogue!" Li Xiaobei accused angrily.

Veneto rolled his eyes and said: "Do you want to try it? Do I really think so?"

"Well, you won, let me tell you what you think?" Li Xiaobei has always bullied others, but since he fell into Veneto's hands, he has only been bullied. When thinking of Li here Xiaobei sat back on the chair with frustration.

"It's not just giving me an idea, it's also giving you the opportunity to protect yourself, so I won't let you go because of your affection." Veneto smiled cunningly.

Li Xiaobei glared at Veneto bitterly, then held his cheek in contemplation.

She had just left Master's side not long ago, and such a big accident happened. When listening to Veneto, Li Xiaobei was also very worried. Although she believed that her Master was definitely not a bullying person, but The situation has forced him to such a degree that Master has no complete assurance.

Fan Hanshi has noticed his whereabouts. Even though Li Xiaobei is very confident in his previous layout, there may not be any flaws left.

"First of all, since Fan Hanshi has deceived the use of Lumuda, it shows that they have had contact, even if they are not face-to-face, but the direct exchange of information is enough. I also misled Lumuda before, he I already believe that there is no deep relationship between me and Master, even though Fan Hanshi does not believe Lu Muda’s cognition, but it will also hinder his judgment." Li Xiaobei, who analyzed its form and layout, lost his willful will. Enveloped with a layer of wisdom, even if all functional props and equipment were confiscated by Veneto, but so much information could not be erased in her mind.

"So Fan Hanshi is not even sure of my real name. He is not 100% sure that I come from the Chongyan Federation, where my parents and family are here, and I can't conclude that I am being held by you so there is no sign of continued activity."

Veneto nodded thoughtfully: "He will think you are aware of him so he deliberately hid it?"

"Well, you and I are very important to Master, so it’s what we think should not cause conflicts and conflicts between us, but this kind of thing just happened, Fan Hanshi can’t guess this for the time being. Possibly, so you just have to pretend that you really don’t know, and you must not make a strict line to wait for the secrets you want to hide. You can know that Fan Hanshi has penetrated the Chongyan Federation, but you are not really ulterior. The secret, you have to grasp this degree yourself." Li Xiaobei nodded and said.

"I also thought that I would be hidden before, so this time I didn't take Lianhua with Chongyan Federation, she would not start receiving messages from me for a long time, and she would start her own activities, as long as Fan Hanshi's attention at that time Will be attracted to success."

Veneto still said with some concern: "Then Fan Hanshi directly shot Lianhua? Will she leak information about you to Fan Hanshi, and for the pan-plane, they really want to investigate a plane, then here It’s also unsafe."

"Relax, Lianhua doesn't know everything about me. She doesn't even know about the existence of the seven galaxies. As for a political prisoner already in this place, it is reasonable for you to raise your alert level." Li Xiao Bei said, "Don't tell me that you can't stop Fan Hanshi's penetration of the underground prison of the Presidential Palace."

"Of course not." Veneto shook his head confidently, because there was a fight as soon as he met Li Xiaobei, so there was no chance for the two to sit down and exchange information, since Li Xiaobei had already stayed early. Instead of wantonly acting like she looked, then Veneto was able to rest assured, "But where is Papasis?"

"Is the sister-in-law sent to you as a researcher? I met the woman and she was surrounded by her faithfully. Since the leader led the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment and won the ubiquitous plane, the military must have admired her more now. So even if the person directly telling her that the plane is infiltrating into the Papyrus Federation of the Flames will not be nervous, she will put your confidence in the maid on you. The investigation method of the plane is believed to know you better than me As long as she does not produce any emotions that can be identified, she will not be distinguished from other researchers."

After talking, Li Xiaobei glanced at Veneto: "Fan Hanshi is not a monster. He is not as good as his master, and he is not as good as his maid. Apart from being a little harder and harder, there is nothing particularly worthy of fear. It is even more like a genius like Miss Ben. Can’t compare, really don’t know what you’re worried about.”

"Fan Hanshi is Fan Hanshi, what I worry about is only what he represents." Veneto's argument seemed pale, but she didn't struggle with it. "If Fan Hanshi can't find your information, he will be against the Federation of Heavy Flames. I’m afraid I won’t do useless work.”

"Are you worried that he will turn to you and Chongyan Federation?" Li Xiaobei asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of regular spy warfare, but I'm worried that he will destroy my deployment on the side of the Veneto said quietly.

"What's that?" Li Xiaobei didn't know when Veneto had a relationship with the Spare Tire Major League.

Veneto told Li Xiaobei of his plan in detail and said: "Fan Hanshi can deal with the Admiral without any means, so I am afraid that he will destroy all the connections established by the Confederacy Federation at the general plane at any cost."

Li Xiaobei was very interesting when he heard Veneto’s plan, because she wouldn’t come up with such a method. It was the same as the attitude of the pan-planet to the spare tire major league, especially the bottom members. Li Xiaobei I don't think there is any use value of a group of waste materials.

However, it can be thought that Veneto is very innovative in waste utilization, perhaps because he and she are in different positions. Veneto does everything from the perspective of the Federation of Flames from the overall situation, any beneficial but cumbersome She will try to contact her, after all, it does not need to involve her too much energy, and Li Xiaobei is only herself, and the kind of things with low cost performance is naturally ruled out by her.

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