Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2177: The core of J Star

Faced with an unprecedented crisis and unpredictable future for the entire Heavy Flame Federation, incidents occurred in several star domains that had a strong naval history. Based on the assessment of the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service, the current The development has not deviated too far from the expected direction.

The two extreme oppositions of A-Zone, E-Zone’s eagerness, C-Zone’s view of the fire, F-Zone’s strong support for Veneto, and G-Zone’s wait and see, can really threaten or provide Veneto. The goals of help are unwilling to act lonely in the form of storms, but only J Starland has maintained a strange calm.

The Joint Intelligence Service has conducted a detailed investigation of the Chongyan Federation, but they have also tried various forms of contact with any possible targets, and naturally will not lose such an important composition of the J Star Territory.

Each star field has representative characters in the Confederation of Flames, and they are of course the core of their respective star fields. However, the Pan-Plane Joint Intelligence Service, which works according to this law, has encountered a wall here in J star field. They think they are long. The door is the representative of J Starland Ship Mother, but after some investigation, she was surprised to find that J Starland's most important ship mother is an insignificant destroyer ship mother.

J Xingyu attaches great importance to the relationship and status of her predecessors, and in the second war against the abyss, she did not nearly destroy the old generation like G Xingyu. Many ship mothers left by different generations Among them, the long gate should undoubtedly be the core ship mother.

However, an accident during that war determined the current pattern of J Starland. The last admiral who escaped from the abyss occupied area was the destroyer blowing snow, and finally Zhu Zhongxue also committed suicide on the blowing snow. Former Zhu Zhongxue had great expectations and hopes for Blowing Snow, but it was not an exaggeration to pass on the joint fleet to her hands.

She was blown snow as a destroyer, but was regarded as a continuation of the admiral. Even though her personal combat power was not outstanding, she was not entrusted with the task of Veneto, but her words in the circle of J Xingyu were very important.

The first person contacted by the Joint Intelligence Service was Nagato, and she seemed interested in getting J Xingyu to a higher stage, but she didn’t think so about the blowing of peace in her heart. After some communication, Nagato Directly rejected the olive branch thrown by the Joint Intelligence Service, and even more directly reported all the processes of the Joint Intelligence Service and the J Starship Ship to the Great Presidential Palace, showing a very decisive attitude.

After that, Nagato insisted that all the shipowners belonging to J Starland and the juniors who joined them should temporarily draw a line with the Joint Intelligence Service and other starfield shipowners, and they would not stand in alliance or form alliances. G Starland took the initiative to prepare for the war, everything was only subject to the orders from the Presidential Palace.

Even though their hatred for A star field is not less than that of G star field to E star field, but under such a reshuffled form of heavy flame federal pattern, J star field remains calm and restrained by blowing snow.

Nagato can understand the idea of ​​blowing snow, and they have not had conflicts before.

"The Admiral used his death in exchange for the new life of the United Fleet. We were barely able to survive in the new era. We do not need to pay for the ending of the war and defeat that was provoked in the past. If that kind of dangerous The fire of the militarism was ignited again, and that was to live up to the expectations of the Admiral and even more sorry for his sacrifice."

"For J Starfield, having its own place in the forest of the world is the best result. For J Starfield, it is no longer dominated by fanatical ambitions and no longer lit by unjust wars. Artillery is no longer enough to endure unspeakable loneliness and fear. The Confederation of Flames tolerates our existence and gives us the corresponding status. In the end, it is for a group of people who do not take their lives and the happiness of hundreds of millions of people. Politicians are loyal, or are they fighting to protect this beautiful world?"

"It is not difficult for us who already have a choice to choose a path that we really desire."

Blowing Snow has been serving as the vice chairman of the ship's demeanor committee, assisted by Richelieu, she learned a lot of knowledge that she had not been exposed to in J Starland, and also heard the knight-like girl talk about the Yue Zhong story.

Just like Veneto is a kind of inheritance and extension of Yue Zhong's will, Blowing Snow also realized that he was the hope of Admiral Takenaka, and every word he confessed to Blowing Snow before his suicide in the core cabin was his Last words of death.

He must reach the level he expects, protect this era when the ship mother and the admirer have paid countless sacrifices, and protect all the sisters of J Starland.

When she didn’t deal with a problem, she felt uncomfortable, so she also had more exposure to the problem than other people. From the perspective of blowing snow, the wind and rain caused by the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service caused many seemingly normal ship mothers. Psychological imbalances have appeared, and they have been listed as the objects of the key observation and investigation by the Discipline Commission in ordinary times, but now this phenomenon has appeared on a large scale, even directly from the top of the starry ship mothers as the source.

"Little Blowing Snow, what are you bothering about?" Richelieu, who was also on the Discipline Committee, saw Blowing Snow standing alone on the window sill, and approached her and asked softly.

Blowing snow quickly turned around and bowed to Richelieu with his hands folded: "Sorry Richelieu, I will go back to work immediately."

"Don't worry, during this time our work was replaced by the Ministry of the Interior." Richelieu had a bit of worry in her eyebrows, but soon recovered her usual British spirit. "Compared to the idea of ​​blowing snow, I am more concerned. I don’t want my most capable assistant to have psychological problems, so the companion of J Xingyu has contacted you?"

"Yeah, but everyone still trusts me. This time I should listen to my words and not act rashly." Although this kind of promise to Richelieu, but the expression of blowing snow is frowning, it seems that she is not very confident. .

Richelieu took two steps forward, standing side by side through the snow and looking out the window: "Then are you worried that the world will be caught in the war again?"

"Sister Richelieu feels the same way? I'm really a little scared now..." Blowing Snow said melancholy, "Isn't it too long to go to the battlefield to become timid? I'm scared that one day and another Fighting with other ship mothers in the Xinghai, no matter what the final result is will eventually lose many companions."

"If we can do something to avoid the war, are you willing to help with blowing snow?" Richelieu suddenly asked.

After blowing a little froze, he nodded again and again: "Of course, I will do my best!"

"Then Blowing Snow should be laughed first. The Wind Discipline Committee has always been regarded as the existence of the beasts of the floods, but everyone only likes the smile of Blowing Snow."

It was pale and immaculate purity between the snow and the sky.

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Chapter 2177 The Core of J Star Domain (Page 1/1)

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