Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 291: cosplay

   Ghost-man Zhengxie shouted two times in a row and still didn't get any response from anyone. Outside of the black and white collision in front of him, everything was calm and strange.

The cunning celestial ghost soon felt that things were beyond her control, and immediately chose to leave Lumiya, who was still stupid and confronting Zao Miao, ready to slip away, but the person who caused this phenomenon did not give her this. opportunity.

At the moment when the body just moved, an irresistible gravitational field like a black hole sucked the ghost-man righteousness into the inverted sky firmly, and the power of the defiant moon was suppressed by death, the ghost-man righteousness heart There was a deep fear, and it was far beyond the level of the battle with Lingmeng, because she knew that this was an opponent she had no chance of winning.

At the end of the gravitational traction, ghosts and men found themselves in a space that was neither observable nor observable by the outside world, surrounded by the helpers brought by Jinquan Shadow Wolf and others, but they were all suppressed by powerful forces and lost consciousness. , With empty eyes and no emotion.

   "Who is it!" I can't see an enemy, the ghosts and the evil can't help but yell, which can help her relieve her inner fear.

Her call came back quickly, and an electronically synthesized voice asked, "Is Bayun Zi really doubting my identity? It's a good calculation. I have to deal with you, but all of this Not as she wishes."

"Ask you a question, and you can die if you don't answer." Shen Huoyu famously said: "The task you have received is to kill Dongfenggu Zaomiao, or the person in that villa, and when did you take it? Order to arrive?"

Ghost-man Zhengxie can clearly feel that the other party’s words do not contain any moisture. Whether she does not speak or lie is a dead end. Perhaps the other party will not simply let herself go, because she and the monster she brought The two big men are playing chess pieces.

"The time to receive the order is this morning, and the targets include Dongfenggu Zaomiao and the people in the villa." The ghost man Zhengxie sold Ba Yunzi without any psychological burden. For her, she can survive better than anything. Are important.

   "Very well, do you know who I am?" Shen Huo Yuming then asked.

   "I don't know, Yakumo Zi didn't give us any information about you. I only know that the target this time is Dongfenggu Zaomiao. If I know in advance that you are so powerful, I will definitely not come to die."

   "You can do a consciousness of an experiment." Ghost-man Zhengxie suddenly heard the sentence less than a second, and his head suddenly became dizzy, and then fell into the same state as the monsters around him.

Shen Huoyu, who controlled this super-gravitational space, lifted her chin to the unknown, so Rumia, the other side suddenly became honest after she appeared, put away the darkness around her, and sat down obediently. The ground looked at Shen Huo Yuming with joy.

   Lu Miya has the same breath as Shen Huo Yu Ming, which is why Shen Huo Yu Ming did not catch Lu Miya like other monsters.

   Shen Huo Yuming came to Lumiya and reached out and rubbed the other person's head, but his eyes looked at Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao who was not far away, "Are you all right?"

"Supreme Superintendent? I'm okay, don't worry..." Although she said so on her lips, the miserable appearance of Miao was not persuasive at all. She even spent several seconds to confirm Shen Huoyu's name, which shows her status It's already bad.

"I was late, but it was necessary. Tomorrow I have a very important thing for you to do. This is related to me and Yue Zhong. Do you understand?" Shen Huoyuming led Lu Miya 'S karate, "You worked hard to take care of his parents during this time, and then you may need to continue."

   Zao Miao rubbed his eyes strenuously and looked at the young girl shrouded in mist in front of her, suddenly showing a smile: "I understand, sister-in-law."

Shen Huoyuming... or Xiao Meiyan froze for a long time and understood the meaning of Zaomiao. She might be worried that she doubted her relationship with Yue Zhong, and because of the closeness of the other party and Yue Zhong’s parents, this left her dearest To the fantasy town, the girl who has lost her memory now seems to have found a new home.

This abrupt appellation made Xiao Meiyan feel a little throbbing in her inner heart. She was still a little afraid of meeting with Yue Zhong again. Will the man who was born and died for himself, after experiencing his own betrayal, will it be? It's still the same as before, and will he accept it as he is now? If you can’t, you seem to have nothing to pursue...

Xiao Meiyan can easily isolate Dajiejie’s surveillance of her, but she still doesn’t want Bayunzi to determine her identity so quickly, so she didn’t ask any more and stepped forward to help Zaomiao slowly walk in. In the villa.

Rumiya followed her mother and walked into the villa as well as she saw her mother. The night was the best time for the spirit of the monster. In the face of countless novelty in the villa, Rumia jumped up and down Playing in the living room, Xiao Meiyan on the other side just looked at her and began to treat Zao Miao's injury.

"Why do you think of Yue Zhong as an elder brother?" Xiao Meiyan's own power is full of despair and darkness, and the miracle power of early seedlings and her are two opposite attributes, so she can't be rudely treated by instilling energy. Zao Miao, but Xiao Meiyan passed through several worlds and got some precious props from her. On Zao Miao's body was her robbery from a strong young man with short red hair that claimed to be able to shield all damage and heal the host's sword sheath. The name seems to be called Avalon?

