Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2212: City on earth

"Unconsciously, this is my third year in the new world and I have started to live. Everything is booming. Will these days continue?"

The quiet night window was lit with soft lights. Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao in the blue and white nightdress finished writing the diary and closed the diary gently, stood up at the desk and stretched out lazily to yawn.

When I first came to this world, I could still see the stars in the sky, but now the urban sky built by humans is shrouded in a dark sky. If you want to see a bright starry sky, you can only go to Liao's uninhabited wilderness.

After returning to his old age, Yue Zhong’s parents seemed to regain their passion when they were young, and there was a lot of movement in the room next to Zao Miao in Dongfeng Valley. Zao Miao’s face turned red.

"Your father and mother don't need me to take care of them for a while now. I haven't known for a long time how the other side of Youkai Mountain." Dongfeng Gu early seedlings moved the thought of wanting to go for a walk. The thought circled in her mind. out of hand.

The human city built in the New World is a place where all humans gather. The stone wall is more than 30 meters high. There is also automatic anti-aircraft firepower on the wall. As long as it is in the city, it is free from wandering monsters. Threat.

When he first came, Zao Miao was reminded by Li Xiaobei to bring many gems that are not produced in this world, and it was converted into a newly issued currency. Zao Miao bought more than ten stores on Central Commercial Street. Even if the mother does not need to work, she can live a very moisturizing life by renting her child. The subtle development has become a small and wealthy family in the city of the world.

There is Dongfenggu Zaomiao here, and naturally there are no open-minded humans who will hit their homes. As written in Zaomiao's diary, everything is going well in the current years.

However, since coming to the new world, all the eight million gods attached to the body of Hayao ran out, and Kanako Yasaka's ambition was trying to rebuild a new order of faith. There were no two powerful sons, Fengcong Ears and St. White Lotus. The competitor, Boli Lingmeng, who is no longer favored by the Great Boundary, is not worth mentioning in her eyes.

Zao Miao wanted to see what was going on there. Although she refused the invitation of Yasaka Kanako to continue to be the witch of the Shoya Shrine, she was very worried.

Hearing from other adventurers, the Moriya Shrine has absorbed many monsters as believers, forming a settlement centered on the theocracy at the periphery of the mountains occupied by the monsters, and many Tengu River Boys who do not want to be ruled by the Great Tengu's bloodline class from the monster group Mountain fled to seek the refuge of Yasaka Kanako.

It is said that Great Tengu is very dissatisfied with this and has issued a fierce question to Yasaka Kanako. If Yasaka Kanako does not compromise, the two parties are likely to conflict, and this has become the heart of the early seedlings.

The movement in the room became bigger and bigger, and the drowsiness also dissipated a lot. Then I walked to the courtyard outside the house for a walk and waited until the inside became quieter before going back to sleep.

The young life of the New World is growing fast, which is not only reflected in animals, but also the several banyan trees planted in the courtyard by the early seedlings have grown very tall. The plants and trees also glow slightly.

Even though he has lived here for three years, Zaomiao will be surprised by something outside of common sense. It can be said that no one has fully understood all the secrets of the new world they live in.

"Huh?" Zao Miao's attention was attracted by a group of blazing fires. Although the city of the world was established soon, all places have been electrified, and no one who is used to modern civilization will have a fire. .

The scale of the firelight is not large and does not seem to be a fire. Early seedlings hesitated to walk out of the courtyard towards the light.

Da Da Da, the crackling sound when the fire was burning kept coming, the girl with white hair with her back to Zao Miao was grilling the meat of unknown creatures there, her clothes were a little worn and patched, but Zao Miao remembered the city and There is no beggar, as long as people with labor force do not want to work, they will be forced to assign work tasks.

Zao Miao didn't think about it in other respects either, because she was very familiar with this figure, but the other party was not wearing her iconic clothes but a coarse brutal blouse and gray cloth shoes.

"Sister Red, why are you here?" Zao Miao asked, not sure.

The white-haired girl snapped the mosquitoes on the instep of her feet, and then turned to look at Xiangzao for a moment.

"It's really you!" Dongfenggu Zaomiao stepped forward and asked, "How to bake something here."

Sister Fujiwara's face also gradually spread out a smile: "Sao Miao, long time no see."

Dongfenggu Zaomiao sat next to Fujiwara Meihong and looked at the roasted meat on the fire and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"This..." Meihong lowered her head a little embarrassedly, "I played some prey and wanted to get some money in the city, but I accidentally missed the time when the city passes through the world and was locked in. I will spend one night here and buy some supplies the next day before going out."

"Then where do you live now?" Zaomiao nodded and continued to ask.

Mei Hong pointed to the mountains to the west: "Hui Yin and I both live not far from the city."

"It turned out to be this way." Zao Miao understands why Mei Hong has set fire here overnight, and she can naturally live in the city of the world, but Huiyin cannot.

Because of the advanced technology, humans in this world are not allowed to be slaughtered by monsters, but unavoidable human beings are attacked and killed by monsters. The human city’s tolerance for monsters is very low, even if it is They are not willing to accept Bai Zerui like Huiyin. Sister Hong who doesn't want to be separated from Huiyin will naturally not live in the city.

However, they are not too far away from the city of the world. The two people live without relying on other forces. They cannot live without the city of the Red often sells prey to the city to sell to the merchants.

"Take the fire out. I will take you to my house for one night. If you come back to the city of the world, remember to come to play with me." Zao Miao will get up and hold Meihong's hand.

"Or don't want it, you are not living alone." Mei Hong's subconscious rejection, it seems that she is not keen on Zaomiao's home or even a little repulsive.

"What's wrong, I can also take my friends home and live, and I haven't met acquaintances for a long time. Tonight we have a good talk." Zao Miao insisted.

Meihong tilted her head and considered for a moment, barely agreeing to Zaomiao's invitation: "Well, there are so many mosquitoes here, and I can't use my strength to burn them out, otherwise the guard should come."

Having said that, Fujiwara Meihong put her fingers into the fire, and saw that the burning flame weakened at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and finally gathered into a thread into Meihong's fingertips.

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