Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2147: Difficult conditions

?I should be more cautious. I am obviously an important link between the spare tire major league member and the Chongyan Federation, but it should not be exposed because of a little interest. If it was a mission event, Xu Xin would certainly not make such a mistake, but at the very safe Pan-Plane Headquarters, Fan Hanshi's passive neglect has made Xu Xin's courage bold.

In addition to having good luck and being smart enough, Xu Xin does not lack such qualities, but he can’t keep it all the time. It is inevitable to stay in a relatively loose environment. Exposing flaws.

Fan Hanshi did not deliberately aim at him and he always ignored their surveillance. After all, these people were not qualified to let Fan Hanshi make a special trip to calculate, but it happened to be the right time to meet, so it is not a delay to spend some time to solve a trouble.

"What do you want?" Xu Xin quickly understood that under tension, accepting Veneto's commission was not without cost, especially when her conflict with Fan Hanshi became fierce, and she was already involved in it. I shouldn't be so careless, but now I can't get it back, it's better to be free and easy.

In this group of spare tire major league members who value Yue's attention as an example, they all seem to have a bachelor temperament. They can stand hard when things are about to happen. Anyway, they can't lose too much.

"Don't be nervous, let's talk about another place." Fan Hanshi sees that his threat has already achieved results. Then let me take this opportunity to deepen the misunderstanding of the group of people in the spare tire major league. As long as Xu Xin follows him, then he has Suspects that can't be washed away, and those who take the lead in resisting themselves have done so, then their mind-set mentality will fall apart.

Xu Xin shook his head with a desire to survive: "Don't, I have nothing to talk to you, even if I get caught, it's better than being pushed out by myself."

Fan Hanshi didn't expect such a small person to have great wisdom, but he didn't force him. He nodded and said, "I'm no longer an inspector, so catching you is not my job. If you can answer some questions, then I'm Able to blame the past."

If he could not go to such places as the French Tribunal, the military or the Joint Intelligence Office, which was terrifying at first hearing, Xu Xin was naturally reluctant to go, but in the face of Fan Hanshi, he was still vigilant and said: "I don’t have much Things can tell you, so don’t expect too much."

"The first question." Fan Hanshi asked as if he hadn't heard Xu Xin's explanation: "The price I offered you is higher than Veneto, why are you reluctant to accept it?"

This is not a very sensitive issue. Xu Xin said after thinking about it: "We still know which is more important for long-term cooperation and short-term benefits."

"Is it just that?" Fan Hanshi was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"That's it, the Chongyan Federation needs us, so even if Veneto is gone, her successor has no reason to terminate cooperation with us. After all, they pay a low price, even with a plane of strength It can be said to be a breeze.” Xu Xin said fixedly.

Fan Hanshi slightly raised his head and said: "As far as I know, you seem to have received the help of Ship Mother in the mission world, is this also one of the reasons?"

"I already have someone I like, even if I am grateful to Andrea Doria, but my heart will not change, and not everyone has been personally assisted by the ship's mother." Xu Xin said with a little guilty conscience .

"It turns out that..." Fan Hanshi stared deeply at Xu Xin, the other party's explanation he didn't believe at all, but because of Xu Xin's words and his expression when speaking, Fan Hanshi could know a lot of answers, "but You are different from other people. If you want, you can come to my countermeasure group. I can provide you with a more stable job. From then on, you don’t need to face the difficulties of the spare tire league. "

Fan Hanshi suddenly gave a condition that made Xu Xin hard to refuse. Xu Xin could even feel his sudden heartbeat.

Being able to break away from the spare tire major league and having a formal position on the panplanet is undoubtedly a step forward for himself, but if he really accepts Fan Hanshi's conditions, he is undoubtedly a betrayal of Veneto.

Xu Xin in the battle between heaven and man said hardly: "Why me?"

"Of course I cannot give everyone the same conditions, but you, as their leader, are eligible for such preferential treatment. Veneto did not give you any special status. Obviously, I failed to realize the importance of you. She is different." Fan Hanshi's calm but calm appearance is naturally persuasive. "Whether to become a current criminal inquiring secrets or to be a real pan-plane citizen, think about it."

Xu Xin lowered his head in silence, and after a long time he finally made a decision. His conscience still did not allow himself to betray Veneto who reached out when he was the most difficult, and did not allow him to betray and protect him when he was most dangerous. My own Andrea Doria: "I'm sorry I chose to refuse, if you want to catch me, catch it."

Fan Hanshi did not have any emotion of disappointment, as if everything was taken for granted: "Don’t be so eager to come to a conclusion, calm down and think about it. Maybe you will change your mind. I will give you some time to think. If you agree to my conditions after seven days, Just go to the Joint Investigation Office and I will arrange for someone to wait for you there."

Unexpectedly, Fan Hanshi would temporarily let go of him, and Xu Xin looked at him in confusion. After confirming that Fan Hanshi was not kidding, Xu Xin stepped back step by step and found that Fan Hanshi still ran away without any response.

He believes that he is very Even if he waits for another seven days, nothing will change.

However, how could it be so easy for the small person to get involved in the big event? Fan Hanshi, who saw Xu Xin disappeared, was not only angry, but rather satisfied with his current performance.

It is not unwilling to betray, but the price of betrayal is still too low, so that people are more valuable under control.

"Investigate all of Xu Xin's intelligence, arrange for a person to meet the woman he likes, and tell the woman the conditions I gave. Xu Xin can refuse but she is not qualified to refuse."

Fan Hanshi believes that not everyone is Yue Zhong, nor everyone is Xiao Meiyan. Isn’t Xu Xin a member of the Spare Tire Major League because he wants to protect his beloved woman? But that woman was not worth his effort. Before Xu Xin had no power, she always treated Xu Xin with color.

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