Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 247: Miao Ye and Gundam

Lingmeng kicked the alloy gate with a dull bang, and did not know how Lan Xiang Heavy Industries made this alloy gate. After being hit hard, it was not kicked off as the Interpol imagined. There was no sign of opening or closing at any of the door cracks, but Lingmeng's blow was not indifferent. She had just drilled through the kicked hole.

   "Why do I have the illusion of credible promises of spiritual dreams..." Zao Miao's face with black lines instructed his men to evacuate the masses, and then it would be bad if it hit the innocent.

The international criminal police officers present all knew the strength of the monsters. They followed the spirit dreams (early seedlings) to go out to work. They basically just did some aftercare work. Now they don’t have the ability to help themselves. Separate to perform the evacuation business that has been very skilled.

   "Police handle cases, idlers avoid them."

Many foreigners who can only speak such a Chinese sentence ran and shouted in a flat-toned tone, and the conscious people left honestly, but there are always some boring people who do not know what to do and still use this phenomenon as a funny subject. Hold the phone to continue recording.

   He came to the heavens for some days. The international criminal police were not surprised. For those who did not fear themselves, they immediately dialed 110 to find the local police to help, and soon drove all the crowds around: "The police of the heavens are deterrent!"

   Looking at Lingmeng and Zaomiao, seeing that Lingmeng kicked the door out of the hole did not come out. Zaomiao thought about it and followed it in. She still hoped to resolve this issue as peacefully as possible.

However, within a few days, all traces of Lan Xiang’s previous destruction by Meihong disappeared, and a new plant was built on the original ruins by pouring cement. This kind of cement has strong hardness and rapid formation. If Okazaki dreams The honest and honest development of the industry must be able to dominate the entire industry.

Of course, these various black technologies were not researched after Okazaki Mengmei came to this world. She has not had so much time to study these things. Whether it is excavator or high-efficiency cement, she copied the world she is in. Technology. It is said that the mysterious world where 15-year-old graduates can graduate, and in a mysterious world full of geniuses, even if Okazaki Mengmi is only an ordinary member of the society, it can be seen how terrible and frustrated the society there is, and expelled her. No such genius blinks.

As soon as the witches' group (Interpol Group) entered Lanxiang Heavy Industry, they were attacked by Tengu and Kappa in all directions. There were swords and guns and missiles nearby. A variety of symbol cards were overwhelming like fireworks. Big Tengu ordered all the defense forces to begin to kill two fantasy townships regardless of losses.

This large-scale attack exceeds the barrage level of the six-sided BOSS of the L-level difficulty of the holographic scene. It completely ignores the rule that the barrage cannot be seamless, and it is as simple as eating and drinking. A yin and yang jade to block some unavoidable attacks, the early seedlings immediately behind Lingmeng received less pressure, and although it is difficult to advance, it is only a matter of time to reach the core position of Lanxiang Heavy Industry in the current situation.

   "Something seems to happen?" Sao Miao said this under a gun-like bomb attack. She seemed to be telling a cold joke, but this was when she heard some unusual voices before taking the time to speak.

Two black and white yin and yang jades with the same size of the door panels are wrapped around the front to crush all the frontal attacks and obstacles. The response in the other directions is mostly Lingmeng Yang spreading the Fuzhuan penetrating the heavy barrage to the attacker to counter it to resolve it. Zao Miao followed a bit of soy sauce, and because of this, she took time to focus on the direction where the unusual sound came.

The witnessed scene made Zao Miao's cheeks reddened, because she saw a plant that actually happened in the movies and comics. The plant was deformed and slowly turned into a large robot of more than 20 meters. .


   Lingmeng looked back with a cold face: "What's your nerve?"

   "Limeng look, there is Gundam!"

   Speaking of Kappa had a black history of making large robots, although they did not play any other role except to bring a storm to Fantasy Township, but they have this technical ability anyway.

Okazaki Mengmei has always been dismissive of such a **** large robot, but her assistant Beibaihe Qianli seems to be quite interested in it. Encouraged by a group of Kendo mechanics of Lanxiang Heavy Industry, Beibaihe Qianbaili did not participate in Okazaki Mengmei's enchantment cracking research, but instead did a serious job to make such a large robot that would transform.

   "You solve it, I always think that the thing is very dangerous." Ling Meng said after a sentence and then devoted himself to the road of Wushuang.

As a large robot brain powder, Zao Miao's eyes braved the stars and painted the stars all the way away from the key attack areas of Tengu and Kappa. Although the previous profession was also a witch, Zao Miao Lingmeng did not continue to use royal coins as weapons. In dreams, Yinyin jade is used more often. In addition to a pistol used to frighten ordinary people, Zao Miao without this thing is also equipped with a snake stick, which is the same as Western poison Ouyang Feng.

