Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 269: Airport negotiations

   Yue Zhong was the first time he went abroad in his own world. He didn't speak the language of the European region, but when he came, he deceived an interpreter, that is, his driver and Yongping.

   "I can't see Xiaohe and you can speak English." Yue Zhong's tone was amazed, as if everyone was a language idiot like him.

"The chief of the report, I have read the army's non-commissioned officers' school. I can speak not only English, but also French, German, and Italian." He Yongping felt that his chief had regarded him as another big soldier, anyway, he was also a non-commissioned officer. The first place in the first term, the existence of the military school tyrants, otherwise why would he be drawn out and assigned to Yue Zhong as a guard, the fancy is that Yue Zhong is likely to travel to various countries and need a language talented helper.

   Yue remade the shot and Yongping got off the plane, and after they left, the military transport plane that had obtained the temporary landing permission was refueled and flew back: "The boy is very powerful, I am optimistic about you."

   There was a little depression in his heart. Yue Zhongzheng planned to get more fun from He Yongping, a guy who looked a little wooden, but soon he found a red and white bow rushed across the opposite side... and its master in the police uniform, Boli Lingmeng.

   "Waiting for you all night, can't you hurry up?" Lingmeng asked Yue Zhong about his sin, as if it had become a habit.

  Yue Zhong pointed innocently to the transport plane that flew away: "I think too, but the plane can't fly faster."

"Okay, there is something here that you need to analyze for me. The rabbit group came to me, but although I think they are a little bit badhearted, they don't know where the problem is." Ling Meng led Yue Zhongbian as he walked I just said things again.

When Yue Zhong saw Hui Ye and smiled and waved at himself, Lingmeng had finished speaking. He didn’t immediately answer Lingmeng’s doubts and sighed: "The starting point of Gao Shuaifu is higher than others. I had to be so easy to hook up with Xiaoyan Just go."

   "Isn't he the fool you found as a scapegoat, why do you still envy him." Lingmeng has always had a wrong understanding of Zhou Jin, that is, he was regarded as a big head of injustice.

"Well, personal pursuits are different. Although the cause is also used, it may not be able to turn over to be the master." Yue Zhong walked over and shook hands with Zhou Jin, teasing, "You came to cover my boss, I am very personal Embarrassed."

   Huiye blinked innocently, "Yue Zhong, do you want to be skewed, but we came to help? When I was in Fantasy Township, I saw that old lady was not good."

Yue Zhong said politely: "Hui Ye, your ambitions are a bit too big, and actually put your idea on the Interpol. If you let most members of the Interpol and even the reserve service are controlled by the drugs of your group company, the future What autonomy is left."

   "Then what do you mean, are you not going to accept Yonglin's new medicine?" Hui Ye walked around Yue Zhong in an elegant step and smiled softly, "It has become different and has a lot of confidence."

   Zhou Jin also interjected in a timely manner: "Yue Zhong, I can guarantee that what you said will not happen, all drugs and Interpol can be inspected and tested, and there will be absolutely no problems."

"Not that. Control is not entirely a compulsory means. When humans have a strong dependence on the ability to surpass others, they will always want to ask for more. It is not a problem to speak at the airport. Spirit dreams can bring Do they go to the headquarters? I think we are not qualified to agree to their conditions on behalf of the Interpol. The attitudes of the Son of God and Bai Lian are more critical." Yue Zhong looked at the sky intentionally or unintentionally, I don’t know why, when he was sitting on the plane There is an inexplicable sense of security and intimacy, which seems to be fearless when it is close to the sky.

All plans that depend on the Great Enchantment may become Yue Zhong’s enemies in the future. He cannot allow this kind of thing to develop freely, because his ultimate goal now is to rescue Xiaomeng, who has been integrated into the Great Enchantment, In this way, the Great Enclave will inevitably lose its energy support and collapse. In this kind of thing, those with vested interests will resist and resist like the monsters.

   Yue Zhong wants to know Lingmeng's attitude. When there are no more monsters in the world, will she be willing to give up her powerful ability to be an ordinary person, or return to Fantasy Township to become a witch again. However, the possibility of the latter is not very high, and the history she has experienced cannot be forgotten. Unless hidden, she will always be hostile to the monster, so it is not appropriate for someone to be a witch.

   did not ask the exit after all, because Yue Zhong was worried that she was unwilling. If so, then she might have a disagreement or even break with her.

Lingmeng pulled Yue Zhong aside and quietly said: "The Son of God and Bai Lian have gone to Geneva to participate in the summit meeting. Before they left, they handed me a task together to find a way to take Iceland back. Other things can be solved later. ."

Yue Zhongwen thought for a while and said afterward: "Zhou Jin's harm here is as great as the impact of the monster's plan on the future. For this, we still use the previous strategy and let them compete. I was training the troops. I found some interesting changes, maybe I don't have to rely on what they bring to make ordinary soldiers become excellent demon experts."

