Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2148: Narrate

I don’t know why Xu Xin came out of consideration. He neither informed Veneto or other members of the Spare Tire Alliance about his meeting with Fan Hanshi, nor did he accidentally witness Fan Hanshi into the joint plane intelligence. Things are passed on.

Veneto has disseminated the information to other members of the spare tire league through other ship mothers according to the advice given by Li Xiaobei, but she thinks that this is enough to sit back and relax, talking about her understanding of Fan Hanshi is better than Li Xiaobei Deeper, and Li Xiaobei has never had a positive contact with Fan Hanshi, and his changes during this period may also be unknown.

It is inevitable to always look at others with the previous eyes, so Veneto learned of this news through intelligence dealers who had established contacts before.

Fan Hanshi's approach has indeed taken the step of crossing the bottom line, cooperating with the military to attack the Valkyrie Rangers, creating a scam and using Lumuda to destroy Yue Zhong's support for Xiao Meiyan is only his first. Step, his crazy and fearless side has just revealed Zheng Rong.

The strength of the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service has made other agencies that rely on the sale of intelligence to be reluctant to face the enemy with limited profits, so they only provided information about the interview between Fan Hanshi and Xu Xin, and Veneto offered to let them When expressing the intention to interfere, he expressed a clear attitude of rejection, so everything had to come by himself.

For this reason Veneto urgently called Andrea Doria to himself.

In the garden of the Grand Presidential Palace, Veneto sat in front of the white jade glossy tables and chairs and brewed coffee. Andrea Doria hurriedly came, and met a calm face of Amfu but did not Seeing other maids familiar in the presidential palace, they vaguely felt the situation getting worse.

After coming to Veneto, Andrea Doria hurriedly asked: "Sister Sister, why is it so urgent to call me to come?"

Veneto glanced up at her, and there was a worry under her silvery eyelashes: "Sit down."

Andrea Doria obediently met in front of Veneto, and after receiving the coffee delivered by Veneto, she heard her say: "Recently, Fan Hanshi was spying on Chongyan Federation. You already know, but I just got the news that the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Office also stood on Fan Hanshi's side, and the situation I face next is probably not optimistic."

"How could this be..." Andrea Doria was nervous and not sure what to do, "Does the elder sister know what they intend?"

"The reason why Fan Hanshi will stare at me and Chongyan Federation is nothing more than the matter of Admiral and Homura. He can make a longer-term deployment and cut off the other helpers of Admiral and Homura in the situation where there is no way to open the situation. Inevitably, but Fan Hanshi, who is completely responsible for the collapse of a plane regime into chaos, cannot bear it, so his goal should be me, as long as I am ousted, the Chongyan Federation will no longer be a solid foreign aid to the admiral. The Pan-planet Joint Intelligence Service is the organization that is best at breaking through from within." Veneto said a long line of coffee and waited for Andrea Doria to respond.

"That is to say, there will be other people who have launched a rebellion like the Soviet Union?" Andrea Doria revealed a trace of sadness in her nervousness. She felt that the ship's mothers finally came to this day. Why do they still fight each other, Vene? Tuo is not an unqualified ruler. On the contrary, I am afraid that no one in her position can do better than her.

Veneto nodded gently: "Yeah, after all, the establishment of the Flame Alliance is based on the forcible expulsion of the admiral, and the prestige of the victory over the abyssal fleet and the call of the ship’s mothers to freely and independently merged all the stars. Now, these influences are gradually weakening, but the contradiction between the various star fields is still completely eliminated. It is inevitable that shipowners of different origins will produce new goals because of different supports and demands."

The ship maidens who came from that era with Veneto have basically become important figures except for those who have sacrificed on the battlefield. Even if they do not have important positions, they still have great reputation among the folks in the same cultural group. Veneto has always been committed to eliminating the differences between the original star regions, but the unification of culture needs to undergo an extremely long evolution. The history of the Confederation of Flames is still too shallow. More than 20 years of time is simply not enough to complete such a mission.

Even if Veneto does well, there will still be people dissatisfied, even if the ship mother still maintains her trust, but the interest groups they represent will brew dissatisfaction because of the conflicts under the strategy.

If only this is the case, Veneto is still the most powerful ship mother in the seven galaxies, and this strength is enough to suppress the civil dissatisfaction.

However, Veneto has not stepped on the battlefield for a long time. As the president of the Flame Federation, she is not allowed to fight on the front line as before, and Andrea Doria and others cannot occupy the ship in the other star fields. It has absolute advantages, so many of the new generation ship mothers recruited from other planes are not cultivated directly from the I star field. They have followed different ship mothers to learn and grow and fight, and naturally have become students of other ship mothers. Even if there is awe and admiration for Veneto, it is not enough to make Veneto's position in their hearts better than his teacher.

Before the Soviet Union had no rebellion, she had always firmly grasped the military power of the most powerful shipgirl mercenary. Her blood relationship with Veneto was enough to ensure the stability of Veneto's rule, but now the most stable part has problems. In the face of Veneto's infiltration and subversion, this kind of situation is even worse for Veneto.

"Big sister, what can I do for you?" Andrea Doria still did not understand the reason why Veneto made a special trip to find himself. Is it suspected that he would betray her too?

"I still have the confidence to face the current But if this caused the net that I spread on the ubiquitous plane to completely rot but not reconciled, Xu Xin and Fan Hanshi met, and he I didn’t tell this news to me.” Veneto didn’t seem to see the disappointment in Andrea Doria’s eyes and said directly, “You know Xu Xin the best, so I want to ask you if he is possible Backwater?"

Andrea Doria breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Veneto's question. As long as Veneto didn't doubt herself, she was happy enough, but Andrea Doria was very disdainful when she mentioned the little fat man. : "Xu Xin should not betray himself, but it is hard to say whether Xu Xin is still so firm if the woman he likes puts pressure on him."

"Well, will he be influenced by that woman?" Veneto found Andrea Doria to know this, except to vent the depression that he could not tell others.

"Yeah, that's what I don't like about the fat man." Andrea Doria nodded again and again.

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