Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 281: internal trouble

The so-called earth-moon passage is near the base where the crescent moon advances, and the moon people are actually not interested in invading the earth. The previous collusion with Okazaki Mengmei was just the personal will of Miyazuki Yoshihime who wanted to find his mentor, Yoshihide Hayashi. It is manifested that Yue Zhong did not know that his act of regaining the long axis of history inadvertently destroyed Xiao Meiyan's only channel to help himself, otherwise he would get a strong backing as long as he worked hard for a while.

Although Lingmeng had not yet been guided by Yakumo Zi to accept the mission of the guardian of Fantasy Township when she performed the seal, her power was somewhat related to the Great Enchantment, which led to the unity of the Great Enchantment after the seal was formed. But it exists alone. After the plan to find Bayi Yonglin fails, Mianyue Yiji just sends troops to control it, so as to avoid the ambition of Bayun Zi after the earth has continued to expand and launch the third lunar war.

Xiao Meiyan and Tong Yue went through the heavily guarded checkpoints and then arrived at the entrance to the Diyue Passage. The elite guarded moon rabbits with guns and bullets received attention from Mianyue Yiji’s husband, and they never paid attention. The magic girls have been removed, it is not difficult to imagine that if they have a little change, they will be attacked in all directions.

   Standing in front of the entrance of the tunnel, Xiao Meiyan frowned after feeling the same breath as the Great Enchantment. She had little research on the enchantment itself. On the contrary, if it was blocked by technological means, she would be more likely to break through.

"There is almost no difference between destroying this place and destroying the big enchantment. We don't have this level of strength at present. If the earth-moon channel can only be abandoned. In fact, if the moon people have been multiplying for many years, the original moon capital has become overcrowded. We will not be here to risk the invasion of the monsters again to open up the crescent moon." Mianyue Yiji pointed to the Diyue channel in front of her.

The    Passage is not a portal, but a bottomless crater with a diameter of about two meters. It should belong to the original fantasy town and the different worlds, that is, a part of the fantasy town itself. Because Mianyue Sisters had been there and the long axis of history recorded history, it was transferred along with it during the conversion.

"The connection between the lunar capital and the crescent moon surface was established by cracking the water moon mirror flower left by Yakumo Zi. Under the guidance of this channel, the lunar capital took two months to realize the plane. Breakthrough." Mianyue Yiji explained tirelessly, and then stated her purpose, "The two should also come from other planes, then you must have mastered the skillful plane crossing technology, we are willing to pay at any cost To exchange all the theoretical data and actual parameters of this technology."

Xiao Meiyan shook her head to reject the proposal. She didn’t have any need to use the moon person, maybe there will be in the future, so she didn’t say anything: “Wait for a chance, let me say it, so I can’t break this seal. Alright?"

   "I personally want you to do this, but after you said that your purpose is to rescue a person's consciousness from the Great Enchantment, it is best not to do so." Mianyue Yiji suggested.

   "It seems that you are a qualified commander, at least knowing the advance and retreat."

Mianyue Yiji is still communicating with Xiaomeiyan, while the curious Tongyue has already reached the edge of the Diyue Passage and touched the invisible border light curtain with her hand, but something that everyone did not expect happened. By now, Tong Yue's hand actually passed through the barrier without obstruction.

   "Hey, Xiao Meiyan, I really want to be able to go in. Would you like to try it?" Tong Yue hadn't been able to make actual contact with Dajiejie before, and now she shouted excitedly after finding this anomaly.

  Xiao Meiyan walked quickly to Tongyue and extended her hand as tentatively as she did, but the enchanted light curtain unresponsively launched a counterattack to bounce her back.

   "You don't seem to be able to do it, is it because my relationship with Xiaomeng is better, can all pass the big enchantment?" Tong Yue speculated wildly.

"When Qi Xiaomeng went to collect history, you followed them together, so there was only one possibility, the long axis of history accepted you." Since Tong Yue could go in, Xiao Meiyan's mind came to life, but not Can you give her the teleportation device and then bypass the big enchantment and sneak in from another plane?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Meiyan felt that exploring the lunar surface had already achieved good results, and she did not want to stay here too much, so the pointing device that remained on the lunar surface was Yue Zhong’s elder brother’s improvement The production version was handed over to Tong Yue: "There must be a lot of things that interest you in the Great Enchantment, would you like to go in and see it?"

  Tongyue heard from Xiao Meiyan's tone of negotiation, and did not know how this guy suddenly changed his temper. She should let herself in with an irresistible tone.

   "Is it the influence of Xiaomeng's comparison with her? I didn't expect that she would care about these..."

