Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 263: Training direction

Yue Zhong had little contact with the army before. Those military training experiences were like playing a house compared to special forces. Afterwards, he briefly ruled the armed forces on the side of the big devil, but there was a person who was in the middle of the Kamikaze to return to the Parliament. He also has no direct command.

  Clap your hands as a reminder signal, Yue Dadao said loudly: "Peace special forces are the frontline force to defend national security, and you are not doing well at this point."

Yue Zhong raised his hatred, even if the special forces did have such self-blame, but such uncovered accusations will inevitably make some people angry and angry. The people from the Jinan Military Region are okay. They have seen the shocking ground of Penglai Mountain. Keeping silent, jumping out to refute the veterans of the Imperial Military Region: "Reporter, I personally killed two ogres and rescued six civilians who were captured by the monster. This time, the selection of Glow focused on the experience of killing monsters. Special Forces, I believe most of these people are here. Why do you say that we are not doing well?"

   Yue Zhong nodded at him, Li Se said: "As a special soldier, you should know that the completion of the mission is the most important thing, only talking about the record but ignoring the monsters of the imperial capital is still threatening the safety of civilians, don't you feel ashamed?"

   "I've tried my best to be the best. I dare to ask how many monsters the sir has killed?" This veteran didn't eat Yue Zhong's suit, so he wanted to talk to him about his record.

Yue Zhong raised a finger, and the veteran laughed when he saw it. He was just trying to say that you hadn’t killed me much. Why did we hear Yue Zhong said when we sir: "I killed one by hand, but I found the monster’s old nest and Successfully send a signal to the International Criminal Police, if it is an assist, it is more than a thousand."

The veteran stunned for a long while, still trying to speak, and was interrupted by Yue Zhong: "The current emperors are temporarily safe, but don't take it lightly. In the future, there may be other monster groups infiltrating. I mention these purposes. I want to tell you that maybe you are the best among humans, but in the face of monsters, it is unwise to focus on killing individuals. The meaning of glow is to shine. The theme of future training will focus on how to protect yourself as much as possible. Obtain various information such as the distribution and strength of monsters, and indicate the target of humanity."

From the beginning, Yue Zhong planned to determine the development direction of this special force as a reconnaissance specialty. After having a long history, he happened to have the ability to cultivate in this respect. The special forces who questioned their combat capabilities were stopped by continuing to speak. Yue Zhong took the long axis of history and shaped the monster he had encountered.

  Special soldiers watched a few lively evil monsters appear in front of them but there was no riot. They all knew that this was made by their own chief. Although they could not believe it, they listened patiently.

"The most important feature of monsters is the power of monsters. Humans cannot easily feel this special power, so our training task today is to recognize the existence of power of monsters. These monsters are the more powerful types that I have encountered. Their power of monsters It may be more powerful to give you a clear understanding." Yue Zhong briefly introduced the following: "They don't move now, everyone comes up to contact them, and learn to recognize when they don't rely on any equipment as much as possible. The smell of monsters and the more illusory magic power, I will let them attack you when you fall asleep tonight, you have to try to escape under their sneak attack, this is the training of these days, reminder, if you are not careful, you will die of."

   Ordered special forces began to watch the butchers and other monsters in order. During this period, people asked Yue Zhong from time to time, and he also answered patiently.

   "These monsters can smell odors even if they are far away, but in reality we can hardly track down based on this point. Do they have the ability to hide the smell?"

"Not only do they hide the smell, they can also transform themselves into ordinary people with their demon power. I have also been deceived before, but how to see through the disguise is the subject of the future. When the monster attacks, unless it is a particularly powerful type Otherwise, the body will be exposed, and understanding their smell will be helpful for future tasks."

   "We have dissected some monsters before and found that their digestive system has many similarities with humans, which also means that they do not necessarily have to be humans, so why should monsters risk humans?"

   "I also asked a monster about this question, he means: if the pig can talk, if it asks the butcher why you humans want to eat pigs, can't the other eat it. How should you answer as a butcher?"

The emergence of the new enchantment not only provides monsters with living space and power support, but also makes some human beings in this world without supernatural phenomena appear to have the potential to fight monsters. Without systematic training and time accumulation Under such circumstances, this kind of potential can hardly form combat power, but in Yue Zhong's attempt, some special forces have recognized the demon power.

