Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 228: Forced interview

Unexpectedly stunned the dog and walked back. Yue Zhong was also stunned by his superb throwing skills. The two sides were enemies to each other. He didn’t have any feelings of pity for the jade, but he always felt that the fainted dog walked with the drift. The tragedy then let go of the stone-throwing action, and could not beat her anyway.

Let the Tengu squad try to chase Yue Zhong through the ice, and their captain’s IQ is also debatable. At least the shooting fate in the sky stopped taking pictures and began to worry for his fellow citizens. How could this group of fools catch the cunning human what!

   was so excited that Wenwen swooped down and surprised Yue Zhong, who was planning to flee in the snowy plains. He could not shoot the life of Maruwen. Even at the speed of the other party, it was a joke.

   didn't know which nerve Yue Yue took the wrong line. After giving up and escaping, he actually took out his pistol and pointed at Shemingwan Wendao: "No movement, raise your hand!"

She was also smiling when she saw it. She stayed in front of Yue Zhong for a distance of about five meters and said: "Do you want to attack an honest and honest reporter? I will definitely condemn your behavior in the media. of."

"It's not the reporters but the spies who report to the fighting party. If you are really so honest and honest, why do you want to be a good and frugal three good citizens?" Anymore?

   The two people's skin is not ordinary thick, both sides quickly recognized this in the first conversation.

   "I was chasing you for an interview about how you destroyed Lanxiang Heavy Industries." She Ming Maruwen readily stated her purpose.

Yue Zhong feels a little strange. Isn’t Monster Mountain also in trouble? Why do some yell at themselves and some come to do interviews with themselves: "Did you stop following me after the interview, or say no Have you reported to Tengu of Okazaki Mengmei?"

"How could!" Shot life pill text exaggerated voice shouted, red ball on the hat of a shake Yue weight suddenly let it kind of want to pull down the impulse, of course, still more reason to answer her spanking , "I will continue to report to you on a continuous basis. It is rare for dangerous elements who dare to challenge Lan Xiang Heavy Industry."

   Wen Yanyue tentatively asked, "Are you afraid of being stripped of your bird hair when you get on the newspaper?"

"No, I'm not actually affiliated with Lanxiang Heavy Industry. The vast majority of Raven Tengu are in another command system." Sheming Maruwen seemed to feel that she was missing her mouth and raised her camera in discontent to Yue Zhonglai After two close-ups, I continued, "Now that the interview begins, you are obliged to answer every question I ask. If you dare to lie, then I will take you back to Okazaki Mengmei."

   "No, if you ask me a question, I also want to ask you a question, so that it seems fair." Knowing that Sheming Maruwen didn't kill himself, Yue Zhong decisively started bargaining.

   "Cunning human..."

  Sheming Maruwen's interview was long and verbose, and she barely missed any questions about Yue Zhong, including when he was weaned and how many years he was not in the bed. The place that was different from what was said was that after an hour of interview with Sheming Maruwen, Yue Zhong had no more information to learn from her mouth.

Speaking of articles, Wenwen is the most amateur amateur reporter in this world. If you use its pervasive materials to barely squeeze into second-rate, its interview questions and answers are simple and rude, but it’s still a single youth. In his pen, Yue Zhong gradually became a veteran scum who had an infection with a minor girl.

There is a lot of information exchanged at the expense of self-impairment. It is roughly that Okazaki Mengmi has detected a terrorist attack enough to destroy Fantasy Township and accepted the possibility of the monster mountain force into his own spaceship. According to the joint and Fantasy Township’s After the plane passage was transferred to this world, the two gods of the Shoya Shrine and the witch disappeared due to some unknown rules. Okazaki Mengmei proposed to acquire Lanxiang in Shandong and build a large heavy plant, using Kappa, who is very interested in scientific research technology, as a team to create an emerging force. The useless Tengu were scattered into two parts, and the motive force was poor. Be a defensive defense against Lanxiang Heavy Industry, and Sheming Maruwen is scattered all over the world to hide his identity in a way that he is good at, while receiving Lanxiang Heavy Industry's funding to collect intelligence.

Okazaki Mengmi and Da Tengu require very different information. The former needs to understand the technological level and economic status of the world, while Da Tengu is more concerned about the force of the world. Under the difference of the two concepts, Monster Mountain gradually has an undercurrent. Surging, Da Tengu fears that Okazaki Mengmei who has great grace for the entire Monster Mountain and can lead them to a new life will gradually take away her position, so she urgently needs to change the status quo and let the more powerful people temporarily attach themselves to Lan Xiang heavy industry of Okazaki Mengmei to adapt to the world as much as possible is the main way to try.

