Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 280: Shortcut to the great enchantment

The enemies of the offender moved into their formation instantly and the overwhelmed Moon Rabbit soldiers inevitably panic, when they saw their comrades fall silently in a circle around the black magic shadow. On the ground, when the body was filled with wings that gradually turned to ashes, the fear in my heart finally broke out.

The Moon Rabbit soldiers wanted to escape, but the warning that Xiao Meiyan implanted in their heads prevented them from acting rashly. The battle was less than a minute from the beginning to the end. All the Moon Rabbit soldiers who were still alive all put down their weapons and honestly prostrate. Waiting on the ground.

  The contrast of power is not at a level at all. It is easy to subdue the moon rabbit soldier Xiao Meiyan who is subduing this post. Once the waves are in mind, it should be the case.

   Tong Yue, who had planned to do a big job, ran to the post and jumped up, seeing all the Moon Rabbit soldiers lying on the ground glanced at his mouth slightly: "It's really boring, it's over so soon."

Xiao Meiyan tilted her toes to lift the Moon Rabbit soldier in front of a commander's costume. With a thrilling evil smile, she removed the contact device above the other party's head. With her technical ability, she easily understood all the structures and functions of the contact device. , And then sent a message to the base marked with the highest authority: "I will see the highest commander within ten minutes, timeout, at your own risk."

In the original world of Fantasy Township, the moon surface has been completely transformed into a planet suitable for human survival after hundreds of millions of years. With the technology of the earth at that time, it was not able to find this. All the things discovered by the lunar exploration project are only phantom technology. The false appearance of the original appearance. If the moon over there hasn’t been transformed, will the moon people and rabbits need to breathe? Don’t say, the monsters from the earth during the lunar wars may suffocate and die quickly without playing. After all, the monsters that don’t breathe are only a few. .

The new open moon is not suitable for human survival, and the moon rabbit soldier's communication device is also bound to the helmet together with the internal air circulation system. The moon rabbit soldier who removed the helmet soon fell into a state of suffocation. Struggling desperately to get his own helmet back, but the black Demon God kicked his throat directly, avoiding his suffocation.

"Hey, why do you want to kill him?" Tong Yue, who witnessed all this, felt that Xiao Meiyan's approach was cruel. If the other party is an enemy, it doesn't matter, but the Moon Rabbit soldiers surrendered, and their own side is the invasion. In this way, Tong Yue, whose aesthetic view is distorted but the three views are normal, cannot be accepted.

  Xiao Meiyan looked at Tong Yue sideways: "Are you questioning me?"

"What is fierce, is far worse than my family's Xiaomeng, and I don't know why that Yue Zhong likes you with all his heart." Tong Yuetian said with fear and fear, "You have the ability to answer me. "

Xiaomeiyan looked up at Tongyue with her head high, and finally chose to explain: "The concentration of their fear is not enough. It is very likely that they will pick up their weapons and fight again after the support comes. It doesn't matter if I am here, but you still There is no ability to resist the attack of their weapons, and now the fear is enough."

Tong Yue didn’t believe Xiao Meiyan’s remarks. To what extent was a person scared, and what would he do at this level can be clearly known: "Why are you so sure, I see these rabbit-eared people and Rabbits are as timid as they are..."

   "Because, I am a magical girl who has absorbed the blasphemy power, all emotions about despair will come to me, how can you understand that feeling if you don't know anything?"

Speaking of the power he currently possesses, Xiao Meiyan's eyes flow with a feeling of sadness, his eyelids are slightly wrinkled and his pupils are tightened, and the deliberately raised head naturally returns to the normal position, completely without the previous one A kind of evil charm temperament.

  Tongyue didn't quite understand Xiao Meiyan's mood, but when she saw that she wasn't that good, she asked no more, cut her head and dropped her head to the side.

The cruel killing of the Moon Rabbit soldiers did indeed have a great deterrent effect. The originally bolder Moon Rabbit soldiers also sneaked up to observe the actions of Xiao Meiyan and Tong Yue. Now they are all honest. After going down, he almost buried his face in the floor of the post.

The ultimatum issued by Xiao Meiyan caused a lot of sensation after being known by the moon people at the forward base. When they came here to establish the forward base, the people had discovered the great enchantment that enveloped the world. They were transforming the moon at the same time. I have also been observing the situation of the Great Boundary. Nowadays, some people have captured a distant post without their knowledge. The first thing that people think of is the Yakumo Zi who once launched the lunar war.

  In the war room, important front-line commanders gathered together. At the head was a red skirt girl with long purple hair and a single ponytail. Her eyes were firm and fierce, and naturally exuded a murderous military temperament.

