Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2203: Unexpected change

When Xiao Meiqing received the warning from Tong Sheng, Yue Zhong was not far from the hotel where Xiao Meiqing lived. Xiao Meiqing could naturally hide with the bodyguards and deacons, but she knew that if Yue Zhong did not find herself, she would definitely not Take it easy.

Rather than waiting for him to kill or quit, he stood directly in front of him.

The brother-in-law was not like this before, but now he has become strange to himself, but if it is possible that Xiao Meiqing still hopes that he will carry less sin.

There was only one person left in the penthouse, and Xiao Meiqing, who had already let go, was sitting down against the door, but she waited for a while and still showed no signs of anyone.

"Something wrong, the brother-in-law should be here."

At this time, Yue Zhong had indeed stayed in the hotel, but he did not rush to the top floor to search for Xiao Meiqing's whereabouts. After all, he did not know who the main ambassador behind Tong Sheng Yima was.

His judgment was based on the behavior of other people. The deacon of the bodyguards of an oriental face was evacuating in order in front of him, and among them was a young man surrounded by them. Yue Zhong finally rushed up without hesitation. After all, how did he Nor did they expect these people to leave their principals alone to escape.

The man was Klad who had a meal and a meal with Yue Zhong three days ago. He has never forgotten the agreement with Xiao Meiqing to look for Yue Zhong’s whereabouts in the past few days, even if he knew that a murderer appeared in the city. The devil did not slack off. No matter how big his brain hole was, he would not associate a mentally handicapped person with a murderous demon. Now that he has searched every corner of the city, there is still no news of Yue Zhong. Came to the hotel agreed with Xiao Meiqing.

However, Clad was not able to see Xiao Meiqing and was stunned by the bodyguards who had been removed from above. This group of people naturally recognized Clad and knew that he was an important friend of Miss Qing. He left with them so as not to be affected, but who had thought that this scene was seen by Yue Zhong, and directly regarded him as the principal of Tongsheng Yima.

Xiao Meiqing was safe under the yin and yang, but made Krad in danger.

After confirming the target, Yue Zhong began to run at full speed. Following the Xiaomei's bodyguard deacon and other people slammed into the underground parking lot, he saw a panic, a bloodthirsty smirk.

His only vitality is in the young man. Among these people, there should be no masters comparable to Kiryu, but it is confusing that these people look at their eyes not completely out of tension and fear, but they seem to be Know yourself.

It would be strange if the people of Xiaomei’s family didn’t know him. It would be difficult for anyone to see the posture that his six relatives didn’t recognize him, but the thought of the house owner’s haunting skill could not help but be awkward. The lady said that she didn't recognize anyone, so she and others could now be said to be extremely dangerous.

At the same time, Klad, who didn't know what happened, also saw Yue Zhong's face. Although he had changed into a gray coat, the scarf covering his face didn't know where he fell during the intense exercise.

Krad couldn't think of the fool who would be so scared when he saw a stranger approaching himself that would be a murderous devil who talked and changed.

"What's the matter?"

There is no time for Yue Zhong to think about it. Tong Sheng is still chasing behind him, and he must seize the time to subdue Klad who is protected in the crowd.

Among the violent body of Yue Zhong, he rushed directly into the crowd, and no one would be arrogant enough to dare to be the enemy of his family. If they protected Miss Qing, they might still be able to arouse their fighting spirit, but now they only protect what Miss Qing just knew. 'S friends don't even have Miss Qing's orders...

It is human nature to seek harm and avoid harm, not to mention the great change of temperament but noble and powerful homeowners in their hearts. No one has done unnecessary blocking, and even fled before Yue Zhong rushed over.

Yue Zhong felt inexplicable in his heart. This group of bodyguards who seemed to be murderous actually sold the protection target so easily. They carried Clad's collar subconsciously and pressed the broken glass picked up by the roadside against Clad's throat. However, Yue Zhong did not want to understand what was going on.

"Stop it!" Tong Sheng, who rushed into the underground parking lot with Yue Zhong's feet, screamed. He thought Yue Zhong ran here to catch Xiao Meiqing's anxiety and saw the hostage held by Yue Zhong. Also froze for two seconds.

What the **** is going on...

Xiao Meiqing, who received a report from her entourage, leaned her head on the table, and she didn't know what expression she should use at this time to face this farce that had been transformed from life and death.

Yue Zhong needed a hostage that would naturally not kill Krad, but according to his current personality, he would definitely not kill the killer as long as he ensured his safety. Xiao Meiqing didn’t want the friend she just met to die in the hands of her brother-in-law. , And the Moldovan police who rushed to the enquiry had also surrounded the entrances and exits of the hotel’s underground parking lot so that they could not be leaked.

She had to put this trouble to an end, but Xiaomei Qing was hit by repeated developments beyond her expectations in the past two days. She didn't know if she could do this aftercare.

Xiao Meiqing thought about it for a moment and then said to Tongsheng Yima: "Uncle Tongsheng, be sure to stop the police outside and tell them that I was hijacked by my brother-in-law."

Tong Sheng Yima nodded and directed other bodyguards to block the entrance and let the accompanying deacon negotiate with the police.

Although the influence of Xiaomei's family is not the same as before, the frequent major movements over the past year have made the world aware that this former overlord is trying to return to the peak.

With the energy of Xiaomei's family, when their second lady was abducted, the Moldovan police were afraid to act lightly.

"Can we talk about the conditions?" Tong Sheng stood in front of Yue Zhong with his hands in his arms. "The chips in your hands are not as important as you think. UU reading books"

Yue Zhong tilted his head coldly and smiled: "So is he useless?"

To this day, Yue Zhong also realized that he had caught the wrong person. The young man in his hand was a member of this country rather than a member of the face of this group of Orientals. At the same time, his clothing was not like a superior. , I seem to have made an unforgivable mistake.

But since it was useless, it was only a waste of energy to stay in the hand, Yue Zhong decisively inserted the broken glass into the great artery of Klader, and suddenly he was bloody, and Klader wanted to say something. It was difficult to make a sound, and fell to the ground with an incredible expression and a **** mouth.

"You!" Tongsheng Yima saw Yue Zhong's cruelty with his own eyes, and an innocent life was ushered in his hand so easily.

"Now I believe that you want to help me." Yue Zhong clapped his hands indifferently.

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