Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2172: Fruitless assembly

"Wisconsin, there is no absolute justice in the federation. Rather than expecting other people's pity, it is better to think about what you should do so that even people who don't like you have to allow you to exist." Missouri made no secret of his disappointment at this moment. She has succeeded in bringing back all the thoughts of the ship maiden of the A-star domain to her own side. Even if this method is not so bright and honest, it is also established by suspicion and unreasonable slander, but it is very effective.

"Before I came here, I didn't even know that you had such a complicated collusion with the politicians who were out of position. It was just a cheat that you knew that you and they had planned a bright chain of interest that was not as bright as you said. , You said that you are nothing more than imitating Liaoning to fight Veneto. It is nothing more than using foreign forces to make people who believe in you go to the abyss of war, but your plan is so bad that it is completely unacceptable." Missouri chased, "It is totally unintelligible to expect a group eliminated by the times to rule for stability. Liaoning has always challenged Veneto's position, but she never thought of colluding with outsiders in the past to subvert the stability of the Confederacy Federation. Did not go to the historical garbage dump to find a group of braided relics and young relics to lay the foundation for their rule."

"Do you think Veneto doesn't want to get rid of this hidden danger? But she can't do this, because Liaoning knows that the rules of the Federation of Chongyan are the confrontation between the ship's mother and the ship's mother. Whoever breaks the rules will be among us. Sinner, let alone compare with her, your vision and insights are far from the Soviet Union which hastily rebelled against Veneto."

Wisconsin's counterattack was resolved by Missouri in a few words and was educated again. She gradually lost her sanity and could not feel the support of her companions. Instead, she added suspicion and mistrust.

It seemed that the feeling of betrayal caused Wisconsin to lower its head, and the dark eyes covered by the brown bangs were mixed with thick unwillingness and resentment. At this moment, her eyes were not only so abominable that Missouri, who was regarded as a competitor, was even dear The elder sister and the respected company are not so pleasing to the eye anymore.

"Hum hum hum hum..." A low, humorous laughter emanated from the beak of Wisconsin. Now that she could not save the collapsed situation, she let her black nature vent, "Missouri, I admit that I don’t have the sophisticated skills you have, and you can save the situation even if you don’t know anything. But aren’t all the words you said just your guess? Do you really think that Liaoning has nothing to do with the Joint Intelligence Service? , You really think that Veneto will let us go so easily, liquidation will eventually come, and don’t want to flee without resisting anyone..."

"Enough." Missouri interrupted Wisconsin's self-abuse and almost cursed words. "What do you do? Just watch me. Now, as the commander of the Third Fleet, I ordered to contact Wisconsin's armed authority and be escorted by the enterprise. She went to A Star Zone to confine her, and no one was allowed to let her go except my order!"

The company nodded silently and walked toward Wisconsin. Missouri still had the meaning of protecting Wisconsin, but the girl might not feel it.

Wisconsin did not rebel against the enterprise and allowed her to be taken away after isolating the connection between her core cabin and the ship's equipment. This made the Missouri and other ship's mothers present also relieved.

If Wisconsin did not want to be put under house arrest but chose to resist, the ship maidens here can certainly defeat her, but once the battle between the ship maidens is not a fragile planet that can bear it, if the Roman star because of them The infighting between them was destroyed into ruins, and then Veneto's anger should be more than a hundred times more dangerous than their unauthorized dangerous assembly.

After a rally broke up, Missouri caught Saratoga who wanted to slip away.

"Why." Saratoga couldn't hide her thoughts, and all her nervous emotions were written on her face after being blocked by Missouri.

"Wisconsin has promised you a lot of benefits for you to help her speak? I don't want to investigate if there is no problem, but you have to listen to me honestly, otherwise I will tell Lexington."

In order to fight for Saratoga's powerful but simple minded ship mother in front of her, Wisconsin promised that as long as she helped herself today, then when Wisconsin came to power, she agreed to let Saratoga go to the pan-plane headquarters. Play around and provide funding.

Because the girl seemed to like someone over there, the IQ of the girl in love was not high, and after being enchanted by Wisconsin, she agreed to it, without thinking about the consequences.

Fortunately, Missouri was the first to call Saratoga’s name when announcing Operation Crossroads’ list, which made her frightened without being able to respond to Wisconsin’s Tell my sister that she will die if she knows! Saratoga immediately begged bitterly. "I was also cheated by Wisconsin. You can do anything you want me to do." "

"Don't be pitiful, I still don't know the character of your little devil?" Missouri said that she would not eat her, and said directly, "I don't want you to do difficult things, I just want you to Take a trip to F Star Zone and talk to Veneto about what happened here."

Saratoga's unclear wide-eyed eyes asked: "Why don't you go by yourself, I can't tell."

"Relax, Veneto will not treat you like that, and you have a good relationship with Yue Zhong before, right?" Missouri said in a point, "She may not even trust me now, but May continue to trust you."

"...I'm afraid she shut me up." Saratoga whispered softly.

"Then I'm going to tell Lexington, after all, her sister's life event should be a question for her sister." Missouri threatened with a smile.

Saratoga didn't seem to want Lexington to know the same thing, and quickly shook her head: "No, I would rather go to Veneto and be locked up by her."

"That's all right." Missouri showed a satisfied look, but asked strangely, "But I'm a little curious, why are you so afraid of Lexington knowing?"

"Don't gossip, I won't tell you!" Saratoga rolled her eyes at Missouri and ran away, until she reached the corner of the unmanned park before she carefully opened a photo in the database.

"I like others but they hate me, they will be given a joke if they say..."


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