Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 244: fact

   "So what, is there a big thief fan who breaks the law?" Alice knew about the unruly little movements of Marisa, afraid she would rush to say what clue.

  However, Yue Zhong didn’t know the name of the black and white mouse, Alice wanted to cover up what was naturally whimsical: “It’s just a little curious, since it has nothing to do with you, then I won’t stop Ling Meng from taking the pursuit mission.”

Paqiuli’s changed voice through magic has a fascinating nature. Some classic lyrics similar to some brainwashing cycles are even better. People without any magic foundation can’t resist this naturally. Both the live audience and the audience broadcast via satellite immediately gave birth to a large number of brain remnants.

In fact, this effect can be easily achieved by Alice herself, but she has her own perseverance and hopes to sing with her own excellent voice, which is different from Paqiuli who is not here, who is a little interested in singing. None, let her go on stage and read a string of magic spells may be stronger than singing.

"I think it's good to have a unique singing style in an idol group, what do you think?" Yue Zhong thinks he should have made it clear that he has to go to the elder lady to get some information, so he turns to the audience. Xi went, "It's almost time for the two of your protagonists to play, come on."

As Yue Zhong went further and further, Alice's face changed several expressions, and when she saw Yue Zhong she was about to leave the passage, she stomped her feet and asked Mo Lisha to wait for her at the same place, and then called Yue Zhong quickly. Ran over.

"Whether it's Marisa or Paqiuli's thing, I hope that by now, you won't be involved with me and Paqiuli's things in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind." I don't know if it was a perfume deliberately sprayed on the show or The taste of the magical agent itself, a refreshing and elegant scent came into Yue Zhong's nose with Alice's brisk walking. Alice seemed to be forced to allow Pa Qiuli to join, and also gave Yue Zhong in a timely manner. A little warning, "Of course it is not impossible to intervene. I can see that you have no friendship with Paqiuli. Since it is based on interests, as long as you can find a way to help me get rid of her, I can pay. You are paid."

   Yue Zhong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Are you afraid that I will eat the defendant after the plaintiff eats?"

"You can try it." Alice looked up confidently, and she didn't have any sympathy for Yue Zhong, but the other party had too many differences from other indigenous peoples she had seen in this world, and she seemed to know a lot. Regarding Fantasy Township, he should understand that his words are not just deterrence.

"Okay, I dare not be involved in your affairs anymore. This time it really happened suddenly. Please accept my apology." Yue Zhong lowered his posture in time, not asking Alice to forgive herself completely, as long as she didn't treat herself Just look at it as an enemy.

When Yue Zhong returned to the position of Missy, Pa Qiuli’s live performance was over. She had not participated in the rehearsal of BadApple. She didn’t intend to stay on the court, but Alice, who had already appeared, seemed to be settled. The idea was to make her ugly and insist that she stay on the field and perform together.

   "Eh, the war between women is really terrible." Seeing some small interactions with "welcome" newcomers on the field, Yue Zhongxin said to Zhou Jinjin with a similar heart.

Zhou Jin, who was expecting Yue Zhong to bring a surprise to himself, found that this surprise made him a little unacceptable. Paqiuli, who has a rich Western witch temperament, was actually a lily girl. It seems that I can only give up here.

  After some contention, Lingmeng also smoothly took the oil depot. The bullied young lady was still angry and wanted to let Sakuya find a way to revenge Lingmeng.

   "Is it really okay for you, Lei Mi?" Yue Zhong felt like he was ignored and quickly brushed his sense of presence.

   "Hmph, you guys help Lingmeng to abuse, don't want to get any news from me."

  Yue Zhong, who was implicated in innocence, flicked his lips to make a picture where I only watched the concert without speaking. Anyway, Miss Madam's children had a temper tantrum.

No matter how he tried to get up, Hong Meiling, who was half awake and half asleep, did not respond. Zhou Jin also gave up there. He and Yue Zhong sat next to each other and looked at the big stage with wide eyes. The first appearance of Paqiuli was Alice. The bullying was a bit miserable, but Alice didn’t ruin her concert and didn’t overdo it. A concert with hidden smoke continued until twelve in the evening and finally ended successfully.

In the parking lot outside the Workers Stadium, Ling Meng, who came to recover Yue Zhong, saw the other person's unwillingness to walk and suddenly stopped playing, regardless of whether Zhou Jin and Remilia were present: "Yue Zhong, do you still have The consciousness of an international criminal police will not be mixed with them, let me talk about it. Did you promise me what I did before?"

   Could these mysterious people also be well-known surveillance targets on the Interpol list? Zhou Jin formed this idea in his mind for the first time and lingered it: No wonder, only those who have broken away from the ordinary are qualified to erase the secular temperament of the world.

"Isn't Lingmeng working hard? In the oil depot you took away, return it to Furan. Is it fun to bully the child?" Furan immediately hid behind him after Lingmeng appeared. Pressure has a great influence on her.

   "It has been destroyed humanely, what do you want me to return." Lingmeng frowned and looked at it for a long time before saying, "Give you some time, and leave for Jinan at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. You will be fired if you are late."

