Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 259: Unwind

   Yue Zhong's hands unfolded the long axis of history without any pause. For Okazaki Mengmei, this is something she can't do temporarily. So far, only Yue Zhong is qualified to pull this long axis.

The epic is as heavy as gravity, and it suppresses everyone’s actions when it comes out. Unlike the previous uncontrolled energy runaway, the long axis of history appears quiet and firm in Yue Zhong’s hands. A complete identification almost made Yue Zhong take a step forward in combat power, but Yue Zhong knew that he was not as powerful as they imagined. Instead of manipulating these proficiency things, he did not have enough magic power to drive the long axis of history to attack at will, otherwise it would consume It will only be the power of the long axis of history itself, and after reaching a certain level, it will return to the previous gray state.

   "Professor, although I don't know why you, a scientist, use the symbol of the cross, I am not very interested." Juan Zhongshan's landscape depicts a momentary change, responding to Yue Zhong's intentions and changed the scene: "Unwinding · Atheism!"

In this piece of land after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the remnants of all feudal religious myths have been destroyed and destroyed in repeated storms. People generally no longer believe in religion. Even the vast majority of people who worship Buddhas have no piety, history If the long axis takes advantage of natural advantages to expand the historical space, it will not only consume energy, but also benefit.

The situation is violent as history advances, and the holy cross that once crossed the sky, which was difficult to find in the atheistic space, suddenly collapsed into smoke, and Okazaki’s unstable order law lost its refuge and appeared in Yue with a violent gesture. In the eyes of Zhonghe Lingmeng, Lingmeng, who has become a little crazy and is extremely black and white, can still distinguish her teammates, but otherwise she does not recognize the existence of third parties, and people and monsters other than teammates are the targets of the killing.

Some senior citizens in the Interpol have deeper qualifications than Lingmeng. They have seen Lingmeng’s posture in private and called him a criminal rebel in private. At that time, Lingmeng without any companions would kill all monsters once. The killing target was placed on the Interpol who arrived, and finally alarmed St. White Lotus and Fengcong Ear God Son, and they were only able to subdue Lingmeng's Lingmen dream under their joint force.

In this posture, Lingmeng never uses the power of exorcism or enchantment. She is good at body surgery and the two-color Yinyang jade is the biggest weapon in her hand. According to the Divine Son, the combined strength of Lingmeng double jade is enough to control Alpine The ridge of the mountain broke.

After Yue Zhong shot and destroyed the Holy Cross, Lingmeng seized this fighter and almost moved to Okazaki Mengmei. The power of Yinyang Yubeng Mountain struck on the anti-physical force shield that the professor hastily expanded and put it After breaking apart, the partially refracted force shattered the air and struck the earth. The Penglai Mountain immediately shook the mountain, and a shocking rift split from the top of the mountain.

In addition to Yue Zhong being immobile due to the protection of the long axis of history, all the International Criminal Police and even Moon Rabbit soldiers and special forces who were fighting everywhere in Penglai Mountain fell to the ground in the earthquake, and there were many in the environment of flying sand and rocks. Everyone was injured or even killed.

The long axis of history has absorbed energy beyond its own storage quota and is eager to release it. Although Yue Zhong knows that it is difficult to leave Okazaki Mengmei, he still made an attempt: "Although I am embarrassed to use this trick, I did not expect it for the time being. What's wrong, the professor looks at the tricks, Qingfeng·Qiqin Qiaoshu!"

  From the imprisonment of the dynasty a hundred years ago, science and technology were regarded as heretics in this country of that era, even though it was a sad closed country, but the reappearance of history and the exercise of this space really suppressed Okazaki's best beauty.

The limitation of the venue is not able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Under the first suppression of the long axis of history, even the normal spiritual dream is difficult to use the magic card related to the gods and deities. Fortunately, she temporarily changed from The witches changed their jobs into a mad war, and the second repression was completely directed at Okazaki Mengmei. The entire space limits the scientific progress here to the extent of the 19th century, and all the excess power will be crushed by history. .

The anti-physical force shield disappeared without any accident, and the Yin and Yang jade in Lingmeng’s hands fell towards the top of Okazaki Mengmei, who was almost exhausted in the epic space of the long axis of history. The transfer device escaped this fatal blow.

"The long axis of history that really unfolded actually has such a strong suppression ability..." Was shocked by Yuki Okazaki's heart. If Yue Zhong could skillfully use it to fight and obtain energy supply, he could almost The strength of all the big monsters is reduced indefinitely and their companions are given lethal attacks.

"The new subject must find a way to crack this point." Okazaki Mengmei has now arrived outside Penglai Mountain. Her research on the long axis of history is very thorough, but Yue Zhong let her see some different changes. This caused Okazaki Mengmei a strong desire to study. Okazaki Mengmei settled her mind and looked up at the faintly enchanted appearance of the enchanted wind, then disappeared again.

Maybe it was because she lost her goal, and Lingmeng didn’t find any enemies, how long did she maintain the state of mad war, she slowly returned to Yue Zhong and complained: "Why didn’t you stop her, this People are very dangerous and they might do something later."