A total of 18 such special forces appeared. Yue Zhong immediately announced that they will serve as the training captain and select some members to form a training team: "This is a talent. You may have new developments in the future, but now you can make good use of it. Identify the superiority of the demon power, and take your squad for training. Everyone will rely on this ability in future operations."

  After more than an hour, the commander of the military area and the political commissar arrived at the station of the Glow Special Forces. At this time, some eager special forces had asked Yue Zhong to liberate these virtual monsters for actual combat exercises.

"Yes, adjutant, you can invite the commander and political commissar to let them also see how the combat capabilities of the Glow Special Forces are now. You do your best to kill these virtual monsters." Although the construction of these monsters will do It consumes the energy of the long axis of history, but if the basic energy is used as a guarantee, Yue Zhong will spontaneously collect history to supplement it as long as it is not overused. Expansion of the historical field that conforms to the status quo can speed up recovery and even excess storage, but this This expansion was formed by overdrawing local history. If Yue Zhong now returns to Penglai Mountain, he will find that there is no time for the historical long axis to collect energy.

In front of the training ground is the leadership seat, and a blue rain shelter is built above. The commander and political commissar of the military area where Yue Zhong waits here, the two big men have some opinions about Yue Zhong’s behavior that does not understand the etiquette, although His command system does not belong to the military area, but fortunately it is a nominal existence. If he did not go to see them on the first day of office, he would not ask them to come, but he would not come to meet him in person.

   "The arrogant young man." The two of them have already labelled Yue Zhong in their hearts.

When they came in, the two didn't notice what the special forces were watching on the training ground. When they saw it clearly, they were all frightened and quickly asked Yue Zhong: "There are monsters running in, why don't the soldiers Kill them?"

Yue Chong felt that he had already set the position too far, and explained with a polite smile: "These monsters have been killed by me, and now the projection in front of them appears, which is part of my ability, Next, I would like to invite the two heads of government to watch the fact that the Glow Special Forces are fighting each other."

The two chiefs of the military area have seen the appearance of monsters in the video and the combat report, but this is the first time that the first time they saw the troops engage with them, it is for the sake of Yue Zhong’s attitude that they have left behind for the time being. The dissatisfaction nodded and said, "It seems that Colonel Yue is a man who is very popular. The training plan is drawn up so quickly, so let's start."

There are a total of three monsters on the field. In addition to the butcher, the other two are the imperial capital leaders who once disguised as chess old men. Their strength comes from Yue Zhong’s memory of them. The simulation of the historical long axis in this case It is impossible to achieve the same percentage, but their signature skills still exist.

   With the connection of the long axis of history, the three monsters are under the control of Yue Zhong, but he does not have the mental power to perform the three-line operation, so he only issued the bottom line command to avoid casualties and then completely liberated the three monsters.

The first time the training was started, the special forces who had been waiting for it had already dispersed following the advice of colleagues from Jinan. They carried out combat deployments around the training ground with weapons such as rifles, sniper rifles, etc., but the three monsters remained in place. Nothing What's going on, won't the three monsters from the colonel move? "A special soldier who had participated in the battle of Penglai Mountain was puzzled. Suddenly he found that his vision had become blurred, and soon even the people around him could not see clearly, "Observer, what happened!" "

   This soldier is a sniper, and an observer equipped with thermal imaging equipment beside him responded: "No, the equipment can't see what is happening. It is probably a monster...Well!"

The observer didn't finish what he said, but the sniper didn't ask what happened. He picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and rolled it in place. After completing the evasive tactical action, there was a monster smell that had been smelled several times in his nose: "Attack?"

In the leadership seat, the two heads were blocked by heavy fog, and they didn't know what was happening on the training ground. However, Yue Zhong had taken this into consideration long ago, pulling the long axis of history as a display, and three monsters. Three shots are presented above: "In one minute, 27 people have lost their combat capabilities. The response of the special forces has avoided many attacks, but in the case of obstruction of sight, it is nothing more than flesh on the board. ."

   "Is this the monster's ability?" The first two heads saw the situation for the first time, and their expressions became dignified. "Is there any way to deal with it?"

"These are the leaders of the monster groups that once raged in the imperial capital. It is precisely because of their ability that the Interpol experts have repeatedly failed to return." Yue Zhongdao said, "Let's take a look at my soldiers. What kind of response, if the whole army is annihilated without causing them any harm, it will be too disappointing."

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