Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 251: I want to be an actor too

As an expression mode of energy, enchantment still follows the line of origin and destination. As a special concept of time, almost everything that affects the physical world also includes energy. At the time, energy does not move when it stops. No matter how subtle the flow path is, it can only maintain the degree of stillness. Xiao Meiyan used this to break the rune enchantment that had been broken for thousands of years. However, there is no absolute thing. So far, Xiao Meiyan still hasn't figured out how Gong Yongsaki at that time continued to exercise while he was on the time stop, and even carrying Yue Zhong was not affected by the time stop.

   The enchantment that envelopes the earth does not belong to the magic category known to Xiao Meiyan. When it stopped working, she could see clearly but could not understand it. The only information that could be noticed was that it had magic energy unique to the magic girl.

This time the stop has been open for a long time. Xiao Meiyan spread her wings with white wings and black feathers and flew over the length of the earth-moon distance. When she reached the outer space of the earth, it continued. It was thought that you could take the opportunity to cross the big enchantment. Xiao Meiyan was hindered, because she immediately started to run as soon as she touched the Great Enchantment, and the majestic force continued to attack to try to push it away or even destroy it.

"Because I can move freely, the time of the things I come into contact with will also start to elapse. It seems that it is not possible to enter through this method." Xiao Meiyan instantly appeared a purple outline in the hands of the invisible and hopeless glory Conceptual longbow, covered with barbed but equally solid black fog arrows, as the slender fingers stretched slightly, the posture of attack appeared in an instant, and she decided to destroy this layer of obstacles. Enchantment.

   One second before the fog arrow was shot, Xiao Meiyan suddenly hesitated. The uneasiness from fate made her unable to shoot the arrow. It seemed that as long as the thing was shot, things would really be irreversible.

Xiao Meiyan’s time trace has been verified and determined that it can only be launched in her own world. In other planes, lack of sufficient cause and effect to support it is unable to activate this cheating general ability: "Is the trace of the magical girl, in Something should have happened after I left, so let's check with Miyako Saki first."

   The attack was canceled, and the entire Great Enchantment regained its normal speed like a sigh of relief. Although it had no self-consciousness, it was able to perceive the huge threat posed by Xiao Meiyan's attack.

   The time stop seemed to be over. Xiao Meiyan took a deep glance at a peninsula on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and then spread his wings back to the moon, explaining to the middle-aged uncle of the Spare Tire Alliance that the two of them left the world.

The picture is enlarged to the position that Xiao Meiyan observed just now. On the outskirts of Jinan in the Shandong Peninsula, the bright red moon hangs high against the sky, and the Holy White cross emits a strong light as hard as the suppression of demons throughout the full moon. Remilia and Frantoro were violently shocked at the moment when Okazaki Mengmi appeared, and the two vampires made a barbecue-like sound under the simulated light.

Missy and Miss II, who valued her most, were attacked by lethality. Sixteen nights, Miyaki left without hesitation and pre-explanation as described in advance. Yue Zhong opened the Misaki night world to save them, directly under the cross, blue All the construction of Xiang Heavy Industry was overturned by the possibility of the underground spaceship being raised. Okazaki Mengmei stood in front of the bridge holding the long historical axis that Yue Zhong vowed to retake, and his face was still expressionless.

The entire spaceship was covered with a large spiritual force, Fu Zhuan, like a float. When it appeared, it planned to start a plane flight to deal with Lingmeng but was suppressed by Remilia’s crimson moon. Okazaki Mengmei had to Appearing to pierce the round of the Red Moon to crack the Missy's attack, which also gave Ling Meng time to cast a formation. Until now, the possibility that the spaceship can no longer start plane flight.

"Professor Mengmei, I said at the outset that we can discuss. Why did you refuse to listen to a word, or even let Meihong kill my parents, wouldn't it really matter if you had an enmity with me?" Yue Zhongshou Holding Miao Ye wrapped in bed sheets, he was somewhat imposing when he spoke. Because Miao Ye was not a loli body, she still had some weight. Yue Zhong held a little effort and couldn't naturally put on a handsome look.

Okazaki Meng Mei looked at Yue Zhong and Qi Lunuo stared at herself with a very plain tone: "I don’t have time to distract you from playing intriguing tricks, Tengu and those waste monsters failed to kill you. It was my mistake, but since you are here, let’s die to avoid trouble.”

The long axis of history suddenly burst into a dark yellow light in the hands of Okazaki Mengmei, and an indescribable thick breath ran slowly, and the silent attack suddenly rushed to Yue Zhong, if there was no accident, it should be able to wipe instantly All the history of Yue Zhong made it no longer exist.

The attack state is also the time when a person's defense ability is weakest. Lingmeng knows that Qi Lu Nuo's power will definitely be able to block this attack for Yue, because the magic demon array has restrained the huge possibility of the spaceship, so she can't cast a bigger one temporarily. Intensive moves, but Lingmeng’s own body skills are extremely powerful, and the sub-cavity instantly moves to Okazaki Mengmei’s feet and kicks with Tianba Fengshen legs.