"Is it another old-fashioned drama of fighting for power?" Yue Zhong advised deliberately, "Okazaki Mengmei's goal is definitely not to be boring to seize the power of the big tengu. I guess her real purpose is to cover this world's subversion After a lot of common sense, the enlarged original fantasy town is bound up, you don’t have to be passionate and finally be ruthlessly abandoned to a tragic ending."

  Sheming Maruwen finally ended the interview at this time. She blinked her cunning eyes and said: "Is this sentence showing OK, can I put it on the online media?"

   "You are really afraid that the world is not chaotic." Yue Zhong's helpless spreading hands, "I really don't understand the use of these lace news you fabricated, no one will pay attention to me at all."

"It's just a personal hobby. The news that you and Fujiwara Meihong are messing up at Lan Xiang Heavy Industry is exclusive to me and should be more popular." Wen Wen wrote and painted on his small book for a while and then torn a piece of paper Come down and hand to Yue Zhongdao, "Don't forget to add the heartbeat of Sheming Maruwen."

   is really a tengu that keeps up with the times. Sure enough no one has read the newspaper now.

After shooting for a long time, Sheming Maru forcibly left Yue Zhong in the interview. The Tengu Squad, who was blocked by the canal on the other side, successfully rescued the dog walker and successfully crossed the canal. Yue Zhong did not delay much at all. Sheming Maruwen is still dead, Lai face flying in the sky to monitor herself and continue to flee. She chattered Yue Zhong for a long time and could not help saying that she was also fighting for the time for the Tengu team to cross the river.

   There is good news for Yue Zhonglai that the Tengu Squad failed to bring their motorcycles over, so that even if they ran faster than himself, he might hope to get rid of them even one by one.

Still thinking about how he should walk the dog, Yue Zhong's ear sounded like a stone falling into the water. At the same time, he quickly rolled to the side to avoid: "There are no people here, this little white dog looks like It’s nothing to worry about."

The distance between Yue Zhong and the Tengu Squad is about 300 meters. The range of the opponent’s firearms seems to be sufficient to kill them at this distance, but Tengu’s shooting skills are not very good, and random shooting cannot pose a great threat to Yue Zhong. .

   With the passage of time, the distance between the chasing parties is getting closer and closer, and the bullet attack is gradually becoming more threatening. As a human being, Yue Zhong is naturally inferior to monsters in physical fitness. If he continues to run, he will be caught up or hit.

It is helpless to leave the enemy behind. Yue Zhong noticed that the threat of guns to himself had to summon a thick ice shield behind him. Facts proved that his choice was extremely correct. In less than three seconds, a bullet that was supposed to hit his left kidney was successfully blocked.

"It's not a way to go on like this. I haven't seen any traces of villages after running for a long time. Must I go back to face the battle?" The danger has never been reduced due to the chaotic entry of Shuming Maruwen. Appropriate terrain for launching swimming action warfare, desperate with them while they still have powerful pneumatic bombs.

   The existence of Ice Shield made Yue Zhong a little more at ease, glanced at the tengu squad that was approaching quickly, Yue Zhong holding a try to summon Qi Lu Nuo.

"Baga, I can't condense my body to fight for you now. The red dress you found for me is too powerful... Of course I won, but I was hurt by her. In short, you can find a way to survive the danger. All right!"

   Qi Lu Nuo failed to come out, but still gave a reply that made Yue Zhong cry and laugh. If he loses, he loses, but he was embarrassed to admit it.

   is planning to continue to contact Qi Lu Nuo to see if I can borrow more powerful frost power from her unexpected things happened.

   The entire ice shield was unscathed, but there was a bullet that ignored the thick blue frost, preventing the instant penetration of Yue Zhong's abdomen.

   reached out and touched the abdomen with severe pain. Yue Zhong looked down at the blood in his hand.

   is not a tungsten heart armor-piercing bullet in the general sense. The bullet did not cause any damage to the ice shield at all. As if it was jumped by the gap of Yakumo Zi, it moved directly to itself, and then broke through the intestines.

   "Okazaki Mengmi is working on a probabilistic weapon recently. I don't know what it is, but it sounds very powerful." The sentence revealed by She Ming Maru was recalled by Yue Zhong.

"Non-destructive penetration... Isn't this a microprobability miracle in the Eastern Chronicles, I know that Okazaki Mengmei was also known through this game." The bullets are just ordinary bullets, and they are used to all kinds of pain. For Yue Zhong, it was not enough to cause an immobile impact on it. In contrast, this bullet made Yue Zhong more shocked and frightened.

If this probability is gradually increased or even reached inevitable, then all defenses will be useless in front of it, all bullets can ignore bunkers and bulletproof equipment and easily destroy the human body, and the strongest spear beyond the centuries will appear in the human world , The person who masters this power will also reach the top of the world.

   The power of technology is endless and awesome.

  PS: The appearance of this volume is also influenced by the Chronicles of the East. Interested students can go to play~

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