Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2152: Isabella's tendency

"At the same time, I hope that the army stationed in each star zone will also mobilize to cooperate with the search of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The stability and threatening presence of the Flame Union can not only report on local executions." Veneto signed the order of appointment in front of Isabella.

When    took a big step forward to receive this significant personal order, a little surprise appeared on Isabella's face: "Why does the big president trust me so much?"

"Are you trying to say your identity background of the former e-star field? But in my opinion, the vast majority of the citizens of the former e-star field are also trusted citizens of the Confederacy Federation. The big galaxies returned to the former split state to satisfy their own selfish desires. The pride they pride themselves has long been a hindrance to history with the changes of the times. Let the seven galaxies return to the era of powers. There is a never-ending war, and they cannot be united when they face the invasion of the abyss again. They are no longer the glory of e-star territory, but only the worms of the Confederacy." Veneto’s words will confuse himself with the Confederacy. It became an inseparable whole, but Isabella believed what Veneto said, because the existence of Veneto itself represents the creation and future of this era.

"Military personnel should not be a tool for profit for politicians, protecting the life and property of all taxpayers is better than realizing one's ideal ambitions. Isabella I know is not a hope to see the war spread to innocent civilians The homes of countless people have turned into soldiers in ruins, so I can give you all the trust." Veneto said rightly.

Isabella frowned when she heard the words. Once the appointment order in her hand came into effect, it meant that the Army was no longer just armed police, and it would become a real authority as important as the Ministry of the Interior. It is even more influential even because of the large army.

"I still have a question, I don't know if the big president can explain it to me." Isabella didn't doubt that Veneto was just fooling with the snake, this dictatorship but not arbitrary big president and the e-star politician he had seen before It's different. She disdains the insidious and cunning scheming. She is upright and brave. She knows how to hide but never lie when facing the problem.

   Therefore, Veneto has a lot of authority, and she chooses to believe that she really believes in herself, otherwise she can change to an army general from the i-star domain to replace her position, and she has no way to defy it.

"I know what you want to ask, it's nothing more than why I kept the army as it is now rather than abolishing or merging into the local police." Veneto showed her wisdom in a timely manner to maintain her presence in Isabel The unfathomable image in front of La, "Perhaps you thought I was doing it on the face of you and my teacher. If it is so, you may be too small to look at my ambitions. Now I can promise You, in the future, there will be a day when the army will also shine."

   "So, what is the enemy?" Isabella asked seriously.

"The seven galaxies are an incomplete plane. In the future, the Confederation of Flames must go out of the way of expansion to meet the needs of the growing population. We will not fight other human civilizations in the panplane, but outside Some of the infinite planes are enemies. The ship's mother can dominate the Xinghai, but to completely clear out the dangers on a planet, you need to rely on the army troops, so I have never moved the idea of ​​abolishing the army and let you keep a constant With a high degree of training, I don’t want to let a group of inexperienced recruits step onto the land of the dangerous planet to die when that day comes."

Isabella also had a desire and excitement under Veneto's portrayal. She always thought that she would be an unimportant army commander until she retired, but heard that she still had the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and For the war of aliens who did not feel guilty for the prosperity of the race, the long-lost fighting intention once again emerged from the heart.

  While expressing loyalty to Veneto without on the spot, but choosing to see Veneto fulfill his commitment and then pay his loyalty, but in Isabella's heart already has a clear tendency towards the current situation.

Those who tried to subvert Veneto’s rule did not have such a high-level vision and determination, so they didn’t need to make choices at all, only Veneto was the future that could make the Flames Federation look forward to. No one else could reach her height before she abandoned those narrow infighting thoughts.

   "Is our enemy this time for Yue Zhong?" Isabella suddenly asked before leaving.

Veneto hadn’t responded to her, and Isabella went on to say, “In the past, I had a different position. I have to devote my loyalty to eStar, but now the seven galaxies have a better future. So I can return his kindness to I will do my best if I find the enemy."

   The last sentence reassured Veneto to Isabella, because the other party is also a girl with a lot of money.

"Well done well, with great grace and grace, it seems that your big president is really very majestic." Isabella just left, and Li Xiaobei was directly connected to Veneto through the network of the Admiral's Office. Shipboard communication system.

   Veneto smiled bitterly: "I didn't allow you to invade my communication system."

"Sooner or later, don't we type to communicate?" Li Xiaobei laughed and exposed his invasion. "I've read all the reports. It seems that Chongyan Federation is really not optimistic. Your biggest competitor seems to be my fellow."

"Liaoning, the former c star domain, is now the substantive commander of the new warship mercenary. Although you have airborne Hood as her head boss, Hood's character has softened a little and cannot hold Liaoning at all. Liaoning is the only one in the warship corps who is on the expedition. She has not returned yet. By the time of her triumph, it should be the time when the great president, Veneto, is challenged again." Li Xiaobei is interested. Said, "Even if you defeated her, two successive commanders of the Expeditionary Army would successively launch a rebellion, and the basic national policy of the Chongyan Federation would also be questioned by the public. This seems to be an inseparable knot."

  Veneto said in a cold voice: "If you can only speak cool words, I will not make any sense if I let you go."

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