Her name is Mianyue Yiji. After learning that Fantasy Township has moved to a new world and linked the moon together, Yiji applied for the command of the forward base to develop the new moon. At the same time, she was also holding a Bayi Yonglin brought back the heart of the moon.

The samurai sword was placed in a sheath and leaned on a tactical table with a lunar map. The lunar officers in other positions were still asking themselves to send troops to clean up the brave intruders. However, Yi Ji who had been to Fantasy Township knew that voice was not Belonging to anyone in Fantasy Township, she was able to communicate with the gods, but she heard another meaning. The background of that voice was so thick as to be the gods.

  If the opponent exists as a god, then no one in the forward base can contend with it. Even if the attack is carried out in the nest, it will end in total destruction.

   "All are quiet, this time I will go alone." Yi Ji made a decision and knocked on the table.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. Last time you made your own claims against the invaders from Fantasy Township. This time you can't let you come." A handsome moon officer on the left refuted Yiji's opinion If it is just a subordinate, it is not easy to question the decision of the commander in chief, but his identity is not as simple as a subordinate. He also has a son who is Mengyue Fengji and husband of Mianyue Yiji.

The long life span of the moon people makes their ethical concepts very different from those of human beings, so it’s normal to marry your aunt. Because of her husband’s opposition, Yi Ji had to explain: “Relax, this time it’s not Fantasy Township Goblin, I can be sure that the other party does not mean to be an enemy to Yueren, otherwise she will not ask to see me anymore."

   "In case she just wants to lead you over and kill you, without you sitting in command, the base will definitely be broken." Yi Ji's husband said.

Yi Ji stood up and said decisively: "I have decided, and I feel that this will be an opportunity to bring the masters and craftsmen back. I am afraid I will lose this opportunity if I send troops to the enemy. I am not in the forward base. At that time, you are in charge of the command."

Mianyue Yiji's attitude is firm, her husband is short in terms of seniority or status, and he also knows that his wife is a strong and courageous person. If she insists on doing something, she will stop it anyway. No way.

   "Then you must be careful, and return immediately if the other party is not friendly." Although Yi Ji's husband told him so, he had decided to ask for help from the lunar capital of another world.

Mianyue Yiji, as an instructor and a messenger of the moon rabbit, has almost reached the peak of the moon man. Even in another world, she can still mobilize the power of the gods in her body to fight, This makes her combat power still out of victory. With his understanding of the gods, even though Xiao Meiyan had an unusual breath, she would not necessarily be forced by her.

Xiao Meiyan, who was waiting at the outpost, was slightly surprised when she saw Mianyue Yiji coming alone. She thought she would be facing the overwhelming army of moon rabbits. She was ready to fight: "Without rabbit ears, it seems that you should It’s a higher-level species and dare to come alone. Should I admire your courage or say you have something to rely on?"

The presence of the Moon Rabbit Soldier is a consumable in itself for the Moon people. Mianyue Yiji doesn’t even touch the corpse lying on the ground: "I am the highest commander of the crescent moon forward base, Mian Yueyi Ji. This lady, I don’t know what offended you, let you kill me so much."

"Just in a hurry, UU reading wants to see the culmination of the creatures that exist here. Are you going to prepare someone to avenge them?" Although the eight million gods are exaggerated, most of them are It is the scum of insufficient combat power ⑨, even though Xiao Meiyan feels that the other party has the power of the **** with his own origin, he has completely overpowered the other party's divine power from the level.

Mianyue Yiji looked at the Moon Rabbit soldiers who had completely given up their resistance, and they knew that their men had been completely deterred. They were a little uncomfortable with their weak Yiji, but the nature of the rabbit was helpless, and the acquired training was also It is difficult to completely change its nature: "If you are not hostile, then I can not blame you for your attack on this post. After all, we have just arrived in this world and do not want to establish a strong enemy."

   "Say that you are not afraid of the chills of your men?" Xiao Meiyan gave the moon rabbit soldiers on the ground a strange look, but they did not respond.

   After probably understanding the other party's class order, Xiao Meiyan was interested in other meanings in Mianyue Yiji's words: "I didn't have the time to fight against you, but what do you mean when you say you come from other worlds?"

In this next month, Yiji can be sure that Xiao Meiyan has nothing to do with the people of Fantasy Township, even if it is likely to be an enemy, so she succinctly put the matter through the side and finally said: "The last time was a thousand The hard-to-reach tunnel to the moon is sealed, otherwise we have built an armed force in it."

   The appeal of this sentence to Xiao Meiyan is fatal. Xiaoyan's expression instantly changed from contempt to dignity: "What seal, take me to see, if possible I must enter the Great Enchantment once."

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