  When unfolding the historical long axis, Yue Zhong naturally had a sense of majesty in controlling the past and the present. No matter how this expansion takes energy, all the breath will be hidden after the historical long axis is rolled.

Hearing Lingmeng’s question, Yue Zhong shook his head and said, “Okazaki Mengmei has the ability to break through the repression of the historical long axis in a short period of time, which is why I didn’t have any hope in the beginning. You must pay attention to this when you are a monster. I am attacked by a sudden big monster, but I have no defense."

   "I see, that is to say, you can't fight head-on, is there a way to change this?" The companion's strength enhancement is obviously what Lingmeng would like to see. If Yue Zhong has the idea, he might try it.

After pondering for a moment, Yue Chong actually nodded his head and confirmed this matter: "All the people and monsters that did not originally belong to this world come from the fantasy town connected by the long axis of history, including you, and the supply of energy depends on that. How much reconstruction can be achieved after the destruction of Fantasy Township, if you all go back, the power I can call is equivalent to Dragon God... or even higher."

Lingmeng is not interested in retrieving the memories of the past, and naturally will not agree to return to the so-called fantasy town. Of course, it is no opinion to put back some monsters that do not threaten humans such as Hetong Tengu. How about a group of heavy workers catching it back first?"

"It's not necessary, you can't get out when you go in. This process is irreversible. They still have the value to use now." Because of the earthquake, the battle between the special forces and the moon rabbit soldiers was also forced to stop, but when Yue Zhong contacted The commander of the special forces later learned that they had controlled the Earth-Moon Passage, and the people on the moon seem to have discovered this too. The leading troops rushed over. The special forces are still barely able to control the situation. "Go to seal the passage first. It would also be troublesome to let two moon princesses call."

   successfully sealed the Diyue Channel, and the remaining Moon Rabbit soldiers chose to surrender after knowing that the support was hopeless, and the gang of guys Yue Zhong had already figured out a solution in advance. It is not appropriate to kill them. After all, they are just ordered to act without any malicious intent to humans: "Hui Ye, I have hoarded a lot of Moon Rabbit soldiers here, are you interested in keeping them?"

Huiye, who was still waiting for the handsome guy to arrive, connected the phone and smiled when he heard the news: "You ran Okazaki Mengmei so quickly. The concubine asked Lingxian to come and pick them up. You can't let Lingmeng catch my Bell Immortal again."

   "This..." Yue Zhong looked at Ling Meng subconsciously, and his conversation with Hui Ye did not avoid her intentionally.

Lingmeng politely grabbed the phone from Yue Zhong and said to Hui Ye: "Although I don't know who you are, I am here to warn you to restrain the rabbits under your control, as long as my boss will not let me catch you I’ll open my eyes and close my eyes.”

   "Hey, Lingmeng hasn't seen you for a long time, can you make a video call?" Hui Ye seemed excited when she heard Lingmeng's voice, but Lingmeng wasn't interested in taking care of her and returned the phone to Yue Zhong directly.

   "Hey... What's the sound of your idiot, Wocha Huiye, Lingmeng promised not to catch Ling Xian." Yue Zhongman said with a black line on his head.

"I didn't care about the concubine, Lingmeng was so unsympathetic, didn't she really remember what we were doing in the change of Yongye?" Huiye knew that Yue Zhong was complaining disappointedly after the phone call. .

   "Hang up." Yue Zhong hung up the phone without waiting for Huiye to answer, and this NEET Ji was really excited to be overwhelmed.

After solving the problem of Penglai Mountain, Yue Zhong didn't actually see Meihong and found Huiyin's whereabouts when she searched the underground space: "Did she really be persuaded by Okazaki Save Huiyin and run away?"

Yue Zhong still has some regrets about this. Although he does have a good strength right now, for Yue Zhong who is used to deploying the whole situation, one more person means one possibility, not to mention his current strength. Powerful yet facing a real strong enemy is also a paper tiger.

Lingmeng on the side knows that Yue Zhong did not find Meihong and mocked, "What about the good brotherhood?"

   "I was eaten by Tengu, and I always feel that the wind is a bit strong here." Yue Zhong raised his head and saw that the full-bodied Shuming Maruwen held the camera and pointed at him. "Come and beat this guy!"

   The sister red that Yue Zhong was worried about wasn’t what Yue Zhong imagined and was moved by Okazaki Mengmei and decided to leave him. The real persuasion was that she was Bai Shize.

Huiyin was rescued by Meihong's second prison seal when she was fighting against Okazaki Mengmei and Lingmeng. She was destroyed by Meihong and her prison was rescued. Meihong, who wanted to go with Yuezhong, heard Huiyin's words: " Meihong, I can’t go with you, I know a lot about Yue Zhong’s information, because I have even seen the human named Qi Xiaomeng because of its close relationship with the historical long-axis attributes. Now humans don’t need us to protect On the contrary, I am indeed the monster in Yue Zhong’s eyes. One day I don’t want you to embarrass me and him. If you want to help him go, remember to find your human heart..."

How could Meihong be willing to drop Huiyin? Although she didn’t understand the meaning of the other party’s words, since Huiyin didn’t want to see Yue Zhong, she took the other party to find a chance to bypass the defensive exit and left Penglai Mountain .

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