"Lanxiang Heavy Industry SSS-class mech driver Beibaihe Qianli ginseng took it, eat me a cationic cannon!" Qianli li with blonde double ponytails seems to be guilty of S.2, and after shouting with the extended equipment, the large robot is stout The metal arms of his body removed a blackened barrel from his shoulder and aimed at Zao Miao.

   is still excited, Zao Miao, the response is extremely fast, she had avoided the attackable route as early as the Baibaihe Qianlijiao artillery, the other party's artillery bombarded the two factories and there was nothing to do.

   "Awesome." Zao Miao, or Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao who had awakened a strange attribute and turned into Miao Ye, shook hundreds of python-shaped shadows with a snake stick: "Lushan Bailongba!"

Large robots are a bit clumsy in attacking and raising their hands or circumventing movements. In the face of the big trick of the men who broke the shirt from the Miaoye cottage, it has no room to hide before the attack is launched. The python-shaped shadows are not polite. When struck on the diamond-shaped energy shield that it unfolded, it continued to emit the sound of quenching.

"Ah, how did the style of the opposite witch suddenly change?" Beibaihe Qianli in the cockpit looked at the shield's energy slot continuously decreasing. It was a bit miserable. This experimental large robot was really flawed. It's too reluctant to fight enemies at the level of Zao Miao.

After a wave of counterattacks, Miao Ye didn't chase after her, and finally saw the real large robot. She also planned to see more about the strength of the other party. If you can subdue it, it would be better. Maybe she can drive up to Gundam in the future. What?

"Full-bomb launch, the dragon cavalry system automatic enemy mode is turned on, kill me this witch!" Beibaihe Qianliu drew several afterimages on the control surface, and the explosion was completed in an instant that exceeded human hand speed. For complex operations, a large robot as the core burst into a powerful firepower output. The shuttle-shaped float gun among colorful beams flew flexibly and followed the trajectory of the early seedlings to calculate the amount of blockade attacks in advance.

The flight trajectory was blocked, but the strong sense of sight made Miao Ye more excited. With the irregular movement trajectory to avoid the light and heat and the fire, he finally used his own spell card to attack and defend: "Miracle Guest Star ...Kaihai·Fengtian!"

Successive spell cards came out one after another, as if unlocking the CD limitation, Dongfenggu Zaomiao's shot even attracted the attention of Lingmeng and the big tengu in the dark, the meteors on the sky were staggered, and the earth slammed and slammed. The momentum is like the end of the flood, all the attacks of large robots are crushed in an instant, and at the same time they are swayed like a helpless boat in a storm. They may be swallowed at any time.

   "Is this the power of a natural miracle, Qianli can't win her, act according to the scheduled plan."

After receiving the instructions from Great Tengu, Qianli Li no matter how reluctant she only obeyed her instructions. It is important to know that the research of the large robot can only be started with the support of Great Tengu. The other party's instructions.

Seeing the large robot rushing towards her like a fight, Sao Miao greeted her unpreparedly. She plans to subdue the large robot and its driver by hand. If you can let the other party help you build a more powerful Gundam, it will be too All right.

With this mentality, Sao Miao inserts the snake-wrapped short stick into the crack of the cockpit position at the moment of contact with the large Under the blessing of the power of miracle, this should be the most solid posture of the mech The cabin part was slammed open, and Zao Miao immediately saw the little Beihe Qianli in the blonde double ponytail wearing a sailor suit.

   "Goodbye, this witch lady."

With a conspiratorial smile, Xiaobeihe Qianli Li launched his pop-up system to eject himself from the exit channel. The stunned Dongfenggu Zao Miao immediately thought of a shot to grab the driver, but a huge flood from the inside of the large robot The electric current caused a brief paralysis and traction to her under the condition of insufficient protection.

Immediately after, the legs of the large robot came out of the body, exposing eight liquid nitrogen injection tubes, and the light blue flame sprayed out. The large robot dragged the early seedlings of the Dongfeng Valley to the unreachable sky under the current. , A splendid explosion exploded in the staggered meteors.

"Zao Miao..." Even though he didn't like his competitor any more, his persistent quality was still appreciated by Ling Meng. After witnessing this explosion, Ling Meng exclaimed, and his eyes burst into flames. The fierce murderous intent looked around the Tengu and Kappa around, "The monsters, are you ready for death!"

Countless yin and yang jade phantoms flow out of Lingmeng's hands, with a devastating impact and pure brilliance, they stretch out a positioning boundary. The ultimate destructive power is hidden in every black and white yin and yang jade in essence. With the passage of time, they become unstable a little bit. With Lingmeng’s hand raised slightly, the beauty beyond words is called a dream born, just like humanity’s most beautiful dream, it is born the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ;

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