Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2394: 2 minutes

"Try it?" Xiao Meiyan looked at Qi Xiaomeng blankly, "How do you try?"

Everyone has a huge potential, but if you want to inspire, even if you pay countless times of your hard work, you may not be able to succeed. If you can do it if you think about it, everyone can become a superman.

Qi Xiaomeng obviously took it for granted, but since Xiao Meiyan has been held back for so long, he can't give up halfway.

"Maybe Yue Zhong has any clues for you, Xiaoyan, do you think about it carefully?" Qi Xiaomeng didn't really expect Xiao Meiyan to suddenly burst out what superpowers came out offensively. Mei Yan just shifted her attention.

Xiao Meiyan really believed what Qi Xiaomeng said, and silently walked over to the window again, looking at the dark night in the rainstorm but couldn't calm down, let alone find out the secrets of her body.

The neon lights that are covered under the rain curtain are silent and may be annihilated by the rainstorm at any time, but there still exists a strangely changing position as if it has passed over time. They were reflected in Xiao Meiyan's eyes, which made her more upset.

Like the eyes in the dark, staring in the direction of her with unpredictable intentions, the continuous rain on the window came a fierce noise, but the location of these eyes was still deathly tranquil.

Qi Xiaomeng seemed to have a terrible pain, but she clenched her teeth to prevent her from making a sound. She was worried that Xiao Meiyan was disturbed and thought of running to find Yue Zhong. She was also worried that she would go to Central Park without saying a word. Yue Zhong.

These two people came together as they wished. No one in the world could let them abandon each other, but they still made Qi Xiaomeng worry about it, and could even be worried, with the growth experience of an ordinary girl. It is impractical to grasp the scale and take good care of them in this stormy crisis, but Qi Xiaomeng does not want to give up this potentially unnecessary effort.

The light in the distance in the dark night was strange and palpitating, but Xiao Meiyan did not feel this way. She felt like she was also a member of the same kind, standing on a high floor of the hotel, under a piece of light far away Looking away at other places.

Where is Yue Zhong at this time?

He slowly appeared in Xiao Meiyan's eyes...

There, Yue Zhong stood between the violent wind and rain, the cherry blossom umbrella in his hand had already been swept away by the strong wind, and his body was also wet.

It is very strange that when Yue Zhong entered the Central Park, the wild wind and rain enveloped it but formed a strange vortex around him, as if carrying a strange magnetic field on Yue Zhong's body, letting All foreign objects could not get close to him and could only wander outside the square inch.

Yue Zhong looked up slightly at the dark clouds in the rainstorm. At this moment, he seemed so confident. The outline of his face seemed to outline a temperament to control the world’s wind and clouds. The awe-inspiring atmosphere made Xiao Meiyan’s heart beat inexplicably. Accelerated.

"It turns out that this is the reason why you don't want me to come over." As Yue Chong shouted loudly, the pour-like rainstorm quickly withdrew at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and finally formed a half-jing screen in Jing Park Half without rain.

"Tianyan is one, and the ego is divided into two. You have never been as terrible as I thought, but you are more familiar with it." Yue Zhong seemed to be sure that he was the one to say this, even Xiaomei Nothing can be seen in Yan’s eyes, “I thought that Tianyan horizon is the primary mode of Tianyan, so I didn’t dare to rely on it to compete with you. Now it seems that I am wrong, because this horizon is What you really want."

"I haven't thought about it for a long time, why I, a guy who knows nothing about scientific research, especially the frontier field of computers, has a composition like the programming world in the horizon of the opening of Tianyan, which is simply outside my knowledge. It’s just that it’s so handy."

After talking for a while, Yue Zhong seemed to feel a little tired standing, and he simply sat on the platform by the fountain, while twisting the rain on his clothes, and said, "At this point, I finally understand that everything you control is not that much. The logic of the system, its form is not so systematically presented, it is just a conceptual thinking, neither you nor I have the ability to turn it into a more convenient and concrete representation, which can help us achieve This step is Homura, right?"

"You want to get it, because this level of power is no longer just an unspeakable thing, it is enough to be delivered to more people to use, of course, the ultimate source is still under your control. At the same time You don’t want me to really share the magic of Tianyan with you, so I continue to deepen my misunderstanding, daring not to understand it in depth, and even regard Tianyan horizon itself as Tianyan itself."

"I still don't know what you want to do to mass-produce Tianyan, but what Xiaoyan gives me, I will never give it to Yue Zhong who said this Naturally, he would not know that in the real city of Takibara, he gave Xiao Meiyan the time to settle down for Xiao Meiyan. After all, Xiao Meiyan had no sister in his cognition, even to her parents. Knowing nothing, Xiao Meiyan never mentioned anything in this regard.

Therefore, since this may not exist, it will not prevent him from saying such words with such awe and arrogance. "At this point, is it too rude to not meet up? Maybe I will continue to doubt what you have. Attempt."

At this point, even if the other party really appears Yue Zhong, it is impossible to give up deeper speculation on him, but Yue Zhong believes that the other party will come out, because since the other party does not have the horizon of heaven, then his own thoughts are not. It will be displayed without any reservation like other people in the horizon of Tianyan.

As expected by Yue Zhong, a figure in the dark rain curtain quickly walked under the street lamp lights, but after Yue Zhong saw the other person's appearance, it was somewhat unexpected.

This is an ordinary young man wearing a plaid shirt, wearing glasses as thick as a bottle bottom and wearing a middle head. Like an ordinary technical otaku, it is quite different from what Yue Zhong imagined.

"Did you just grab an otaku and meet me?" Yue Zhong said with a wry smile, "So you are not here?"

"As you think, I will not be in a place where you can find it." The technical man wiped the rain on the glasses and saw the appearance of Yue Zhong before saying, "I see you for a moment of disappointment , Don’t you think I’m not like this? But you seem to be no better.”


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