"We have no control over Yakumo Zi, but Zhou Jin must ask him to reach an agreement with the Interpol. Just like Lan Xiang Heavy Industry, their development direction must be known to us, and at the same time they should be exposed as rabbit monsters. They are as helpful to humans as Lan Xiang Heavy Industry, and monsters must first eliminate them if they want to defeat humans, this degree needs to be grasped, on the one hand, let them not fall, on the other hand, let them No absolute advantage can be formed."

  Ling dreamed and understood Yue Zhong's meaning, but she couldn't handle this kind of scheduling herself: "Are you doing this?"

"If Shenzi and Bailian also agree to my plan, I am willing to be this person." After giving affirmative answer, Yue Zhong shifted the topic to the battle against Iceland. "We have other things we can borrow for this operation. Power?"

Ling Meng pulled his hand and said: "The ghost ship of the village yarn water honey can be dispatched, knowing that there are not many of them, the Budu groups have been exposed and monitored. Only I Interpol also said that I was on the side of Lanxiang Heavy Industry. Not found for the moment."

"That is to say, you and me, plus a ghost ship, will rush into the monster's old den?" Yue Zhong did not expect that the manpower available was so small, if the manpower of the Xinglian ship and the Shenling Temple could use him Not so passive.

   Lingmeng tilted his head and asked: "Yes, is there any problem?"

   "Can I apply to buy an urn first?" Yue Zhong sighed and looked at a confident look of Lingmeng, "Ordinary monster nest is okay, are you arrogant when you think of Yun Yun Zi and You You Zi?"

Faced with an almost impossible task, Yue Zhong immediately thought of Hui Ye who was still waiting for their reply. If you could bring Ba Yi Yong Lin’s golden thigh out to hug Ba Yun Zi, Ling Meng might not be able to defeat You You Zi, Huiye should also be able to suppress Yakumo blue. From the bright side, Iceland’s monster forces are three big monster level characters. Yue Zhong said that he can still bully children, and even participate in the Double Eight Battle. Yong Lin won the victory.

   "Yue Zhong, do you think the former Moon Sage would listen to a human arrangement?" Hui Ye mocked Yue Zhong seriously.

Taking this opportunity, Yue Zhong also questioned: "At this time, Yong Lin is unwilling to come forward, and I dare not believe your sincerity. The cooperation has ended here, and Interpol will not interfere with the development of a normal group company. , But Huiye, you have to understand that there is always a certain degree. The predecessor of this English name company is an international fraud group."

"Hey, it actually threatened the concubine, and the concubine's body helped you not too small, right?" Hui Ye sees that Yue Zhong can't help Yue Zhong, so he plays the affection card, pinching the skirt's pitiful Zhang Dashui Run's eyes. Zhu Yue said.

   "Selling Meng is useless, I'm almost sent to be a cannon fodder." Yue Zhong is very firm in his stance, even if Yong Lin is not willing to come forward, wouldn't you do nothing about this princess who is doing nothing?

   Huiye instantly changed his face and made a bargaining look: "The concubine will borrow Lingxian for you?"

"That's okay, are you not interested in going together?" Yue Zhong said Hey, how can a petite princess who has no power to go to the frontline in person, Wan Once captured by a monster, wouldn't it be terrible, ah, it would be terrible! "Hui Ye, have you recently hooked up with the Fairy Fairy? What does this deliberately distorting statement mean?"

After busy working for a long time, poor Bell Immortal fell into Yue Zhong’s claws again. Yue Zhong, who only added this combat power, promised that Hui Ye could let Lingmeng’s team conduct drug contact cooperation first. Specific deep cooperation still requires Feng Cong. Ear God and St. White Lotus only need approval.

"Hui Ye, I declare in advance that the Interpol will not completely give you the initiative. This kind of cooperation is only limited to the range that Lingmeng can control, but you can compete with Bayunzi for the international market. Well, I want to win a head of state is better than controlling a policeman." Yue Zhong exposed his final purpose.

   Huiye nodded with a smile, but then said with a finger: "Concubine is always looking forward to a person who can overcome the concubine."

   Iceland's combat plan meeting was temporarily held in the airport police room. Although Yue Zhong and Ling Meng have the right to speak, other international criminal police can only play soy sauce temporarily.

   "Lingmeng, is there any force that can be borrowed near the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean?" Yue Zhong needed to win more chances for this operation, so he had to let Lingmeng rack his brain to think about the people nearby.

   "There are only two, one is the Kyoumi Yuka who lives in the Netherlands, and the other is an unknown monster who lives underground in Norway, but I don't think it is a good idea to get help from other monsters in the battle against monsters."

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