As an incarnation of nature, Qi Lu Nuo can also perceive the natural disappearance and reversal of the area it flows through, although she can’t see the obliteration from history, she quickly finds the trajectory of the long-axis attack of history. She fully unfolded the twelve pieces of ice behind her. Wings and gather them in front, like a flower and bone that has not yet bloomed, it has withstood the long axis of history.

"Can Xiaomeng's stuff really kill me?" Yue Zhong expressed deep suspicion about this issue. Okazaki Mengmei did not use his own power but attacked with the historical long axis just developed, Yue Zhong. Seems to have noticed what was happening and rolled in place.

Lingmeng’s attack didn’t work, and the physical force refraction shield that was opened around Okazaki Mengmi easily resolved her foot that was enough to split the ground. If Yue Zhong used the surface ice to resolve the attack of the butcher’s monster, it was Miyaki With the power of junior high school physics, Okazaki Mengmi, as a physics expert, can't handle the physical force easily.

  At the same time, Yue Zhong's prior evasive action was not without aim. At the position where he was a second before his body, a young girl burning with flames rushed past as a bird.

   As the smoke and dust cleared, a white-haired and red-eyed girl yelled away from his gaze in the direction of Yue Zhong's head and looked up, whispering, "Cut, it was really avoided."

  妹红......Did you even stand on the same line with Okazaki Mengmei?

"Guess it's you. After killing my parents, do you want to kill me now?" Yue Zhong said with a deep voice, locking his sister's figure in his eyes, and the other party's performance in killing was absolutely not Yayu Okazaki Mengmei, who once fought with her once knew this very well, if she hadn't kept her hand subconsciously, she would have been killed by a stroke, and now...

"I know you hate me very much, but I have no choice for Huiyin's safety." Meihong's feet rekindled a hot flame, ran on the ground and stepped out a trail of flames that burned the earth to kill again, "Yue Heavy, come and beat me!"

  What kind of joke, Yue Zhong quickly pinched Miao Ye to hope to wake her up, but the result was not ideal. Dongfenggu Zao Miao should have suffered a minor injury. This simple treatment has no effect at all.

   Today is exactly the great cold, the coldest season of the winter chapter, when Qi Lu Nuo is still resisting the historical erasure, Yue Zhong has to try to defeat her as Mei Hong said.

   "Great cold, the fire wall!"

Still trying to attack Okazaki Mengmei’s spirit dream with physical techniques, he still can’t break the virtual shield that can offset all physical forces. Perhaps the dream of being born can cause enough damage to Okazaki Mengmei, but this will inevitably make it possible to be trapped. There is a flaw in the magic spaceship of the **** ship. Once the possibility spaceship is activated, even if she can quickly leave the distance of 20 meters around her, but letting Okazaki Mengmei's action means failure.

Suddenly, Meihong was killed and Lingmeng saw it. As one of the few people who knew the truth, Lingmeng didn’t understand why Yue Zhong didn’t reveal the truth. Their previous relationship should be pretty good, as long as Without the formation of absolute hatred, why do you have to kill you to death?

"The big cold is here. Snow is on the branches, and Ruixiang flowers are blooming." Yue Zhong gave a second move after showing the imperial furnace wall to temporarily slow down the progress of Meihong's progress. Due to the solar power of the Big Demon King, the affinity for the flower is the highest. Although Ruixiang does not grow in the Yellow River Basin, it still appears under the control of solar I was also confused, because Rui Zhonghua, made by Yue Zhong's painstaking efforts, instantly turned to ashes under his flames. Did he have a problem because his parents died?

  Jianhong soon knew the answer. Ruixiang, which was burned to ashes, was actually a mutated variety. After being burned, it formed a nerve poison and invaded Meihong's respiratory tract silently.

The Penglai people can be resurrected indefinitely, but it does not mean that they will not be invaded by poison. After being poisoned, they will be uncomfortable and die like ordinary people. The only difference is that they will soon be resurrected in full condition. Meihong noticed that she was already poisoned. Late, although she still has enough energy to kill Yue Zhong, she doesn't mind lying down like that.

Yue Zhong himself didn't believe that it was so simple, he put Meihong on it. When he held the pistol carefully to the other side and pointed the muzzle at Meihong's head, he saw the other side smiling at him with a smile. While moving, only a very weak voice came out: "Will you really want to kill me?"

  Yue Zhong understood Meihong's meaning in an instant, and she didn't think that Meihong who didn't seem to be bullied so well could also learn badly, maybe because of this she could easily deceive Okazaki Mengmei.

"I actually found a substitute for the dead ghost, and Laozi deliberately left two people's Xu Fu space and time as protection... What a daze, quickly shoot, Laozi is not really going to die." Meihong closed her eyes simply after she finished. .

   The gun was splattered with blood, and Meihong's forehead was penetrated by a bullet to form a blood hole.

   "acting realistically." Yue Zhong quietly raised a thumb.

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