Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2199: Verify

"I hope the police can control the situation before Uncle Tongsheng arrives." Xiao Meiqing can only look forward to that now. She is not willing to use the people of Xiao Mei's family to fill the gaps in the police. Xiao Meiqing wouldn’t expect to see any damage, and it’s not Xiao Meiqing’s wish to inform the magical girls to come, so there is only one person in the family who can check and balance with her brother-in-law.

After all, this Yue Zhong is not his original appearance. After more than a year of living in a state of displacement, his physical fitness has definitely dropped a lot, and his combat effectiveness will not exceed human body theory like his brother-in-law. The limit, on the other hand, at Tong Mei, Xiaomei's home, since he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, a lot of resources have been tilted towards him. With the help of medical technology far beyond his time, he has not only eliminated the hidden injuries and injuries that he has accumulated for many years. Adjusting his physical condition to the best state, today Tongsheng Yima can be described as Xiao Meiyuan's capable officer. In addition to Xiao Meiqing, Xiao Meiyuan will not let him help anyone.

Of course, Xiao Meiyuan who has mastered the breath control is also a suitable candidate. Xiao Meiqing considers that if both of her sisters and brothers leave Xiaomei’s house, it will be too natural to notify him, and according to her sister’s words I can't make contact with my brother-in-law, but Xiao Meiyuan can't do it either.

Although I don't know why, I believe my sister will never be wrong.

At night, the more dyed, the thicker the ink.

After learning that a fierce criminal appeared in the city, the inhabitants of the whole city felt fear and the trees were all soldiers. They did not dare to appear on the street after nightfall, so this small town that was already depressed appeared even more deserted.

The black figure is hidden in the dark and no trace is found. At this time, Yue Zhong is continuously guiding the police's actions according to the established plan. If his opponent is only the Moldovan police, then he has already escaped by the cover of the night. In the past, when you were in danger, it took a day to completely solve the problems.

As long as they can break away from people's horizons and there is no reason to be remembered by people, then Tianyan's powerful forces will erase the traces of his past existence, even if there is a shocking case, it will be safe, because no one will remember what the murderer looks like. All the information will also be destroyed, and the case will become an unresolved case forever.

However, today is different. Yue Zhong has been able to clearly feel that there is a gaze staring at himself from beginning to end. It does not help his intentions but is full of aggression. Whenever he tries to escape from this small city It seemed to be coming out soon.

Unable to find the source, Yue Zhong could not make up his mind to leave.

Police set up checkpoints in all directions out of the city. Even in the wilderness of the mountains, heat sources were detected. Once humanoids appeared and were identified as suspects, the police force from all over the city would come from all directions, and Yue Zhong could not go to heaven. Once the gap created by his deployment of police disappeared, he could not leave quietly.

"Who the hell..." Yue Zhong's heart is a pathological extreme at the moment, but it is also very meticulous. From his corpse everywhere without leaving any clues, he can be seen that his caution is constantly guiding the police. Under the dynamics, Yue Zhong knew everything about their deployment. If it wasn't for the consciousness that made him uncomfortable, he could leave the city at any time.

Encountering Yue Zhong in the face will not be afraid. He is only worried that if he appears in spite of this consciousness, even if he can avoid the police hunt, he will not be able to escape the attention of this eye. It does not appear that it may not be able to directly block himself, but if If your actions break its intentions, then the police will certainly immediately come over and block yourself.

Although Yue Zhong is confident, he is not arrogant enough to be able to fight against so many heavily armed police officers. Even in a wide space, as long as he has more than 20 rifles, he will not be able to overcome it.

An ordinary dwelling is Yue Zhong’s hiding place at the moment. The family is not lucky to be protected from Yue Zhong’s poisonous hands. However, the food in their refrigerators cannot escape the fate of being eaten and drunk.

Yue Zhong didn’t turn on the light, smeared something in the kitchen and ate and frowned on the sofa after eating. The real fear for him only came from the unknown. He had no way of knowing what it meant to follow his own things. I couldn't let go of my heart.

After waking up early in the morning, he was in a state of high concentration of spirit. At this moment, Yue Zhong could only be regarded as slightly relaxed, and a trace of sleepyness climbed up quietly.

Yue Zhong was able to determine that this place was temporarily safe, and there was no clear target area. After all, the police could not conduct a door-to-door search, so he planned to take a break before making plans.

It seems that as long as you don't go out of town, that consciousness is not malicious to yourself, and there are no other threats other than staring at yourself to make yourself uncomfortable.

But Yue Zhongcai closed his eyes suddenly and opened it suddenly, and at the moment when his drowsiness struck, an inexplicable heart palpitations also followed. There seemed to be a certain kind of will in the dark that warned him not to sleep like this. Next, otherwise waiting for yourself will be a complete demise.

Yue Zhong had no choice but to sit up again and looked at the TV without any video in front of him silently.

He vaguely felt that he did not appear in this city and the detention room for no reason. Some causes and effects that he did not know were secretly manipulating all this. Perhaps he was not as free as he imagined, but like a box. Experimental products generally accept all kinds of impositions on themselves, and ultimately form their own destiny.

Manipulating the lives of others from life to death is his joy at this time, but if it is in the hands of others he manipulates, it is another matter. Yue Zhong does not like this feeling very He thinks he is even Death can only be judged by the ultimate bliss after tired of killing, and everyone else should be their own prey.

Time passed by one minute and one second. The police in the city went to sleep all night and searched for Yue Zhong’s whereabouts, but to no avail. Xiao Meiqing only woke up after a short sleep. She was worried about hearing the news that the murderer had fled. I really lost the clue of my brother-in-law again.

Tong Sheng Yima has landed at the capital airport of Moldova as she was instructed, and is now driving to the town.

When the early morning sunlight re-illuminates the living room of the private house, Yue Zhong's eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes full of beast-like danger and madness.

He was not replaced by a new personality, and he survived the whole day and night without consciousness.

This situation has never appeared on Yue Zhong before, and Xiao Meiyan's guess has been initially confirmed.

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