  After seeing Tong Yue accepting the pointing device, he jumped into the circular mountain moon channel, Xiao Meiyan hurriedly said to Mianyue Yiji, and then left after having a chance to cooperate.

In order to avoid being blocked by the great enchantment to the greatest extent, Xiao Meiyan had to go back to the earth of his own world first. This is like two parallel line segments. The upper line segment was cut off in the middle and cut off the possibility of passing. In the case of this line segment, it may be feasible to draw close from another line segment at the same location as the destination and then achieve the crossing?

Xiao Meiyan didn't spend much time in the zero concept plane node domain of the spare tire major league, and the technology there is also the core secret of the panplane plane organization, so she has no way to get any information on that node domain, but by virtue of Her savvy can understand a little bit of the fur, and this time she will use her conjecture to actual experiment.

  Back to her own world, Xiao Meiyan did not rush to send a message to Tong Yue, but plunged into the laboratory. She wanted to realize her ideas not by using existing equipment.

But not long after Xiao Meiyan entered the laboratory, a communication request came from outside the door. He was able to come to the secret base and send the communication request in the research mode to let Xiao Meiyan know that only one person was set up. Permission, that is Lumu Yuanxiang.

   Connected to the connector, Xiao Meiyan said as gently as possible: "Is there anything about Madoka looking for me?"

The round **** who once fell into blasphemy surrounded by the star sea has lost countless causal and accumulated divine power to become an ordinary girl, and because her own causality is not left, she even lost the ability to predict and sign a contract to become magic The possibility of a girl.

   However, the girl named Lumu Yuanxiang remembers all the things. Because she has an excellent relationship with Xiaomeiyan and Sayaka, the two masters of the world, she is still an important member of the magical girl group.

"Xiaoyan, I have a question to ask you..." Lumu Yuanxiang's voice trembles slightly, as if she knows some unacceptable information, hesitating and nervous, she finally chose to ask herself after being silent for a long time. If you want to ask, "Is the various abnormal situations in the world caused by Homura?"

Xiao Meiyan's heart tightened when she heard the strange tone of Lumu Yuanxiang. After the other party finished speaking, she didn't know where she was showing her feet, but she still insisted on calmly: "Xiaoyuan, Why do you suspect me?"

  Lumu Yuanxiang quickly said: "It's not that I suspect Xiaoyan, but that the sisters Ma Mei and Sayaka have found a person. According to that person's inference and evidence, it is Xiaoyan that caused everything to happen."

Xiao Meiyan didn't reply. Just when Lumu Yuanxiang didn't know how it was good, the door of the secret base laboratory opened with a clatter, and Xiao Meiyan, who had replaced her white coat with pockets all over her body, came out from inside. Seriously said: "Xiaoyuan, who is that person, why should you believe him?"

   "He calls himself Shen Qu, and like Yue Zhong is a Chinese..."

Shen Qu, who lives in a plane similar to that of Yue Zhong, is also an otaku with a common family and who likes the second element of anime. However, unlike Yue Zhong, who is already working, he is still a college student who is studying. During sleep in class, somehow he was taken to a different space full of science fiction, where he learned that he was selected as a new member of the Raiders League, and knew that he carried far more anger than ordinary people. Luck and talent.

The Raiders of the Raiders generously gave him a seed called the Seed of This is a plant that grows in his own heart and can grow infinitely as he completes the wishes of others Super golden finger, with this seed, Shen Qu received his first task: "Save the world of magical girl Madoka from the edge of destruction."

   originally thought that he would come to the world at the beginning of the plot, Shen Qu had already prepared the magic girl's wish to upgrade the level to challenge the witch night, but when he came over and found that things were not what he imagined.

The night of the witch was killed long ago, and even the more powerful world-destroying witch was also beheaded by Saya of the Dragon Sword. The subsequent World of Warcraft disaster was beyond the limit of his imagination, but fortunately, the plot has been developed and Self-correction, after all, still returns to an acceptable state.

A guy named Yue Zhong once changed the world, but Shen Qu disliked what he did. In his view, the method of disregarding the life and death of innocent people is simply the extinction of human nature, and Yue Zhong’s final ending can be one. Retribution.

Shen Qu quickly found Ba Mami, and now the magic girl is valued by the whole world. The location of an active magic girl is not difficult to find. When he saw that the other party was interested and issued an inquiry, he knew that he stepped into magic An important step in the girly world is about to be taken.

"There is no doubt that the only culprit responsible for all this is Xiao Meiyan, only she has this ability, and it is not uncommon to do this kind of thing with her current state of mind, and Mami you said that Yue Zhong had another accident, she I'm afraid I want to save the other party, and it needs a lot of energy related to despair."

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