Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2257: Shock

The reign of First Will has been consolidated for so many years, and now it is undoubtedly at its peak.

Even other people in the highest seat can hardly contend with it. From the second will, the top of the ubiquitous plane is just an auxiliary to the first will to make the ubiquitous plane as a whole work better. They are in Within the scope of the consciousness of First Will, it does not have too extensive personal influence and authority. Leaders who can truly threaten First Will and have great influence have never been among the highest seats.

But for many years of working together, everyone in the highest seat has been familiar with the behavior of the First Will. He never shows his attitude because of one or two people. Even his beloved woman is also a peerless warrior in the world. He has no care. Instead, he broke off from it, and the people who assisted him in holding the highest authority in the past also no longer called the wind and rain, but mostly withered, because he did not want to be affected by any individual and implemented his own will.

There will be no selfishness in this first will. His own and the ubiquitous plane have already merged into one body, and how can he be angered by other people.

As the master of the secondary plane that constitutes the general plane, the tall man knows very well about the first will and firmly believes that he cannot treat himself to a Qi Xiaomeng who meets in the face of water, so Fan Hanshi proposed to monitor Qi Xiaomeng. When he asked for action, he agreed without hesitation and did so.

Unexpectedly, the consequence of doing so was to directly incur first will into his own world, with anger that he had not seen for tens of thousands of years.

The collapse of the Space Palace and the death of Chong Ji made him feel distressed too late, filled with a panic-stricken inner existence because all the words of the first will were relieved.

No one can imagine that the first will of Zhengchunqiu's heyday already had the idea of ​​cultivating a successor. Fan Hanshi hoped to limit Qi Xiaomeng's role to better target Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, but directly hit the first will. On the muzzle.

If it is for the future of the pan-plane, it is understandable that First Will will be irritated.

The tall man kneeling on the ground just bowed his head without any excuse. The man in the panplanet is already accustomed to the omnipotence of the first will. He knows any thoughts of his own, so there is no excuse, so the only thing to do is It is just to show your obedience.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t mind changing a member of the seat, and he who lost the seat is destined to fail to maintain his current status, which will undoubtedly be the worst result.

"Peter, get up." After the first will personally executed the punishment, he said very calmly.

The tall man who was called by the name quickly got up, a soft light flashed over him, and his naked body was put on a luxurious robe.

"Do you know what to do?" said Peter, looking at First Will.

Peter nodded hurriedly: "I understand, my lord."

"That's good, Qi Xiaomeng, I don't allow anyone to disturb her practice, except I don't care." The first will slowly disappeared in front of Peter's eyes, and he said with a sudden feeling that the moment of disappearance was near. "Tell the exile that in this situation, stop thinking of bullying. I gave him the opportunity. Since he could not grasp it, he can only rely on himself if he wants to reverse it."

He was the one who used Fan Hanshi in the beginning, and now he is also the one who warned Fan Hanshi. The emperor who lost his value under heart surgery no doubt lost everything. When Li Xiaobei stepped on the aura of Fan Hanshi and entered the vision of the first will, the first will He no longer favors Fan Hanshi, otherwise, if he disagrees, who can expel Fan Hanshi?

Fan Hanshi did nothing about what First Will did afterwards, but this time when he remembered him again, First Will planned to make the best use of it and make the world that was already surging.

After the first will left, Peter dared to take a deep breath. In the panplane, he did not dare to face the power of the first will. This was to hide in his hometown and buy a space-time gem to build a separate from the pan. The space palace outside the plane is used to avoid the world. Even when it is very time, it can take everything in the space palace into the void. It can be said that there is a space palace, even if the head of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment wants Killing himself, Peter is confident that he can escape.

But the result of his own painstaking effort was easily dismantled by the first will. This is not to say that the power of the first will has far exceeded the power of the Valkyrie, just because he is responsible for the overall plane. Will, the energy that can be called in an instant is like the sum of all the data computing power and supernatural energy of the panplane, and only this unrivaled assembly of all human power can stabilize the authority of the first will.

After slowly regaining his composure, Peter immediately called Fan Hanshi to him.

As the highest-level civilization in the panplane, everything that happens in this plane is spreading at an unimaginable speed, not to mention that the first will of the panplane came and knocked on such a big event as the lord of the plane.

Under the pressure of the First Will, Peter couldn't even block the So when he summoned Fan Hanshi, Fan Hanshi already knew the reason.

Although Peter looked admonished in the face of the First Will, he was a true leader of the military, and the plane he controlled was also one of the military's main technical support planes. When Fan Hanshi was betrayed by the Joint Intelligence Service and had nowhere to go, the military took the initiative to help and took Fan Hanshi out for Peter. The reason was that the military still did not give up its ambition to use force to seize the achievements of the Eye of the Nether. Of course, now there are two top supernatural rules in Vientiane and Tianyan outside the Eye of the Void project.

The backyard wetland of the Plane Mansion was originally the entrance and exit of the Space Palace, but now there are only wetlands left without any spatial fluctuations. Fan Hanshi hurried to meet Peter's distressed eyes.

"Look at your good deeds!" Peter rebuked as soon as he met. "Qi Xiaomeng is now his first successor. Don't think about what you want to do to her, otherwise no one will live without first anger. ."

Fan Hanshi would be scolded for it, but he was prepared with heart. Peter was so happy but he was arrogant and courageous. He couldn't blame him for his first responsibility, but when he saw himself, he would definitely vent his anger on himself. This Fan Hanshi can be completely indifferent.

But the news Peter brought to Fan Hanshi was far more serious than he had expected. There are still some unbelievable questions: "Qi Xiaomeng, the first successor?"

"Otherwise why did the First Will fire so much?" Peter sneered.

Fan Hanshi's surprise was quickly converged by him, frowning at the moment and wondering what he was thinking.

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