Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2191: Fragile love

"Please say that as long as it is within the scope of the ability, it is incumbent." Hadleys immediately asked with a very concerned look.

For useful talents, the major organizations in the ubiquitous plane will naturally scramble for coercion, and using force to coerce the other party to serve themselves is only the most successful method. If the other party also has the willingness to cooperate, there is actually no contradiction between the two parties.

Although the Joint Intelligence Service has a bad reputation outside, they are more aware of the trade-offs of their interests. Forcibly coercing Li Xiaobei will only arouse her resentment. Even if she really works for the Joint Intelligence Service, there is no need to fight back. If a problem arises during the second important experiment, then the Joint Intelligence Service will suffer huge losses, so coercing her with this method simply does not pay off.

On Li Xiaobei, the Joint Intelligence Service did not need to pay too much to reap great benefits. After evaluating the value of Li Xiaobei, the Joint Intelligence Service determined her importance, and they would not It doesn’t matter if Li Xiaobei is the apprentice of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan. She doesn’t care that she was still fighting against the Joint Intelligence Service. If possible, helping her to get Yue Zhong out would not be a great effort. Unfortunately, now No one knows where Yue Zhong is. As for Xiao Meiyan's side, the Void Eye project is now well known because of the death of a scientific research giant and Fan Hanshi's numerous tossing, and the cost of the Joint Intelligence Service to smooth out these effects will be quite huge.

Without tangible benefits, the Joint Intelligence Service will not easily relax.

Li Xiaobei briefly said about Saratoga, she just asked Saratoga and the guard to meet alone, which made Hadleys relieved, as long as it was not for the Joint Intelligence Service to find Yue It's good to emphasize or erase the bad influence caused by Xiao Meiyan, but it's just a guard. Hadleys can do it by saying hello, even if he is forced to be with Saratoga, it's just a trivial matter. .

Of course, all of this is because Li Xiaobei's timing was too perfect, and he showed himself to the fullest. Otherwise, how could Hadris willingly agree to her request.

"That's good, let's go and see how they will develop between them." Li Xiaobei was also a little interested in the love between men and women because of his parents' forced marriage.

"Of course, Miss Li will take a rest in our mansion first and wait for me to arrange it before I inform you." Hadlisa said cheerfully, with a little effort, Li Xiaobei could owe himself a favor. .

Under the leadership of Hadley’s assistant, Li Xiaobei entered the Joint Intelligence Office, which is a completely inaccessible area for outsiders. Even if Veneto comes, he will definitely be rejected. Li Xiaobei came in so easily.

There were not many people in the hall. Occasionally, one or two of them all looked hurriedly. When Li Xiaobei came in, he felt as if he had countless eyes looking at him, but he could follow these eyes and find nothing.

The Joint Intelligence Service is very busy. There are countless planes with their figures and missions. As for the number of unjust secrets in them, Li Xiaobei is a little curious but temporarily unable to understand.

After about ten minutes of rest, Hadleys told her that it had been arranged.

Then the guard on guard was inexplicably arranged for a vacation, but before that he was asked to meet Saratoga who was squatting at the mouth of the command department.

This guard naturally knew Saratoga, but he didn’t think the other person had a good opinion of himself and stood there every day. He thought it was the unreasonable girl who didn’t forget the contradiction with herself before falling in love, so she came here every day to stare Think about revenge yourself.

Because of this kind of thinking, the guards who could have gone out during the break did not dare to leave the headquarters. He knew that there was a backstage behind this girl. Although it was not very powerful, it was not something that his big-head soldier could contend with. Arranging to meet Saratoga, he could only go with a bitter face.

Li Xiaobei's company in Hadleys looked very embarrassed after seeing each other from afar. Although Saratoga thought of it and wanted to apologize to each other, he blushed when he saw him. Is speechless.

The guard found that Saratoga didn't seem to be in trouble for herself. After relaxing for a while, she couldn't help but wonder. Since she didn't come to retaliate herself, what did she do waiting here every day? Was there a pit in her mind?

In this case, the guards were naturally uncomfortable to speak out directly, and looked at each other so embarrassingly for a long time. Saratoga just said that Ai Ai said: "That, the previous things are very embarrassing. I didn't intend to hinder you from working, sorry!"

Seeing Saratoga bow to himself, the guard froze for a long time before saying sadly: "It's okay, I'm also responsible for that, so this girl doesn't have to go to her heart."

"Um..." Saratoga nodded gently, rubbing her skirt nervously with her small hands, but she was slow to follow.

"If there is nothing else, can I go?" At this moment, the atmosphere made the guards feel uncomfortable, and Saratoga didn't speak, so he thought about walking away.

Saratoga seemed startled when she heard the words, and suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

"Is there anything else?" the guard asked quietly.

To say that when shy, Saratoga is no different from an ordinary girl, but she is still the famous little devil in the ship's mother. When she let go of her courage, she blurted out her heart: "That, I like you, you can Connect with me?"

"Ah?" The guard stared at Saratoga stunned. He didn't expect the other party to mean that anyway.

Saratoga realized that her words scared the other party, looking nervously at his reaction with her fists clenched and expecting. She had never thought that she would make her first confession in her life at this place. She even dreamed before In a romantic scene, the boy he would like to express his love to himself on the ground covered with flowers.

But now that the illusions no longer matter.

"Sorry, I already have someone I like."


Saratoga never thought it would be such a result. For a long time, she woke up from a loss of soul, but the boy disappeared long ago, leaving only her heartbroken, but she couldn’t even cry. : "So it turns out~ Miss Li, do you still need me to do something?" Hadleys also saw this scene in his eyes, and he wouldn't understand it for the teenage girl. Love is moving, but since Saratoga is the person Li Xiaobei cares about, then he can think of the way to deal with it later.

It is arguably the easiest job for the Joint Intelligence Service to encourage the guard to break up with someone he likes, and then create opportunities for Saratoga.

However, Li Xiaobei shook his head thoughtfully: "No need, maybe such a good ending."

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