Zao Miao didn't see Xiao Meiyan's movements, and felt that there was something suddenly in his body, which constantly exudes gentle power to repair his body, just like freezing in the ice and snow for three days and three nights and then soaking in the warmth. The pool is generally comfortable. This feeling soothed the nerves and enlarged the pores. The wounds on the body healed continuously and reappeared the white skin. Early Miao snorted comfortably before answering: "It has little relationship with him, although Yue Zhong is also quite good. , But more from Uncle Yue’s care and love, I don’t remember who my parents are, and the feeling of being able to find a home is already very happy for me. In fact, I also know that they treat me as a daughter-in-law Yes, but Yue Zhong mentioned your existence with me from the beginning..."

   The body repair was completed soon, Zao Miao clutched his belly and said strangely: "It seems to have disappeared?"

"The unique item brought from other planes can only be used once. You can use it as a projection-like thing. After using it, it will automatically return to the plane that belongs to it, but I can go and take it away at any time." Xiao Meiyan's eyes on Zao Miao were much milder. She remembered her parents, but under the deliberate publicity of the man named Shen Qu, her actions were already known to the world, and they broke with the magical girl. After Xiao Meiyan returned home once, her parents saw her eyes full of pity, just like she had become a kind of depraved girl who did not know how to be shameless.

No one agrees, and no one can understand what kind of experience they have. All her views on her are based on moral conventions and common justice. Her parents want to save, but they arouse Xiao Meiyan's rebellious emotions. .

   They did not admit their efforts, never had...

Thinking of this, the killing intent on Shen Qu broke out as if it were substance, and the early seedling lying half on the sofa was taken aback, but soon Xiao Meiyan restrained the urge in her heart and just killed Shen Qu It's too cheap for him, Xiao Meiyan has developed a good plan to let the man who ruined his painstaking business experience taste more painful pains.

   In retaliation, Xiao Meiyan didn't know that she gave Shen Qu to spend a weak period of time. The other party and Yue Zhong are different. The background determines everything in many cases.

   "What's the matter?" Zao Miao knew boldly that Xiao Meiyan's killing intention would not be directed at her, so she asked boldly.

"Thinking of some annoying flies." Xiao Meiyan temporarily forgot the face of Shen Qu, said to Miao Zao, "Temporarily cannot let Ba Yun Zi know my identity, so you have to keep it secret for me. Shen Huo Yuming this People exist, but she also comes from the world of Okazaki Mengmei. Unlike Okazaki Mengmei, she is a crazier scientist, so I will continue to play this role. This time the monster comes to attack you is eight Yunzi prepared a temptation after knowing my existence. You need to find an opportunity for Okazaki Mengmei to confirm my authenticity."

   Zao Miao understood Xiao Meiyan's meaning and nodded: "Sister-in-law, do you think Da Tengu still has a connection with Okazaki Mengmei?"

"This is inevitable, otherwise how could she be so honestly enslaved by humans." Xiao Meiyan said, "I will conduct some experiments and research on the monster and the shot of Maruman that I caught this time, hoping to be most confused Live in Yunyunzi."

   "Does she have any consequences if she knows your sister-in-law?"

Zao Miao's question is a bit overdone, but Xiao Meiyan seems to have a certain degree of trust in She replied without thinking: "The reason why I didn't kill her after I came in was because I was worried that she would take Yue Threatening security threatens me, if she knows that Shen Huoyu's name is Xiao Meiyan, this is very restrictive for me. Humans can only rely on the technology left by Okazaki Mengmei to fight against monsters, but with Yayun Zi's old tricks. , This is not enough."

"Bayun Zi can control the Great Enchantment, relying on the common sense that Qi Xiaomeng's soul is the energy source. This thing from Fantasy Township means that its default world is dominated by monsters. Okazaki Mengmei wants to use some The common sense of mankind was confronted, so I chose Lanxiang Heavy Industry, and Yue Zhong vaguely guessed this. At the same time, in order to find a chance to save Qi Xiaomeng, I desperately tried my best to test the risk. All they did was to improve the sense of existence of human common sense. If human beings want to subvert this common sense, it is only necessary to constantly gain an advantage in the confrontation with monsters. When the advantage accumulates to a certain degree, then the control of the big enchantment becomes unstable, that’s the best shot I’ve made. It’s a good time. Before that, for Yue Zhong’s safety, I could only bear with it, and use the identity of Shen Huo Yu Ming to lead humankind to victory.” Xiao Meiyan said in a deep voice, “If you are exposed, I can only be forced to go.”

  Hao Miao listened to the news for half a day, and what she cared about most was not what Xiao Meiyan said. She knew the news that Yue Zhong was still alive. Then one day when he came back, Uncle Yue would be very happy, right?

   "Sister-in-law, why are you telling me this?" Zao Miao screamed more and more smoothly, but this is also the best strategy to win Xiao Meiyan's favor.

   "Because I feel you can trust." Xiao Meiyan said not all the reasons, perhaps more important is the name of early seedlings, in order to restore the last trust in my heart.

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