Feeling that the atmosphere is not right, Zhou Jin and Yue Zhong said goodbye and drove away in his sports car. He felt that it was not the same thing to be led by his nose, and did not know if the person he sent to investigate the situation collected useful information. Intelligence, originally thought that there were not many things in the entire dynasty that could hide themselves, but now people and things appear one by one mystery, Zhou Jin decided to observe for a while and then say that the beautiful girl is certainly pleasing, but it is not worth it for it to be in danger. .

Seeing Zhou Jin's performance, Yue Zhong didn't say much, but in his heart, he already defined the other party. How could this young master who grew up in a good environment fight like his own life as a cheap price? However, in this case, he is also destined not to be integrated into the world of Fantasy Township, let alone who he can further develop relations with.

   "Life is also capital, at least you have the guts to do something terrifying." Missy's voice came, did she ignore her?

   Lemilia actually didn't want to take Yue Yuezhong, but Pa Qiuli, as her friend, couldn't ignore her request. Yue Zhong took the risk of offending Alice and helped Pa Qiuli so much. As the owner of the Red Devils House, if it was miserly, it did not meet her definition of nobility.

  Perceived that Pa Qiuli's words worked, and Yue Zhong took advantage of the heat and did not use that ridiculous title to formally say: "Miss Remilia, I hope you can tell me what you know."

  Many mouths in the parking lot are not a good place to talk. Remilia had to let Yue Zhong return to the red devil hall in the office building that was transformed into a red home.

Without destroying the frame structure, Remilia actually transformed the second floor of the office building into a huge living room. The decoration with full of Western European style revealed a typical gloomy feeling in the red tone. Like the old castles of vampires.

In accordance with the idea that what is coming will be safe, Yue Dali has done like a dark red sofa smeared with blood. Sixteen nights and nights become magic. Two cups of black tea are changed from his hands and placed in him and Remily. In front of ya.

"I didn't participate in the plan of Yakumo Zi, and all I knew was only some vague news obtained through the power of fate. In that scene, I also tried hard to escape successfully without death." Millia sneered. "And those monsters who have come back to life are more or less faced with the fate of being controlled by Yakumo Zi."

  Yue nodded her head and didn't intervene. Although Missy was sometimes very offline, she was quite reliable, and she would say everything she wanted to know completely.

"First of all, it’s about Qi Xiaomeng who cares about you. When she collected the history of fantasy and successfully connected with Fantasy Township, the Great Enchantment also formed a symbiotic state with the long axis of history you lost, Yakumo Zi noticed this and found me later. I saw the end of the destruction of Fantasia Town from the vague future. I told her that she would leave without saying anything." Remilia took a sip and called the black tea. , "Don't worry about your serious cup of black tea, and I won't poison you."

   "I know, I just don't like to drink black tea. Is there Coke?" Yue Zhong just said to play, but I didn't expect that he would actually give him a glass of Coke the next second, "...Thank you."

"Since that day, the entire fantasy town has become a little different, and the big monsters who can perceive danger have responded to their own, and the strangers with fantasy town are no exception, until fantasy town is surrounded by that huge beam of light. It was only after the bombardment that I was exhausted that I fully understood Yakumo’s plan."

"The long axis of history connects the world where we are now. In order to deal with the crisis and increase the development of the monster group, Bayun Zi manipulated his realm during that time to constantly transform and process the great enchantment and the world. Until the moment of destruction, all the monsters died in the second form, and the existence of human identity, such as Lingmeng, they found a substitute in this world and realized the replacement. Of course they I have no idea about this.” Remilia said here and looked at Furan in the distance, explaining, “I took this opportunity to deal with my sister’s problem and let her steal the beam and change the column to complete the transfer in a human way. "

   "Last news I hope you calmly accept."

"The girl named Qi Xiaomeng shared all the knowledge of the Great Enchantment, and naturally she can also perceive the changes made by Yakumo Zi using all of this. You think that even if the shot can flatten Fantasy Township, there is enough Does power kill Qi Xiaomeng?" Remilia shook her finger painted with bright red nail polish. "No, the destruction of the item will not cause the death of the owner of the item. The reason why Qi Xiaomeng died so much is that the soul remains. There is nothing left but nothing more than becoming a great sacrifice for the replacement of the two worlds. She is fully integrated into the new enchantment, and only the sacrifice of this magical girl with unlimited potential can contribute such a huge energy to complete the eight cloud purple The transformation action of the magic girl is really objective when it comes to despair."

"Even so, she brought destruction to Fantasia Township, and also sacrificed herself. The person in exchange for the hope of survival was actually you. I was a little surprised." Remilia said after she finished. Teacup, waiting for Yue Zhong's reaction.

"Which should I accept?" Yue Zhong did not imagine the anger, but took out the spiritual core frame against his chest and gently stroked it in his hands. "Is Bayun Zi killed Xiaomeng, or was it for To avoid the real destruction of Fantasy Township, Xiaomeng must die?"

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