Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2245: Fear of killing

No one spoke, but this did not mean that the scientists were not interested in what Xiao Meiyan said.

Because of their special identities, these people will not move or whisper when they hear a hot news. As a scientist and able to stand out from all forces, everyone has a place similar to Xiao Meiyan, that is, they believe not other people’s language but real theory or achievements, if they can prove their authenticity , Then they will be more crazy than ordinary people.

Even though this sentence was spoken by Xiao Meiyan, who had achieved great success, everyone's first reaction was not shock but doubt.

Nowadays, the life of Xiao Meiyan is no longer a secret. The source of Zhao Zhao’s destiny, which affected the moment of war, is also well known. Now, Yue Zhong’s mysterious disappearance is that he cannot find even the panplane. This source is fundamentally It's broken.

All parties do not expect to be able to get the theory related to Tianyan from Xiao Meiyan for the time being, but did not expect Xiao Meiyan to come up with it himself.

The reaction of everyone is also expected by Xiao Meiyan. If they don't take out the dry goods, they are not so easy to believe, but Xiao Meiyan himself is not in a hurry, because there will definitely be people who can't suppress questions.

"The time when Master Xiaomei disappeared was to study that..." Sure enough, someone soon thought of a possibility and asked.

"Tianyan." The name was taken by Yue Zhong himself, and now it is officially named but there are only a few people who know it. Xiao Meiyan is now making it public.

"I don't know that Master Xiaomei can share the feasibility theory that has been studied in the past few years. I think everyone present will be interested."

Xiao Meiyan nodded her head slightly and said, "Yes, but let's start with the theme of this research summit first. I don't want to share the secret of Yue Zhong with everyone, because it's not mine, it's not. The result of the Valkyrie Rangers."

The implication is undoubtedly implying all the forces on the scene. The Eye of the Void project first belongs to the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and then belongs to Xiao Meiyan. If there is no Valkyrie Ranger Regiment's full support and he would not hesitate to spread the position It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Meiyan to do it alone, so it can be used as a joint research between the two parties. Xiao Meiyan has no plans to profit from it personally.

However, as a heavenly show, it does not belong to the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. If all forces need to cooperate in development, they must have additional sincerity.

After Xiaomeiyan announced the official start of the scientific research summit, the entrances of the venue were quickly blocked. Fan Hanshi had broken the rules before, and the scientific research summits everywhere began to restrict the participation of outsiders who are not scientific researchers, regardless of their status outside. No more honorable.

After all, every scientific research summit gathers leaders from all parties or civilizations. If something goes wrong, the damage caused is incalculable. If you are on your own site, you can see your own scientists Other people's site research technical results died because of armed conflict, I believe no one is willing to accept this accident.

Scientists like Xiaomeiyan have great fighting power, but when they face professional combatants, they will inevitably expose their flaws that they are not good at fighting. The fight between Li Xiaobei and Veneto is very good. example.

What happened in the venue after the venue was blocked is unknown to the outside world. Even the hostess Valkyrie Rangers can only wait until one day after the meeting to know what they have discussed.

But before that, Xiao Meiyan's remarks had spread to the ears of the big commander.

The layout of the headquarters of the Valkyrie Rangers Group has basically restored the previous pattern. Only the subtle changes have been made. The tall black tower is still the favorite place for the big commander. If you have something to do for a long time, you can always Find her here.

Numerous similar pictures are played here. They haven't used Xiao Meiyan as a topic for a long time, but this time Xiao Meiyan has once again become the center of conversation between the two.

"I thought Xiao Meiyan would stay longer for a while, but I didn't expect that she had made up her mind to leave completely." Chizen said with emotion.

Regarding Xiao Meiyan's departure, she and the head of the group had already been psychologically prepared.

"Let's go with her, it's just a matter of time." The head of the Valkyrie, who held the knight's gun and shook the foundation of the ubiquitous plane, no longer had a monstrous fighting intention when he was quiet, but Yuanzhu Yuezhi already has Inviolable majesty, "You have met her."

Qianzao Jiedai nodded and said, "I told Li Xiaobei's story to her and casually mentioned the student's affairs. But Xiao Meiyan didn't seem to train the Valkyrie Rangers to train a student who inherited her talents. "

"Isn't Papasis coming back? She did such a dangerous thing for Xiao Meiyan, and now she deserves something in return." The arrangement of the head of the group was tightly closed, with the growth of Li Xiaobei and Rosa as the entry point. It was logical to send Papasis to Xiao Meiyan's side.

Although it is not a complicated plan and it is impossible to hide Xiao Meiyan, the head of the group just wants to use this method to explain her requirements, and she believes that Xiao Meiyan will not refuse.

Because it was a girl who owed others a little kindness and would be uncomfortable, and it was necessary to compensate the other party's girl. This leader learned from Yue Zhong's experience, because Yue Zhong made Xiao Meiyan never clear.

"In the final analysis, it is because the disappearance of Yue Zhong disturbed Xiao Meiyan's heart. If Yue Zhong's subjective consciousness could return to his body, Xiao Meiyan would not be so anxious." Chizen said his hypothesis in his heart , And then asked the head of the big head: "Does the big head know anyone in this regard?"

The things that are difficult to do in the universal plane do not mean that no one can do head of the horizontal and horizontal planes for so many years is that the first will of the universal plane is to get her help to be in power, then Her social circle must be extraordinary.

It's not only Yue Zhong who has been in contact with Tianyan, which is countless. Someone must have done it before him.

"I know, but he is no longer there." The head of the group shook his head. "If he is still there, he will definitely tell me what kind of **** is the first will of the panplane."

"Why not?" Qianzao asked, disappointed but also curious.

"Do you think human beings can tolerate the existence of a person who can see through all their minds and manipulate their destiny?" The head of the group said solemnly, "Tianyan itself does not kill people, but the fear in the human heart it produces will wipe out all Can control the existence of their destiny, don't try to help Xiao Meiyan, what she has to do is not likely to succeed."

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